Publications of year 2005
Book chapters
  1. [BECK-05] N. Beckmann and Y. Crémillieux. A Tool for the Non-Invasive Evaluation of Drugs in Rat Models of Airways Diseases. In In Vivo MR Techniques in Drug Discovery and Development. N. Beckmann, editor. Books CRC, Publ., Some City, Some Country, 2005.

  2. [CREM-05b] Y. Berthezène and Y. Crémillieux. Combined MR ventilation/perfusion imaging. In Functional lung imaging, volume 200, pages 287-301. D.A. Lipson and E.J.R. van Beek, editors. Marcel Dekker, Publ., New York, USA, 2005.

  3. [CREM-05a] Y. Crémillieux. Intravascular imaging using hyperpolarized nuclei. In Functional lung imaging, volume 200, pages 267-286. D.A. Lipson and E.J.R. van Beek, editors. Marcel Dekker, Publ., New York, USA, 2005.

  4. [DOUE-05x] P. Douek, M. Hernández Hoyos, and M. Orkisz. Image Processing in Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography. In Magnetic Resonance Angiography, pages 55-64. G. Schneider, M.R. Prince, J.F.M. Meaney, and V.B. Ho, editors. Springer, Milan, Italy, 2005.

  5. [SAPP-05] D. Sappey-Marinier. La radioactivité au service de l'image. In Pour La Science. . December 2005.

  1. [CLAR-05] P. Clarysse. Analyse d'images cardiaques assistée par les modèles. H.D.R., INSA Lyon / Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2005. Jury: Axel L. (rap.), Ayache N. (rap.), Herment A. (rap.), Pousin J., Bittoun J., Revel D. et Magnin I.E.

  1. [ARME-05] C. Armenean. Etude de la sécurité de dispositifs endoluminaux en IRM. Doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2005. Jury: J. Felblinger (rap.), A. Leroy-Willig (rap.), J.F. Delforge, D. Barbier (prés.), H. Saint-James (dir.), E. Perrin (co-dir.).

  2. [BELA-05b] B. Belaroussi. Correction par traitement d'images de l'artéfact de susceptibilité magnétique dans les images IRM. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, October 2005. Jury: Saint-Jalmes, H. and Revenu, M. (rap.) and Bolon, P. (rap.) and Davenel, A. and Zaim-Wadghiri, Y. and Benoit-Cattin, H. and Odet, C. (dir.).

  3. [COTT-05a] F. Cotton. Anatomie in vivo de l'encéphale et de la voûte en IRM : quantification informatisée et normalisation. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2005. Jury: Froment J.C.(dir.), Franke J.P. (prés.), Guttmann C.G.(rap.), Ramirez-RozziI F.(rap.), Tran Minh V.A. et Vallée B.

  4. [DUQU-05b] H. Duque. Conception et mise en oeuvre d'un environnement logiciel de manipulation et d'accès à des données réparties. Application aux grilles d'images médicales: le système DSEM/DM2. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2005. Jury: L. Brunie (dir.), I.E. Magnin (dir), J. Montagnat, J.F. Mehaut, V. Breton (rap.), R Namyst (rap.).

  5. [GOUA-05d] A. Gouaillard. Contexte générique bi-multirésolution basé ondelettes pour l'optimisation d'algorithmes de surfaces actives. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, October 2005. Jury: GU X.D., Morvan J.M. (rap.), Delingette H. (rap.), Janier M., Benoit-Cattin H. et Odet C. (dir.).

  6. [GREN-05d] T. Grenier. Apport de l'espace des caractéristiques et des paramètres d'échelle adaptatifs pour le filtrage et la segmentation d'image. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, December 2005. Jury: P. Refregier ( prés.), D. Comaniciu (rap.), J.M. Nicolas (rap.),M. Jourlin (rap.), C. Revol-Muller, G. Gimenez (dir.).

  7. [LIEB-05b] H. Liebgott. Synthèse de réponse impulsionnelle en imagerie ultrasonore pour l'estimation vectorielle du déplacement. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 2005. Jury: P. Delachartre., R. Harba, J.A. Jensen, C. Jutten, L. Pourcelot (prés.), D. Vray, J.E. Wilhjem.

  8. [MARI-05] J.M. Mari. Localisation échographique d'inclusions fortement échogènes en tissus mous, application à la détection d'électrode. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2005. Jury: Duchene J. (rap., prés.), Bou Matar O. (rap.), Cachard C., Duhamel J.R., Gimenez. G., Unser M. et Basset O. (inv.).

  9. [MONT-05] B. Montcel. La tomographie optique diffuse résolue en temps : Applications fonctionnelles en Neurosciences. Doctorat, Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg 1, October 2005. Jury: S. Avrillier (rap.), C. Boccara (rap.), E. Hirsch (rap.), P. Meyrueis (prés.), S. Mottin, P. Poulet (dir.).

  10. [PILL-05e] F. Pilleul. Imagerie RMN endoluminale de la paroi digestive : du développement de l'instrument à son application in vivo. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2005. Jury: Olivier Beuf (co-dir.), Patrice Bret (rap.), Anne Leroy-Willig (rap.), Serge Piranda, Didier Revel (prés.), Hervé Saint-Jalmes (dir.), Pierre-Jean Valette.

  11. [ROCA-05b] R. Roca. Modélisation du débit sanguin cérébral absolu par méthode isotopique au Xénon-133 pour une utilisation clinique. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2005. Jury: Jury: S. Astilean, L. Cinotti (Rap.) O. Cozar, M.C. Lucaciu (Rap.) I.E. Magnin (Pres.) D. Sappey-Marinier (Dir.).

Articles in journal
  1. [ANDR-05] G. Androdias, M. Hermier, F. Turjman, J. Honnorat, and N. Nighoghossian. Simultaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebellar infarct revealing vertebral artery aneurysm : acute MRI assessment. Arch Neurol, 62(7):1158-1159, 2005.

  2. [BARR-05] C. Barrey, P. Mertens, J. Jund, F. Cotton, and G. Perrin. Quantitative anatomic evaluation of cervical lateral mass fixation with a comparison of the Roy-Camille and the Magerl screw techniques. Spine, 30(6):E140-7, 2005.

  3. [BAYA-05] S. Bayat, L. Apostol, E. Boller, T. Brochard, and F. Peyrin. In vivo imaging of bone micro-architecture in mice with 3D synchrotron radiation microtomography. Nucl Instr Meth Phys Res A, 548:247-252, 2005.

  4. [BENO-05] H. Benoit-Cattin, G. Collewet, B. Belaroussi, H. Saint-Jalmes, and C. Odet. The SIMRI project : a versatile and interactive MRI simulator. J Magn Reson Imaging, 173:97-115, 2005.

  5. [BILL-05] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, G. Desjeux, P.J. Valette, and F. Pilleul. 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the abdominal aorta and its distal branches: Interobserver agreement of radiologists in a routine examination. Acad Radiol, 12(2):155-163, 2005.

  6. [BILL-05a] C. Billet, J.M. Dudley, N. Joly, and J.C. Knight. Intermediate asymptotic evolution and photonic bandgap fiber compression of optical similaritons around 1550 nm. Optics Express, 13(9):3236-3241, 2005.

  7. [BILL-05b] C. Billotey, C. Aspord, M. Janier, O. Beuf, F. Gazeau, and C. Thivolet. T-Cell Homing to the Pancreas in Autoimmune Mouse Models of Diabetes: In Vivo MR Imaging. Radiology, 236(2):579-587, 2005.

  8. [BLUM-05] A. Blum, A. Bello, F. Guillemin, P. Douek, M.C. Laprévotte-Heully, and D. Wahl. GENEPI study group :Performance of magnetic resonance angiography in suspected acute pulmonary embolism. Thromb Haemos, 93:1-9, 2005.

  9. [BOSS-05a] E. Bossy, F. Padilla, F. Peyrin, and P. Laugier. Three-dimensional simulation of ultrasound propagation through trabecular bone structures measured by synchrotron microtomography. Phys Med Biol, 50(23):5545-5556, 2005.

  10. [BRAS-05] D. Brasse, P.E. Kinahan, C. Lartizien, C. Comtat, M. Casey, and C. Michel. Correction Methods for Random Coincidences in Fully 3D Whole-Body PET: Impact on Data and Image Quality. J Nucl Med, 46:859-867, 2005.

  11. [CHAV-05a] G. Chave, L. Milot, and F. Pilleul. Out of phase magnetic resonance imaging and liver applications. J Radiol, 86:993-997, 2005.

  12. [CHER-05] T. Cherifi, N. Abouchi, G.N. Lu, L. Fakri-Bouchet, L. Quiquerez, B. Sorli, J.F. Châteaux, M. Pitaval, and P. Morin. A CMOS microcoil-associated preamplifier for NMR spectroscopy. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I Regul Pap, 52(12):2576-2583, 2005.

  13. [COTT-05d] F. Cotton, X. Bouffard-Vercelli, and H. Rousset. Cerebral MRI: a non-invasive marker of systemic involvement in lupus. Neuroscience Imaging, 27(1):49-51, 2005.

  14. [COTT-05e] F. Cotton, T. Euvrard, F. Durand-Dubief, C. Pachai, M. Cucherat, F. Ramirez Rozzi, A. Bonmartin, A. M. Guihard-Costa, V. A. Tran Minh, B. Vallée, and J. C. Froment. Correlation between cranial vault size and brain size over time: preliminary MRI evaluation. J Neuroradiol, 32(2):131-137, 2005.

  15. [COTT-05b] F. Cotton, T. Euvrard, F. Durand-Dubief, C. Pachai, M. Cucherat, F. Ramirez Rozzi, A. Bonmartin, A.M. Guihard-Costa, V.A. Tran Minh, B. Vallée, and J.C. Froment. Evolution de la voûte crânienne et du parenchyme cérébral avec l'âge : étude préliminaire en IRM. J Neuroradiol, 31:131-137, 2005.

  16. [COTT-05f] F. Cotton, S. Kamoun, F. Rety-Jacob, V A. Tran-Minh, N. Nighoghossian, and M. Hermier. Acute hypertensive encephalopathy with widespread small-vessel disease at MRI in a diabetic patient: pathogenetic hypotheses. Neuroradiology, 47(8):599-603, 2005.

  17. [COUR-05] G. Courbebaisse. Numerical simulation of injection molding process and the pre-modelling concept. Comp Mater Sci, 34(4):397-405, 2005.

  18. [DAVI-05b] F. Davignon, J.F. Deprez, and O. Basset. A parametric imaging approach for the segmentation of ultrasound data. Ultrasonics, 43(10):789-801, 2005.

  19. [DERE-05] L. Derex, M. Hermier, P. Adeleine, J.B. Pialat, M. Wiart, Y. Berthezène, F. Philippeau, J. Honnorat, J.C. Froment, P. Trouillas, and N. Nighoghossian. Clinical and imaging predictors of intracerebral haemorrhage in stroke patients treated with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator. J Neurol Neurosur Ps, 76:70-75, 2005.

  20. [DESB-05a] A. Desbrée, F. Pain, H. Gurden, L. Pinot, D. Grenier, L. Zimmer, R. Mastrippolito, and P. Lanièce. A new multimodality system for quantitative in vivo studies in small animals: combination of nuclear magnetic resonance and the radiosensitive beta-MicroProbe. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 52(5):1281-1287, 2005.

  21. [DYDE-05] I. Dydenko, B. Durning, F. Jamal, C. Cachard, and D. Friboulet. An autoregressive model-based method for contrast agent detection in ultrasound radiofrequency images. Ultrasonic Imaging, 27:37-53, 2005.

  22. [FOLL-05] H. Follet, K. Bruyère-Garnier, F. Peyrin, J.P. Roux, M.E. Arlot, B. Burt-Pichat, C. Rumelhart, and P.J. Meunier. Relationship between compressive properties of human os calcis and microarchitecture assessed from 2D and 3D synchrotron microtomography. Bone, pp 340-351, 2005.

  23. [GERM-05] C. Germain, V. Breton, P. Clarysse, Y. Gaudeau, T. Glatard, E. Jeannot, Y. Legre, C. Loomis, I.E. Magnin, J. Montagnat, J.M. Moureau, A. Osorio, X. Pennec, and R. Texier. Grid-enabling medical image analysis. J Clin Monit Comput, 19(4-5):339-349, 2005.

  24. [GODE-05a] C. Godefroy, F. Pilleul, F. Dugougeat, D. Yzebe, A. Lachaux, J.P. Pracros, and P.J. Valette. Value of contrast-enhanced MR enterography in pediatric Crohn's disease: preliminary study. J Radiol, 86(11):1685-1692, 2005.

  25. [GREN-05] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, N. Costes, M. Janier, and G. Gimenez. Automated seeds location for whole body NaF PET segmentation. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 52(5):1401 - 1405, October 2005.

  26. [GUER-05] C. Guerin, P.G. Durand, C. Pereira, J.C. Richard, J.C. Poupelin, S. Lemasson, M. Badet, F. Philit, L. Vecellio, and G. Chantrel. Effects of inhaled fenoterol and positive end-expiratory pressure on the respiratory mechanics of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Can Respir J, 12(6):329-35, 2005.

  27. [HADD-05c] R. Haddad, P. Clarysse, M. Orkisz, D. Revel, and I. E. Magnin. A realistic anthropomorphic numerical model of the beating heart. Innov Tech Biol Med - RBM, 26(4):270-272, 2005.

  28. [HERM-05] M. Hermier, N. Nighoghossian, L. Derex, M. Wiart, C. Nemoz, Y. Berthezène, and J.C. Froment. Hypointense leptomeningeal vessels at T2*-weighted MRI in acute ischemic stroke. Neurology, 65:652-653, 2005.

  29. [HERN-05] M. Hernández Hoyos, M. Orkisz, P. Douek, and I.E. Magnin. Assessment of carotid artery stenoses in 3D contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography, based on improved generation of the centerline. Mach Graph Vision, 14(4):349-378, 2005.

  30. [HLAI-05] C. Hlaihel, P.M. Gonnaud, S. Champin, H. Rousset, V. A. Tran-Minh, and F. Cotton. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in Marchiafava-Bignami disease: follow-up studies. Neuroradiology, 47(7):520-524, 2005.

  31. [JAIL-05a] F. Jaillon and H. Saint-Jalmes. Scattering coefficient determination in turbid media with backscattered polarized light. J Biomed Opt, 10(3):034016, 2005.

  32. [JIA0-05] S. Jiao and R. Goutte. Genetic coding of image on synthetic peptides. Int J Imag Syst Tech, 25(3):168-171, 2005.

  33. [JRAD-05a] A. Jrad, A.L. Perrier, R. Bourtoutian, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. Design Of An Ultra Compact Electronically Tunable Microwave Impedance Transformer. Electronics Lett, 41(12):707-709, June 2005.

  34. [KAFT-05] V. Kaftandjian, Y.M. Zhu, O. Dupuis, and D. Babot. The combined use of the evidence theory and fuzzy logic for improving multimodal non destructive testing systems. IEEE Trans Instr Measur, 54(5):1968-1977, 2005.

  35. [KHAN-05] A.Z. Khan, L. Pisella, A. Vighetto, F. Cotton, J. Luaute, D. Boisson, R. Salemme, J.D. Crawford, and Y. Rossetti. Optic ataxia errors depend on remapped, not viewed, target location. Nat Neurosci, 8(4):418-420, 2005.

  36. [LABO-05] A. Laborde, M. Hermier, and F. Cotton. Clinical Vignette. Sciatic nerve entrapment secondary to heterotopic ossification: imaging findings and potential effect of selective cox-2 inhibitors. Rheumatology (Oxford), 44(1):110, 2005.

  37. [LAST-05] D. Last, F. Peyrin, and G. Guillot. Accuracy of 3D MR microscopy for trabecular bone assessment: a comparative study on calcaneus samples using 3D synchrotron radiation microtomography. Magma, pp 1352-8661, 2005.

  38. [LAUG-05] P. Laugier, F. Padilla, F. Peyrin, K. Raum, A. Saied, M. Talmant, and L. Vico. Apport des ultrasons dans l'exploration du tissu osseux. Innov Tech Biol Med - RBM, 26(5-6):299-311, 2005.

  39. [LIEB-05] H. Liebgott, J. Fromageau, J.E. Wilhjelm, D. Vray, and P. Delachartre. Beamforming scheme for 2D displacement estimation in ultrasound imaging. Eurasip J Appl Signal Process, 8:1212-1220, 2005.

  40. [LUO-05] J. Luo, Y.M. Zhu, P. Clarysse, and I.E. Magnin. Correction of Bias Field in MR Images Using Singularity Function Analysis. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 24(8):1067-1085, 2005.

  41. [MANS-05] J. Mansourati, M. Gilard, C. Cornily, G. Rioufol, G. Finet, Y. Pennec, J.J. Blanc, and J. Boschat. Noninvasive assessment of left main coronary stent patency with 16-slice computed tomography. Am J Cardiol, 95(1):110-112, 2005.

  42. [MAST-05] M. Mastrogiacomo, A. Muraglia, V. Komlev, F. Peyrin, F. Rustichelli, A. Crovace, and R. Cancedda. Tissue engineering of bone: search for a better scaffold. Orthod Craniofacial Res, 8(4):277-284, 2005.

  43. [MAUR-05b] R.L. Maurice, E. Brusseau, G. Finet, and G. Cloutier. On the potential of the Lagrangian speckle model estimator to characterize atherosclerotic plaques in endovascular elastography: in vitro experiments using an excised human carotid artery. Ultrasound Med Biol, 31(1):85-91, 2005.

  44. [MONT-05f] J. Montagnat, V. Breton, and I.E. Magnin. Partitioning medical image databases for content-based queries on a grid. Methods Inf Med, 44(2):154-160, 2005.

  45. [MONT-05e] J. Montagnat and H. Delingette. 4D deformable models with temporal constraints : application to 4D cardiac image segmentation. Med Image Anal, 9(1):87-100, 2005.

  46. [MONT-05b] B. Montcel, R. Chabrier, and P. Poulet. Detection of cortical activation using time-resolved diffuse optical methods. Appl Opt, 44(10):1942-1947, 2005.

  47. [MONT-05c] B. Montcel, R. Chabrier, and P. Poulet. Fluorescence and diffuse optical tomography: a system for small animal imaging. Innov Tech Biol Med - RBM, 26(4):252-254, 2005.

  48. [MONT-05a] B. Montcel, R. Chabrier, M. Torregrossa, and P. Poulet. Détection d'activations corticales par des méthodes d'optique diffuse résolues en temps. J Phys IV, 127:105-109, 2005.

  49. [OHAY-05] J. Ohayon, T. Boudou, G. Finet, and P.H. Tracqui. Extended characterization of the elastic properties of thin biological samples : a revised modeling of the micropipette aspiration experiment. J Biomech, pp 648, 2005.

  50. [PERR-05a] E. Perrin, R. Harba, I. Iribarren, and R. Jennane. Piecewise fractional Brownian motion. IEEE Trans Signal Proc, 53(3):1211-1215, 2005.

  51. [PEYR-05c] F. Peyrin, G. Boivin, and P. Braillon. Bone microarchitecture in human foetuses. Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism, 2(2):150-157, 2005.

  52. [PIAL-05b] J. B. Pialat, M. Hermier, L. Lion-Francois, and F. Cotton. Acute mesencephalic stroke associated with dilated cystic perivascular spaces. Neurology, 65(4):648, 2005.

  53. [PIAL-05] J.B. Pialat, M. Wiart, N. Nighoghossian, P. Adeleine, L. Derex, M. Hermier, J.C. Froment, and Y. Berthezène. Evolution of Lesion Volume in Acute Stroke Treated by Intravenous t-PA. J Magn Reson Imaging, 22:23-28, 2005.

  54. [PILL-05b] F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, C. Godefroy, J.Y. Scoazec, M. Armenean, C. Armenean, E. Perrin, P.J. Valette, and H. Saint-Jalmes. High-resolution MR imaging appearance of colonic tissue in rabbits using an endoluminal coil. Magma, 18(5):238-244, 2005.

  55. [PILL-05c] F. Pilleul, G. Chave, J. Dumortier, J.Y. Scoazec, and P.J. Valette. Fatty infiltration of the liver. Detection and grading using dual T1 gradient echo sequences on clinical MR system. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 29(11):1143-1147, 2005.

  56. [PILL-05a] F. Pilleul, C. Godefroy, D. Yzebe-Beziat, F. Dugougeat-Pilleul, A. Lachaux, and P.J. Valette. Magnetic resonance imaging in Crohn's disease. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 29(8-9):803-808, 2005.

  57. [PIST-05] E. Pistono, A.L. Perrier, R. Bourtoutian, D. Kaddour, A. Jrad, J.M. Duchamp, L. Duvillaret, D. Vincent, A. Vilcot, and P. Ferrari. Hybrid Tunable Microwave Devices Based On Schottky-diode Varactors. Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, Special issue on front-end solutions for cellular communication terminals, 1(2):109-116, June 2005.

  58. [PROK-05] M. Prokop, G. Schneider, A. Vanzulli, M. Goyen, S. Ruehm, P. Douek, M. Dapra, G. Pirovano, M. Kirchin, and A. Spinazzi. Contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the renal arteries: blinded multicenter crossover comparison of gadobenate dimeglumine and gadopentetate dimeglumine. Radiology, 234:399-408, 2005.

  59. [RATI-05] H. Ratiney, M. Sdika, Y. Coenradie, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Time-Domain Semi-Parametric Estimation Based on a Metabolite Basis Set. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine, 18:1-13, 2005.

  60. [RAUM-05a] K. Raum, I. Leguerney, F. Chandelier, E. Bossy, M. Talmant, A. Saied, F. Peyrin, and P. Laugier. Bone microstructure and elastic tissue properties are reflected in QUS axial transmission measurements. Ultrasound Med Biol, 31(9):1225-1235, 2005.

  61. [RICH-05] J.C. Richard, M. Janier, F. Lavenne, C. Tourvieille, D. Le Bars, N. Costes, G. Gimenez, and C. Guérin. Quantitative Assessment of Regional Alveolar Ventilation and Gas Volume Using 13N-N2 Washout and PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 46(8):1375-1383, 2005.

  62. [SARR-05] D. Sarrut, V. Boldea, M. Ayadi, J.N. Badel, C. Ginestet, and S. Clippe. Non-rigid registration method to assess reproducibility of breath-holding with ABC in lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 61(2):594-607, February 2005.

  63. [SULA-05] A. Sulaiman, F. Tronc, A. Orsini, M. Ladjali, D. Louis, P. Adeleine, and J.P. Gamondès. Le résultat du traitement de la paroi thoracique intérieure par la sternochondroplastie de Ravitch modifiée. Résultats de 25 adultes opérés. Journal de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire, 9(5):207-212, 2005.

  64. [XIE-05b] K. Xie, J. Yang, and Y.M. Zhu. Real-time rendering of 3D medical data sets. Future Generation Computer Systems, 21(4):573-581, 2005.

  65. [XIE-05c] K. Xie, J. Yang, and Y.M. Zhu. Semi-automated brain tumor and edema segmentation using MRI. Eur J Radiol, 56(1):12-19, 2005.

  66. [XIE-05] K. Xie, J. Yang, Y.M. Zhu, and X.L. Li. HVS-Based medical image compression. Eur J Radiol, 55(1):139-145, 2005.

  67. [ZHAO-05] J. Zhao, Y.M. Zhu, P.M. Sing, Q. Fan, and J.H. Luo. Recognition of gene acceptor site based on multi-objective optimization. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 37(7):435-439, 2005.

  68. [ZIEM-05] K. Ziemons, E. Auffray, R. Barbier, G. Brandenburg, P. Bruyndonckx, Y. Choi, D. Christ, N. Costes, Y. Declais, O. Devroede, C. Dujardin, A.A. Fedorov, U. Heinrichs, A. Hollendung, M. J. Korjhik, M. Krieguer, C. Kuntner, G. Largeron, C. Lartizien, H. Larue, P. Lecoq, S. Leonard, J. Marteau, C. Morel, J.B. Mosset, C. Parl, C. Pedrini, A. G. Petrosyan, U. Pietrzyk, M. Rey, S. Saladino, D. Sappey-Marinier, M. Janier, L. Simon, M. Streun, S. Tavernier, and J.M. Vieira. The ClearPET project: development of a 2-nd generation high performance small animal PET scanner. Nucl Instr Meth Phys Res A, 537:307-311, 2005.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [ADBA-05] D. Abi Abdallah, A. Drochon, V. Robin, L. Fakri-Bouchet, and O. Fokapu. Removing the MHD artefacts from the ECG signal for cardiac MRI synchronisation. In Young Investigator Competition, EMBEC'05, 3rd European Medical and Biological Enginnering Conference, IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Prague, République Tchèque, 2005.

  2. [ALSA-05] H. Alsaid, A. Sulaiman, C. Mansard, L. Chaabane, D. Meyronet, A. Briguet, P. Douek, and E. Canet-Soulas. Caractérisation et classification de lé sion coronarienne en IRM ex-vivo. In GRAMM, Nancy, France, 2005.

  3. [AOUD-05b] W. Aoudi, H. Liebgott, A. Needles, V. Yang, S. Foster, and D. Vray. Estimation 3D du flux sanguin par Imagerie Ultrasonore Haute Fréquence: Application à l'étude de la microcirculation. In GRETSI'05, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, pages 363-366, 2005.

  4. [AOUD-05a] W. Aoudi, A. Needles, and D. Vray. Estimation du flux sanguin par Imagerie Ultrasonore Haute Fréquence : Application à la microcirculation. In FluVisu 11, Lyon, France, 2005.

  5. [ARME-05e] M. Armenean, R. Bolbos, A. Rengle, H. Saint-Jalmes, and O. Beuf. Two channel phased array receiver coil for high resolution MRI of rat knee joint at 7T. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland, September 15-18 2005.

  6. [ARME-05a] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Experimental RF heating measurements for different coaxial cable connections/disconnections scenario in a clinical MRI. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland, September 15-18 2005.

  7. [ARME-05b] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Etude de l'échauffement radiofréquence autour de conducteurs métalliques pour la sécurité de capteurs endoluminaux et de dispositifs en IRM interventionnelle. In 11ème Congrès du GRAMM, Nancy, France, 21-23 mars 2005.

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  95. [LEN-05b] B. Tchong Len, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, B. Fenet, S. Cavassila, A.R. Allouche, M. Aubvert-Frécon, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Edition et Quantification du GABA. In GRAMM, Nancy, France, pages 17, 21-23 Mars 2005.

  96. [LEN-05c] B. Tchong Len, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, B. Fenet, S. Cavassila, A. R. Allouche, M. Aubvert-Frécon, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Edition et Quantification du GABA en Spectrométrie de Résonance Magnétique. In XIX Congrès du GERM, Carry le Rouet, France, pages 103, 21-23 Mars 2005.

  97. [LEN-05] B. Tchong Len, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, B. Fenet, S. Cavassila, A.R. Allouche, M. Aubvert-Frécon, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantitation of Edited GABA Signals. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 13th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Miami, Florida, USA, pages 2761, May 2005.

  98. [VALE-05] S. Valette, I. Kompatsiaris, and J.M. Chassery. Adaptive Polygonal Mesh Simplification With Discrete Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Machine Intelligence ICMI 2005, Tozeur, Tunisia, pages 655-662, November 2005.

  99. [VALE-05b] S. Valette, I. Kompatsiaris, and M.G. Strintzis. A polygonal mesh partitioning algorithm based on protrusion conquest for perceptual 3D shape description. In Workshop towards Semantic Virtual Environments SVE 2005, Villars, CH, pages 68-76, March 2005.

  100. [VALT-05b] S. Valton, F. Peyrin, P. Delpierre, and D. Sappey-Marinier. Reconstruction tomographique 3D pour un prototype de micro-scanner bimodal TEP/TDM. In 13 ème Forum Recherche en Génie Biologique et Médical, Nancy, France, pages 173-174, 2005.

  101. [VALT-05a] S. Valton, F. Peyrin, and D. Sappey-Marinier. Generalization of 3D tomographic reconstruction algorithm FDK for an off-centred geometry. In IEEE ICIP'05, Gènes, Italy, pages 620-623, 2005.

  102. [VARE-05] S. Varette, S. Georget, J. Montagnat, J.L. Roch, and F. Leprevost. Distributed Authentication in GRID5000. In Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis (GADA'05), Agia Napa, Chyprus, November 2005.

  103. [WIAR-05b] M. Wiart, T.H. Cho, J.B. Pialat, S. Moucharrafie, J.B. Langlois, O. Beuf, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral ischemia with ultrasmall superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide in mice. In Contrast Media Research, Evian, France, 2005.

  104. [WIAR-05a] M. Wiart, J.B. Pialat, T.H. Cho, O. Beuf, J.B. Langlois, E. Joye, B. Desvergne, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. Neuroprotective effects of PPAR-alpha demonstrated in vivo by high-resolution MRI in ischemic stroke. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Basel, Switzerland, 2005.

  105. [XIE-05c] K. Xie, J. Yang, and Y.M. Zhu. Multi-resolution LOD Volume Rendering In Medicine. In The International Conference on Computational Science, Some City, Some Country, pages 925-932, 2005.

Invited Conferences
  1. [AOUD-05c] W. Aoudi, H. Liebgott, A. Needles, V. Yang, F.S. Foster, and D. Vray. Estimation Methods for Flow Imaging with High Frequency Ultrasound. In World Congress on Ultrasonics-Ultrasonics International, Beijing, P.R. China, 2005.

  2. [BENO-05b] H. Benoit-Cattin. SIMRI: A versatile and interactive MRI simulator. In Workshop COST B21, Lödz, Pologne, October 2005.

  3. [BOLB-05] R. Bolbos, M. Janier, P. Pastoureau, and O. Beuf. Apport de l'IRM dans le diagnostic de l'arthrose. Exemple d'étude réalisé sur un modèle animal d'arthrose. In XXVIIIème Séminaire du Club Français des Radiopharmaceutiques, St. Nectaire, France, 20 mai 2005.

  4. [GRAV-05a] D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantification des Métabolites in vivo en Spectrométrie de Résonance Magnétique. In GRAMM, Nancy, France, April 2005.

  5. [GRAV-05] D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantification des Métabolites in vivo en Spectrométrie de Résonance Magnétique. In GERM, XIX Congrès du GERM, Carry le Rouet, France, March 2005.

  6. [NIST-05] I. Nistoreanu, F. Bellet, C. Pera, and H. Benoit-Cattin. SIMRI at WEB: An MRI simulation service on EGEE Grid architecture. In 4th EGEE CONFERENCE, Pisa, Italia, Sept 2005.

  7. [PERR-05b] B. Perrenot. New software for Quantitative Coronary Angiography of bifurcation lesions. In 1st European Bifurcation Club, Bordeaux, France, Sept 15-16 2005.

  8. [PEYR-05b] F. Peyrin. La microtomographie au rayonnement synchrotron : outil pour l'étude de l'ostéoporose. In Réunion scientifique Lilly, ESRF, Grenoble, France, 2005.

  9. [PEYR-05d] F. Peyrin. Micro-tomographie in vitro pour l'étude de la micro-architecture osseuse. In Réunion INSERM Interface Orthopédie et Rhumatologie, 'La fragilité osseuse et ses déterminants', Paris, France, 2005.

  10. [REVE-05b] D. Revel. Cardiac Imaging : from Anatomy to function. In Computers in Cardiology, Lyon, France, pages (in-press), 2005.

  11. [REVE-05a] D. Revel. Stress MRI for Ischemic Heart Diseases. In International Heart Forum 05, Beijing, P.R. China, pages (in-press), 2005.

  12. [SAID-05c] G. Said, O. Basset, J. M. Mari, C. Cachard, E. Brusseau, and D. Vray. Experimental three dimensional strain estimation from ultrasonic sectorial data. In World Congress on Ultrasonics-Ultrasonics International, Beijing, P.R. China, pages (in-press), 2005.

  13. [SAIN-05a] H. Saint-Jalmes, M. Armenean, C. Armenean, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. MR hardware and safety aspects. In European School of MRI : applied MR techniques, volume Moscow, Russia, april 28-39 2005.

  14. [SAIN-05b] H. Saint-Jalmes, M. Armenean, and O. Beuf. Les réseaux de capteurs radiofréquence en IRM. In Congrès du GRAMM, Nancy, France, 21-23 mars 2005.

  1. [ABIA-05b] D. Abi Abdallah, A. Drochon, V. Robin, L. Fakri-Bouchet, and O. Fokapu. Removing MHD artefacts in ECG for cardiac MRI synchronization. 13ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Biologique et Médical, Nancy, Mars, 2005.

  2. [BAXA-05d] N. Baxan, L. Fakri-Bouchet, and A. Briguet. Etude de la consommation énergétique cérébrale chez le rat au cours du cycle éveil sommeil par RMN invasive a minima en utilisant des micro capteur actifs. 9ème journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Sciences-Santé (EDISS), UCBL, 7 avril, 2005.

  3. [BOLB-05b] R. Bolbos, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, A. Chomel, E. Chereul, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, M. Janier, and O. Beuf. Méthode de caractérisation du cartilage par IRM sur un modèle de cobaye arthrosique. Carrefour de la Fondation Rhône-Alpes Futur, Lyon, France, 2005.

  4. [BOLB-05c] R. Bolbos, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, A. Chomel, E. Chereul, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, M. Janier, and O. Beuf. Méthode de caractérisation du cartilage par IRM sur un modèle de cobaye arthrosique: étude longitudinale. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Science Santé, Avril 2005.

  5. [FAKR-05d] L. Fakri-Bouchet. Etude de la consommation énergétique cérébrale chez le rat au cours du cycle éveil sommeil par RMN invasive a minima en utilisant des micro capteurs actifs. Journée IFR des Neurosciences 19 - Vendredi 21 janvier 2005, 2005.

  6. [SAPP-O5d] D. Sappey-Marinier. Intérêts et limitations de l'IRM 3T. Rencontres de l'Association régionale Rhône-Alpes de Radiologie, Lyon, 24 Septembre 2005, 2005.

  7. [VRAY-05] D. Vray. Des souris et des ondes. Pour la Science. pp 118-121, 2005.



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