Publications of I. Dydenko
[DYDE-03c] I. Dydenko.
Segmentation dynamique en échographie ultrasonore radiofréquence.
INSA Lyon,
Jury: D'Hooge J., Friboulet D., Jamal F., Herment F. (rap.), Magnin I.E. (prés.) et Refregier P. (rap.).
[DYDE-06] I. Dydenko,
F. Jamal,
O. Bernard,
J. D'hooge,
I.E. Magnin,
and D. Friboulet.
A level set framework with a shape and motion prior for segmentation and region tracking in echocardiography.
Med Image Anal,
[DYDE-05] I. Dydenko,
B. Durning,
F. Jamal,
C. Cachard,
and D. Friboulet.
An autoregressive model-based method for contrast agent detection in ultrasound radiofrequency images.
Ultrasonic Imaging,
[DYDE-03a] I. Dydenko,
D. Friboulet,
J.M. Gorce,
J. D'hooge,
B. Bijnens,
and I.E. Magnin.
Towards ultrasound cardiac image segmentation based on the radiofrequency signal.
Med Image Anal,
[GORC-02] J.M. Gorce,
D. Friboulet,
I. Dydenko,
J. D'hooge,
B. Bijnens,
and I.E. Magnin.
Processing radiofrequency ultra-sound images : a robust method for local spectral features estimation by a spatially regularized parametric approach.
IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control,
Communications Proceedings
[DYDE-03d] I. Dydenko,
D. Friboulet,
J. D'hooge,
B. Bijnens,
and I.E. Magnin.
Segmentation and tracking of the cardiac muscle in echocardiographic sequences using a level set approach.
In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
pages 21-24,
[DYDE-03e] I. Dydenko,
D. Friboulet,
and I.E. Magnin.
A variational framework for affine registration and segmentation with shape prior: application in echocardiographic imaging.
In IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision,
Nice, France,
pages 201-208,
[DYDE-03b] I. Dydenko,
N. Rognin,
F. Jamal,
D. Friboulet,
and C. Cachard.
Contrast agent detection based on autoregressive spectral estimation.
In World Congress on Ultrasonics,
Paris, France,
pages 193-196,
[DYDE-02] I. Dydenko,
S. Chehbi,
D. Friboulet,
P. Clarysse,
I.E. Magnin,
J. D'hooge,
and B. Bijnens.
Using an elastic deformable template for the segmentation of ultrasound cardiac radio frequency images based on the velocity information.
In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium,
Munich, Germany,
pages 1706-1709,
[DYDE-01] I. Dydenko,
D. Friboulet,
and I.E. Magnin.
Introducing spectral estimation for boundary detection in echography radiofrequency images.
In Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heat (FIMH'01),
Helsinki, Finland,
pages 24-31,
[DYDE-00] I. Dydenko,
J.M. Gorce,
D. Friboulet,
and I.E. Magnin.
Estimation spectrale autorégressive avec lissage non-quadratique : application à l'analyse d'image échographiques de radiofréquence.
In 10 ème Forum Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Biologique et Médical,
Tours, France,
pages 182-183,
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