Publications of G. Gimenez
Articles in journal
  1. [RICH-08] J.C. Richard, F. Brégeon, N. Costes, D. Le Bars, C. Tourvieille, F. Lavenne, M. Janier, G. Bourdin, G. Gimenez, and C. Guérin. Effects of prone position and positive end-expiratory pressure on lung perfusion and ventilation. Crit Care Med, 36(8):2373-2380, 2008.

  2. [MILL-07] J Milles, Y.M. Zhu, G. Gimenez, C.R.G. Guttmann, and I.E. Magnin. MRI intensity nonuniformity correction using simultaneously spatial and gray-level histogram information. Comput Med Imag Graph, 31:81-90, 2007.

  3. [RICH-07] J. C. Richard, F. Brégeon, V. Leray, D. Le Bars, N. Costes, C. Tourvieille, F. Lavenne, M. Devouassoux-Shisheboran, G. Gimenez, and C. Guérin. Effect of activated protein C on pulmonary blood flow and cytokine production in experimental acute lung injury. Intensive Care Med, 33(12):2199-2206, 2007.

  4. [MILL-06] J. Milles, Y.M. Zhu, N. Chen, L. Panych, G. Gimenez, and C.R.G. Guttmann. Computation of Transmitted and Received B1 Fields in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IEEE Trans Biomed Engin, 53(5):885-895, 2006.

  5. [REIL-06] A. Reilhac, A. Evans, G. Gimenez, and N. Costes. Creation and Application of a Simulated Database of Dynamic [18F]MPPF PET Acquisitions Incorporating Inter-Individual Anatomical and Biological Variability. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 25(11):1431-1439, 2006.

  6. [RICH-06d] J.C. Richard, D. Le Bars, N. Costes, F. Brégeon, C. Tourvieille, F. Lavenne, M. Janier, G. Gimenez, and C. Guérin. Alveolar recruitment assessed by positron emission tomography during experimental acute lung injury. Intensive Care Med, 32:1089-1094, 2006.

  7. [GREN-05] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, N. Costes, M. Janier, and G. Gimenez. Automated seeds location for whole body NaF PET segmentation. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 52(5):1401 - 1405, October 2005.

  8. [RICH-05] J.C. Richard, M. Janier, F. Lavenne, C. Tourvieille, D. Le Bars, N. Costes, G. Gimenez, and C. Guérin. Quantitative Assessment of Regional Alveolar Ventilation and Gas Volume Using 13N-N2 Washout and PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 46(8):1375-1383, 2005.

  9. [FROM-03a] J. Fromageau, E. Brusseau, D. Vray, G. Gimenez, and P. Delachartre. Characterization of PVA cryogel for intravascular ultrasound elasticity imaging. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 50(10):1318-1324, 2003.

  10. [BOUK-01] D. Boukerroui, O. Basset, A. Baskurt, and G. Gimenez. Multiparametric and multiresolution segmentation algorithm of 3D ultrasonic data. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 48(1):64-77, 2001.

  11. [VRAY-01] D. Vray, C. Haas, T. Rastello, M. Krueger, E. Brusseau, J.J. Schreuder, G. Gimenez, and H. Ermert. Synthetic aperture-based beam compression for intravascular ultrasound imaging. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 47(1):189-201, 2001.

  12. [ORKI-99a] M. Orkisz, M. Bourlion, G. Gimenez, and T.A. Flam. Real-time target tracking applied to improve fragmentation of renal stones in extra-corporeal lithotripsy. Mach Vision Appl, 11:138-144, 1999.

  13. [ORKI-98b] M. Orkisz, T. Farchtchian, M. Bourlion, G. Gimenez, H. Redarce, T. A. Flam, D. Saighi, and B. Debré. Application du traitement d'images au suivi en temps réel de calculs urinaires en lithotritie extra-corporelle. Innov Tech Biol Med, 19 Spe(4):315-323, 1998.

  14. [ORKI-98c] M. Orkisz, T. Farchtchian, D. Saighi, M. Bourlion, N. Thiounn, G. Gimenez, B. Debré, and T. A. Flam. Image-based renal stone tracking to improve efficacy in extra-corporeal lithotripsy. J Urol, 160:1237-1240, 1998.

  15. [PACH-98a] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, A. Dromigny-Badin, A. Boudraa, G. Gimenez, C. Confavreux, and J.C. Froment. A pyramidal approach for automatic segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in brain MRI. Comput Med Imag Grap, 22:399-408, 1998.

  16. [CACH-97] C. Cachard, G. Finet, A. Bouakkaz, A. Tabib, D. Francon, and G. Gimenez. Ultrasound contrast agent in intravascular echography : an in vitro study. Ultrasound Med Biol, 23(5):705-717, 1997.

  17. [MA-97] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Time-frequency representation of multicomponent chirp signals. Signal Proces, 56(2):149-155, 1997.

  18. [PACH-97c] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, A. Dromigny-Badin, T. Siberil, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Automatic segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in 2D MRI data. M S Journal, 3(5):336, 1997.

  19. [PEYR-97d] F. Peyrin, M. Salome-Pateyron, A.M. Laval-Jeantet, G. Gimenez, and J. Baruchel. Microtomographie 3D par rayonnement synchrotron : application à l'étude de l'architecture osseuse. Bul Soc Fr Phys, 109:4-6, 1997.

  20. [CACH-96b] C. Cachard, A. Bouakkaz, and G. Gimenez. In vitro evaluation of acoustic properties of ultrasound contrast agents : experimental set up and signal pro. Ultrasonics, 34:595-598, 1996.

  21. [HERN-96a] A. Hernandez, O. Basset, P. Chirossel, and G. Gimenez. Spatial compounding in ultrasonic imaging using and articulated scan arm. Ultrasound Med Biol, 22(2):229-238, 1996.

  22. [ANDR-95] N. Andrieux, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, G. Gimenez, and A. Dziedzic. Lake-bottom recognition using a wideband sonar system and time-frequency analysis. J Acoust Soc Am, 98(1):552-559, 1995.

  23. [DENI-95] F. Denis, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. Ultrasonic transmission in refracting media : Reduction of refraction artifacts by curved-ray techniques. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 14(1):173-188, 1995.

  24. [LIU-95a] W. Y. Liu, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. Un nouvel opérateur pour la détection de rupture dans des signaux bruités. Traitement du Signal, 12(3):226-236, 1995.

  25. [BACE-94] A. Bacelar, B. Neyran, and G. Gimenez. Reconstruction 3D à partir des vues orthogonales d'un objet. Traitement du Signal, 11(2):205-217, 1994.

  26. [SUN-94a] Z. Sun and G. Gimenez. Influence of target composition on the relationship between echo energy and target quantify. J Acoust Soc Am, 96:3080-3087, 1994.

  27. [BASS-93] O. Basset, Z. Sun, J.L. Mestas, and G. Gimenez. Texture analysis of ultrasonic images of the prostate by means of cooccurrence matrices. Ultrasonic Imaging, 15:218-237, 1993.

  28. [GIME-93] G. Gimenez, C. Cachard, and D. Vray. Use of the instantaneous frequency to investigate the time-dependant velocity of a continuously insonified target. Signal Proces, 33(1):57-65, 1993.

  29. [SUN-92a] Z. Sun and G. Gimenez. Evaluation of interference effect in the energy investigation of echoes scattered by an uncorrelated planar distribution of spherical targets. J Acoust Soc Am, 92(6):3259-3270, 1992.

  30. [BASS-91a] O. Basset, G. Gimenez, J.L. Mestas, D. Cathignol, and M. Devonec. Volume measurement by ultrasonic transverse or sagittal cross-sectional scanning. Ultrasound Med Biol, 17(3):291-296, 1991.

  31. [SUN-91a] Z. Sun, G. Gimenez, D. Vray, and F. Denis. Calculation of the impulse response of a rigid sphere using the physical optic method and modal method jointly. J Acoust Soc Am, 89(1):10-18, 1991.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [BREG-06] F. Brégeon, J.C. Richard, V. Leray, D. Le Bars, N. Costes, C. Tourevieille, F. Lavenne, G. Gimenez, and C. Guérin. Effects of Xigris on plasma and lung cytokines concentrations in oleic acid-induced acute lung injury. In Intensive Care Med, pages 32:S124, 2006.

  2. [GREN-06b] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, N. Costes, M. Janier, and G. Gimenez. 3D Robust Adaptive Region Growing for Segmenting [18F]fluoride Ion PET Images. In 2006 NSS MIC, San Diego, USA, pages 2644-2648, October 2006.

  3. [GREN-06a] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, and G. Gimenez. Hybrid approach for multiparametric mean shift filtering. In ICIP'06, Atlanta, USA, pages 1541-1544, 2006.

  4. [RICH-06b] J.C. Richard, F. Brégeon, V. Leray, D. Le Bars, N. Costes, C. Tourevieille, F. Lavenne, G. Gimenez, and C. Guérin. Effects of Xigris on pulmonary blood flow and lung volume in acute lung injury. A PET study. In Intensive Care Med, pages 32:S97, 2006.

  5. [RICH-06c] J.C. Richard, D. Le Bars, F. Lavenne, N. Costes, C. Tourevieille, F. Brégeon, G. Gimenez, M. Janier, and C. Guérin. Effects of PEEP and prone position on regional ventilation-perfusion ratios assessed with PET during experimental lung injury. In Am J Respir Crit Care Med, ATS 2006, pages 3: A246, 2006.

  6. [RICH-06] J.C. Richard, D. Le Bars, F. Lavenne, N. Costes, C. Tourevieille, F. Brégeon, G. Gimenez, M. Janier, and C. Guérin. Effet du décubitus ventral et du niveau de PEP sur la distribution des rapports ventilation-perfusion régionaux mesurés en TEP. In Reanimation, Congrès SRLF 2006, pages 15:S 49, 2006.

  7. [TOME-06] S. Tomei, A. Reilhac, I. Buvat, C. Michel, G. Gimenez, and N. Costes. Simulation-based Evaluation of Iterative Reconstructions in Dynamic [18F]MPPF PET studies. In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, number 6, San Diego, France, pages 3355-3360, 2006.

  8. [DAVI-05] F. Davignon, T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, G. Gimenez, and O. Basset. Lissage et segmentation d'images multi-paramétriques ultrasonores par une approche 'Mean shift'. In GRETSI'05, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, pages 21-24, 2005.

  9. [GREN-05b] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, F. Davignon, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. 'Mean Shift' Adaptatif pour le lissage d'images ultrasonores. In GRETSI'05, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, pages 53-56, 2005.

  10. [GREN-05c] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, F. Davignon, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. Multiparametric Smoothing Based On Mean Shift Procedure For Ultrasound Data Segmentation. In EUSIPCO'05, Antalya, Turkey, pages Article ID cr1461, 4 pages, 2005.

  11. [GREN-05a] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, F. Davignon, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. Variable bandwidth Mean Shift for Smoothing ultrasonic images. In EUSIPCO'05, Antalya, Turkey, pages Article ID cr1454, 4 pages, 2005.

  12. [LART-05a] C. Lartizien, A.L. Goertzen, A. Reilhac, N. Costes, I.E. Magnin, G. Gimenez, and A.C. Evans. Validation of SORTEO Monte Carlo Simulations for the Geometry of the Concorde MicroPET R4 System. In Proc of the 2005 IEEE NSS and MIC Conference, number 5, Puerto Rico, USA, pages 3036-3039, 2005.

  13. [MILL-04b] J. Milles, Y.M. Zhu, N. Chen, L. Panych, G. Gimenez, R.G. Charles, and C. Guttmann. MRI intensity inhomogeneity correction using simultaneously spatial and gray-level histogram information. In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 5370, San Diego (California, USA), pages 734-742, 2004.

  14. [GREN-03] T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, N. Costes, M. Janier, and G. Gimenez. Automated seeds location for whole body NaF PET segmentation. In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record - Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, Portland, OR, USA, pages 2210-2214, 2003.

  15. [MILL-03] J. Milles, Y.M. Zhu, N. Chen, L. Panych, G. Gimenez, and C.R.G. Guttman. Computation of transmitted and received B1 fields in magnetic resonance imaging. In CARS 2003 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery-17th International Congress and Exhibition, London, UK, pages 1323, 2003.

  16. [DAVI-02] F. Davignon, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. A multi-parametric segmentation tool dedicated to ultrasonic data. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, pages 1761-1764, 2002.

  17. [FROM-02] J. Fromageau, H. Liebgott, E. Brusseau, G. Gimenez, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Correction of stress decay in intravascular elastography by combination of radial and tangential strain. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, pages 1877-1880, 2002.

  18. [MILL-02a] J. Milles, Y.M. Zhu, G. Gimenez, and C.R.G. Guttman. Correction des inhomogénéités d'intensité en IRM. In Conférences F. Lhermitte - 12e Rendez-Vous de l'ARSEP, Paris, France, pages 16-17, 2002.

  19. [FROM-01] J. Fromageau, P. Delachartre, J.C. Boyer, R. Guerjouma, and G. Gimenez. Modélisation et mesure des propriétés elastiques du cryogel pour la calibration des images d'elasticité IVUS. In GAPSUS, Société Française d'Acoustique, Marseille, France, 2001.

  20. [PACH-01] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, C. Guttmann, R. Kikinis, F.A. Jolesz, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, C. Confavreux, and S.K. Warfield. Unsupervised and adaptive segmentation of multispectral 3D magnetic resonance images of human brain : a generic approach. In Fourth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'01), Utrecht, The Netherlands, pages 1067-1074, 2001.

  21. [FROM-00] J. Fromageau, P. Delachartre, R. Guerjouma, J. C. Boyer, and G. Gimenez. Modelling and measurement of cryogel elasticity properties for calibrating of IVUS elasticity images. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2 of IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, pages 1817-1820, October 22-25 2000.

  22. [PACH-00b] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, C. Guttmann, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, G. Gimenez, C. Confavreux, and J.C. Froment. L Unsupervised, adaptative, 3D Segmentation of brain tissues in multispectral MRI : application to quantification of multiple sclerosis lesions. In 10th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Jerusalem, Israel, pages 820, 2000.

  23. [ZHOU-00] L. Q. Zhou, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, G. Gimenez, M. Hermier, and J.C. Froment. Analyse par histogramme du transfert d'aimantation pour l'étude de la sclérose en plaques. In Conférences F. Lhermitte - 9e Rendez-Vous de l'ARSEP, Paris, France, pages 41-42, 2000.

  24. [BENT-99] L. Bentabet, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, A. Boudraa, M. Hermier, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. The combined use of FCM and evidence theory for segmentation of MS lesions in MRI. In 15th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS'99), volume 5, Basel, Switzerland, pages 56, 1999.

  25. [HAAS-99] C. Haas, M. Krueger, H. Ermert, D. Vray, G. Gimenez, W. Bojara, and J. Barmeyer. Beam compression of multistatic intravascular ultrasound data by an adaptive kernel function. In International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2 of IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Caesars Tahoe, Nevada, USA, pages 1283-1286, 1999.

  26. [PACH-99] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, C. Guttmann, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Segmentation 3D, non supervisée et adaptative des tissus cérébraux en IRM multispectrale : application à la détection des lésions de SEP. In Conférences F. Lhermitte-9e Rendez-Vous de l'ARSEP, Paris, France, pages 47, 1999.

  27. [SCHR-99] K. S. Schroeder, C. Hass, M. Kruger, H. Ermert, T. Rastello, D. Vray, and G. Gimenez. Synthetic aperture-based reconstruction of intravascular ultrasound images in the time domain and frequency domain. In ISIE '99, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, volume 3, Some City, Some Country, pages 1502-1507, 1999.

  28. [ZHU-99a] Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, F. Reynaud, C. Pachai, M. Hermier, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Segmentation of brain magnetic resonance images using the multiscale contour approach. In 15th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS'99), volume 5, Basel, Switzerland, pages 56, 1999.

  29. [BASS-98] O. Basset, S. Bonnet, S. Abouelkaram, G. Gimenez, and J. Culioli. Classification of bovine muscles from texture analysis of meat slices images. In 44th ICoMST, Barcelone, Spain, pages 942-943, 1998.

  30. [BOUD-98a] A. Boudraa, Y.M. Zhu, S.M.R. Dehak, J. Grimaud, C. Pachai, A. Dromigny-Badin, M. Hermier, Y.G. Bao, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Segmentation automatique des lésions de sclérose en plaques en IRM par la logique floue. In Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française, Paris, France, pages 1S45-44, 1998.

  31. [BOUK-98b] D. Boukerroui, O. Basset, A. Baskurt, J.M. Gorce, D. Friboulet, and G. Gimenez. A segmentation algorithm of 3D ultrasonic data based on tissue characterisation. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Sendai, Japan, pages 1349-1352, 1998.

  32. [DROM-98c] A. Dromigny-Badin, Y.M. Zhu, G. Gimenez, and R. Goutte. Image segmentation through using the evidence theory based data fusion technique. In IEEE CIE International Conference on Signal Processing, Beijing, P.R. China, pages 994-997, 1998.

  33. [DROM-98a] A. Dromigny-Badin, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, C. Pachai, A. Boudraa, M. Hermier, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Use of data fusion technique for the automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in magnetic resonance images. In Eighth Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Nice, France, pages 446, 1998.

  34. [DROM-98b] A. Dromigny-Badin, Y.M. Zhu, C. Pachai, Y.G. Bao, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, A. Boudraa, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Développement d'un logiciel de détection et de quantification automatiques des lésions cérébrales de sclérose en plaques en IRM. In Xème Réunion Annuelle de la Société Franco-Romande de Neurologie, Lyon, France, 1998.

  35. [FLAM-98a] T. Flam, M. Orkisz, T. Farchtchian, M. Bourlion, D. Saighi, G. Gimenez, and B. Debré. Image-based renal stone tracking to Improve efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. In American Urological Association 93rd Annual Meeting, volume 5 of J Urol, San Diego, USA, pages 127, 30 mai - 4 juin 1998.

  36. [FLAM-98b] T. Flam, M. Orkisz, T. Farchtchian, M. Bourlion, D. Saighi, G. Gimenez, and B. Debré. Image-based renal stone tracking to improve efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. In European Urology, 33 : S1, XIIIth Congress of the European Association of Urology, Barcelona, Spain, pages 113, 22-25 mars 1998.

  37. [GERF-98b] L. Gerfault, C. Cachard, and G. Gimenez. Simulation of echographic image of contrast agent. In International Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Sendai, Japan, pages 1815-1818, 1998.

  38. [ORKI-98a] M. Orkisz, T. Farchtchian, M. Bourlion, G. Gimenez, H. Redarce, T. Flam, D. Saighi, and B. Debré. Application du traitement d'images au suivi temps réel de calculs urinaires en lithotritie extra-corporelle. In Forum Jeunes Chercheurs GBM, Brest, France, 1998.

  39. [PACH-98b] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, C. Guttmann, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. MS-TRACKER : validation à grande échelle d'un algorithme de détection automatique de la cavité intra-crânienne en IRM conventionnelle. In V Conférences F.-Lhermitte, 8e Rendez-Vous de l'ARSEP, Paris, France, pages 23-24, 1998.

  40. [RAST-98a] T. Rastello, J. Haase, D. Vray, M. Krueger, G. Gimenez, and H. Ermert. A new Fourier-based multistatic synthetic aperture focusing technique for intravascular ultrasound imaging. In Ultrasonics symposium, Sendai, Japan, pages 1725-1728, 1998.

  41. [BENO-97c] H. Benoit-Cattin, A. Baskurt, R. Prost, G. Gimenez, D. Delamare, S. Croci, M. Bedossa, and H. Le Breton. Compression adaptative d'angiographies pour stockage sur carte à mémoire optique. In AGIS'97, Angers, France, pages 295-301, 1997.

  42. [BOUK-97a] D. Boukerroui, O. Basset, A. Baskurt, A. Hernández, N. Guérin, and G. Gimenez. Texture based adaptive clustering Algorithm for 3D breast lesion segmentation. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Toronto, Canada, pages 1389-1392, 1997.

  43. [DROM-97d] A. Dromigny-Badin, Y.M. Zhu, C. Pachai, M. Hermier, J. Grimaud, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Segmentation of MS Lesions using evidence theory, Multiple Sclerosis. In 13th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS,97), volume 13, Istanbul, Turkey, pages 336, 1997.

  44. [DROM-97c] A. Dromigny-Badin, Y.M. Zhu, C. Pachai, M. Hermier, J. Grimaud, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Segmentation of Multiple sclerosis lesions through fusion of multispectral magnetic resonance brain images. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France, pages 722, 1997.

  45. [OUMS-97] M. Oumsis, A. Sdigui, I.E. Magnin, B. Neyran, and G. Gimenez. Tracking of 2D attributes of the heart's left ventricle. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, volume 35 of Med Biol Eng Comp, Nice, France, pages 718, 1997.

  46. [PACH-97b] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, A. Dromigny-Badin, A. Boudraa, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. MS-TRACKER : un logiciel d'analyse et de quantification automatiques des lésions de sclérose en plaques en IRM conventionelle. In Les 7èmes Rendez-Vous de l'ARSEP, Paris, France, pages 15-16, 1997.

  47. [PACH-97d] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, A. Dromigny-Badin, T. Siberil, G. Gimenez, C. Confavreux, and J.C. Froment. A multiresolution approach for automatic segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in conventional 2D MRI data. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France, pages 724, 1997.

  48. [PACH-97a] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, M. Hermier, A. Dromigny-Badin, T. Siberil, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, and C. Confavreux. Automatic segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in 2D MRI data. In 13th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS,97), volume 3, Istanbul, Turkey, pages 338, 1997.

  49. [WANG-97b] H. Wang, T. Zhuang, D. Jiang, A. Bacelar, W. Y. Liu, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. A novel algorithm to automatic contour detection in image sequences. In Int Conf SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, volume 3024, Some City, USA, pages 237-245, 1997.

  50. [WANG-97a] H. Wang, T. Zhuang, D. Jiang, W.Y. Liu, A. Bacelar, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. Fuzzy object detection in 3D medical images. In Int Conf SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, volume 3026, Some City, USA, pages 155-163, 1997.

  51. [BACE-96a] A. Bacelar, B. Neyran, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, and G. Gimenez. Accurate position and orientation parameters correlated to wideband echo: a new approach for classification of fish species. In VIII EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, pages 1833-1836, 1996.

  52. [DELA-96] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, N. Ma, A. Bacelar, and G. Gimenez. Wideband inverse filtering to improve active sonar detection in background reverberation. In VIII EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, pages 1829-1832, 1996.

  53. [HERN-96c] A. Hernández, O. Basset, I.E. Magnin, A. Brémond, and G. Gimenez. Fusion of ultrasonic and radiographic images of the breast. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, San Antonio, USA, pages 1437-1440, 1996.

  54. [IMBE-96] C. Imbert, J.L. Berton, and G. Gimenez. Realization of ultrasonic images of immersed metallic structures using a beamforming imaging system. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, San Antonio, USA, pages (in-press), 1996.

  55. [KARO-96] B. Karoubi, Y.M. Zhu, G. Gimenez, and J. Bigun. Detection of objects in RF ultrasonic images using 2-D spatial phase techniques. In IEEE international Conference on Image Processing, volume 1, Lausanne, Suisse, pages 641-644, 1996.

  56. [KOCH-96] E. Kochian, M. Orkisz, G. Gimenez, and M. Bourlion. Application d'un algorithme de mise en correspondance au suivi temps réel de lithiases. In AGI, Tours, France, pages 329-332, 1996.

  57. [LENN-96] M. Lennon, F. Dupont, C. Odet, G. Gimenez, and M. Pasquier. Caractérisation des enrobés drainants à l'aide du scanner X 3D morphomètre. In AGI'96, Tours, France, pages 341-344, 1996.

  58. [MAGN-96a] I.E. Magnin, G. Rochard, Y.M. Zhu, G. Gimenez, C. Confavreux, and J.C. Froment. Détection automatique des lésions encéphaliques de sclérose en plaques en IRM par approche pyramidale. In Les Rendez-vous de l'ARSEP, Paris, France, 20 Février 1996.

  59. [PACH-96] C. Pachai, Y.M. Zhu, G. Gimenez, J.C. Froment, M. Hermier, C. Confavreux, and J. Grimaud. Segmentation et quantification automatiques des lésions de sclérose en plaques en IRM. In Les 6èmes Rendez-Vous de l'ARSEP, 10 décembre 1996, Paris, France, pages 12, 1996.

  60. [ROSS-96] S. Rossato, A. Dromigny-Badin, Y.M. Zhu, V. Kaftandjian, C. Odet, P. Guy, Y. Jayet, G. Peix, and G. Gimenez. Amélioration de la fiabilité du contrôle non destructif par fusion de données radioscopiques et ultrasonores. In Journées Thématiques du GdR ISIS en Fusion d'Informations, Paris, France, pages 54-58, 1996.

  61. [TCHE-96] E.A. Tchekiken, J. Fayn, P. Rubel, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. Estimation of the changes of the beat-to-beat 3D orientation of the heart from the orthogonal ECG. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pages 824, 1996.

  62. [WANG-96] H. Wang, T. Zhuang, D. Jiang, W.Y. Liu, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. Improved adaptive boundary tracing using 2D dynamic programming. In Int. Conf. SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, volume 2727, Some City, USA, pages 199-208, 1996.

  63. [BACE-95] A. Bacelar, B. Neyran, C. Chorrier, G. Gimenez, and A. Dziedzic. Reconstruction et extraction des paramètres géométriques d'un poisson. In 15e Colloque GRETSI, Juan-les-Pins, France, pages 1303-1306, 1995.

  64. [BASS-95] O. Basset, M. Trachterna, F. Dupont, S. Abouelkaram, G. Gimenez, and J. Culioli. Classement de muscles de bovins par analyse de la texture d'images réalisées sur des tranches de viande. In Rencontres Recherche Ruminants, Paris, France, pages 235-238, 1995.

  65. [DAUT-95b] I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, G. Gimenez, S. Perantonis, M. T. Nguyen, and S.A. Mensah. Quantitative stereoscopic display for ultrasonic medical data. In 3rd European Conf. on Engineering and Medicine, Firenze, Italy, 1995.

  66. [GERF-95] L. Gerfault, C. Cachard, A. Hernández, and G. Gimenez. Viewing and characterisation of an acoustic field using a stick of bubbles. In 15th International Congress on Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway, pages 353-356, 1995.

  67. [HERN-95a] A. Hernández, O. Basset, P. Chirossel, C. Cachard, and G. Gimenez. Utilization of a pantograph localization system for speckle reduction by spatial compounding in B-scan echography. In 15th International Congress on Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway, pages 335-338, 1995.

  68. [HERN-95b] A. Hernández, O. Basset, I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, C. Favre, and G. Gimenez. Stereoscopic visualisation of 3D ultrasonic data for the diagnosis improvement of breast tumors. In IEEE Int. Ultrasonic Symposium, Seattle, USA, pages 1435-1438, 1995.

  69. [MA_N-95] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Sea-bottom backscattering modeling with a wideband constant beamwidth sonar at normal incidence. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Seattle, USA, pages 1077-1080, 1995.

  70. [MA_Y-95] Y.L. Ma, Z.Y. Wang, G. Gimenez, and D. Vray. Classification of lake bottom sediments by neural networks using wideband echo signals. In 130th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, volume 98, St Louis, USA, pages 2972, 1995.

  71. [BASS-94b] O. Basset, V. Ramiaramanana, P. Chirossel, A. Hernández, and G. Gimenez. Characterisation of muscle tissue during effort by texture analysis of ultrasonic images. In IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium, volume III, Cannes, France, pages 1455-1458, 1994.

  72. [BOUA-94a] A. Bouakkaz, C. Cachard, and G. Gimenez. Evaluation de l'agar, matériau solide présentant des caractéristiques acoustiques équivalentes à l'eau. In 3e Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Journal de Physique, volume 4, Toulouse, France, pages 1221-1224, 1994.

  73. [DELA-94a] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Estimation of the causal impulse response of an underwater target. In IEEE Int. Conf. on ASSP, Adelaïde, Australia, pages 385-388, 1994.

  74. [GERF-94] L. Gerfault, C. Cachard, and G. Gimenez. Mapping of an Acoustic Field by Analysis of Bubbles Trajectory. In IEEE UFFC, volume 3, Cannes, France, pages 1363-1366, 1994.

  75. [HERN-94a] A. Hernández, O. Basset, P. Chirossel, and G. Gimenez. Elimination de cônes d'ombre acoustique par combinaison d'images échographiques mode B. In 3e Congrès Société Française d'Acoustique (SFA), volume 4 of J Phys, Toulouse, France, pages 1301-1304, 1994.

  76. [HERN-94c] A. Hernández, O. Basset, I.E. Magnin, J. C. Chaigne, and G. Gimenez. Fusion de données ultrasonores et radiographiques pour l'aide au diagnostic des pathologies mammaires. In Journée Rhône-Alpes Futur, Charbonnière, France, 1994.

  77. [MA_N-94a] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Analysis of sedimentary bottom impulse response using a wide band sonar. In IEEE Oceans'94, Brest, France, pages I.813-I.818, 1994.

  78. [MA_N-94b] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Time-frequency representation adapted to chirp signals : application to analysis of sphere scattering. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Cannes, France, pages 1139-1142, 1994.

  79. [MA_Y-94] Y.L. Ma, Z.Y. Wang, G. Gimenez, and D. Vray. Sediment classification by neural network using wideband acoustic echo signals. In Proc. of 5th Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference, volume 1, Seoul, Korea, pages 447-451, 1994.

  80. [SUN-94c] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Diffusion acoustique par deux sphères - condition de champ lointain de la diffusion multiple. In 3rd French Congress on Acoustics, Journal de Physique IV, volume 4, Toulouse, France, pages C5-901-C5-903, 1994.

  81. [SUN-94b] Z. Sun and G. Gimenez. Influence of the time-varied-gain amplification on the validity of the echo-integration method in the estimation of underwater target abundance. In 2nd European on Underwater Acoustics, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 841-846, 1994.

  82. [VRAY-94] D. Vray, P. Delachartre, N. Andrieux, and G. Gimenez. Bottom classification using information in the spectral domain and time-frequency domain. In IEEE Oceans'94, Brest, France, pages II.659-II.664, 1994.

  83. [ZHU-94] Y.M. Zhu, B. Karoubi, and G. Gimenez. Concept de phase spatiale : intérêt pour l'analyse de l'image. In AGI'94 Colloque Automatique, Génie informatique, Image, Poitiers, France, pages 353-356, 1994.

  84. [DELA-93] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Identification d'un système sonar large bande. In 3ème Journées d'Acoustique Physique sous-marine et ultrasonore, Le Havre, France, 1993.

  85. [LIU-93b] W.Y. Liu, I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. A statistic based preprocessing technique for ultrasonic stereoechography. In Int. Conf. on Signal Processing'93, volume 2, Beijing, P.R. China, pages 916-919, 1993.

  86. [LIU-93a] W.Y. Liu, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. A new approach for the segmentation of stochastic processes. In Int. Conf. on Signal Processing'93, volume 1, Beijing, P.R. China, pages 584-587, 1993.

  87. [MA_N-93] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Analyse en large bande du comportement acoustique du fond sous-marin. In 14e Colloque sur le traitement du signal et des images, Juan-les-Pins, France, pages 1163-1166, 1993.

  88. [SUN-93b] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Target structure dependence of the linearity principle in the estimation of underwater target abundance by the echo integration. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Baltimore, USA, pages 719-722, 1993.

  89. [BASS-92b] O. Basset, J.L. Mestas, I. Dautraix-Ricard, and G. Gimenez. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the prostate from transverse or sagittal ultrasonic images. In SPIE Applications of digital image processing XV, volume 1771, San Diego, USA, pages 547-558, 1992.

  90. [BASS-92a] O. Basset, Z. Sun, and G. Gimenez. Tissue characterization by texture analysis of ultrasonic images. In SPIE Applications of digital image processing XV, volume 1771, San Diego, USA, pages 547-558, 1992.

  91. [DAUT-92c] I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. A stereoscopic display of 3D ultrasonic data : the stereoechography. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Tucson, USA, pages 1133-1136, 20-23 octobre 1992.

  92. [DAUT-92a] I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. Faisabilité de la stéréoéchographie ultrasonore. In GDR 134 du CNRS, ENST, Paris, France, 30 janvier 1992.

  93. [DAUT-92b] I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. Feasability of the stereoechography. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Rennes, France, pages 151-154, 1992.

  94. [DELA-92a] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, F. Peyrin, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Time-frequency analysis applied to sandy bottom echoes. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, USA, pages 345-348, 1992.

  95. [DELA-92b] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, and G. Gimenez. Classification of lake bottom echo signals using a wideband sonar system. In Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics, volume 1, Beijing, P.R. China, pages B2-2, 1992.

  96. [DELA-92c] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, G. Gimenez, and A. Dziedzic. Spectral characterization of lake bottom echo signals using a wideband sona. In European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pages 477-480, 1992.

  97. [DEVE-92a] C. Devevey, F. Denis, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. Application à l'échographie ultrasonore des méthodes de poursuite d'objets rigides en translation. In 2ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Arcachon, France, pages 1113-1116, 1992.

  98. [DEVE-92b] C. Devevey, F. Denis, and G. Gimenez. Real time tracking of gallstones on ultrasonic images for extracorporeal lithotripsy. In EEE Ultrasonics symposium, volume 2, Tucson, USA, pages 1073-1076, 1992.

  99. [FINE-92c] G. Finet, A. Tabib, E. Maurincomme, R. Roriz, G. Gimenez, X. André-Fouet, I.E. Magnin, M. Amiel, and J. Beaune. Artefacts of intravascular ultrasound images : analysis and interpretation. In 9ème Congrès GRRC, Groupement de Recherche et de Réflexion cardiovasculaire, Paris, France, 1992.

  100. [LIU-92] W.Y. Liu, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. A statistic based approach for segmentation. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 5, Paris, France, pages 1924-1925, 1992.

  101. [SUN-92c] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Bandwidth effect of sonar signal on the estimation of underwater target abundance by the echo-integration method. In European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (non inclu dans les actes), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1992.

  102. [SUN-92b] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Frequency behavior of multiple scattering effect in the energy investigation of echoes scattered by a random distribution of soft spheres. In 14ème Int. Cong. on Acoustics, (non inclu dans les actes), Beijing, P.R. China, 1992.

  103. [SUN-92d] Z. Sun and G. Gimenez. Analyse spectrale des échos diffusés par une distribution de cibles sphériques. In Groupe d'Etudes Sur la Propagation Acoustique, Corte, France, 1992.

  104. [VRAY-92b] D. Vray, D. Berchoux, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Speed of sound in sulfuric acid solution : application to density measurement. In IEEE Ultrasonics symposium, Tucson, Arizona, USA, pages 969-972, 1992. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

  105. [VRAY-92a] D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. DENSONIC : an ultrasonic system for the monitoring of submarine batteries. In Undersea Defence Technology, London, UK, pages 90-94, 1992. Microwave exhibitions, Publ..

  106. [DAUT-91] I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. La stéréoéchographie. In Séminaire ORASIS, 24-27 septembre, Saint Malo, France, 1991.

  107. [DENI-91] F. Denis and G. Gimenez. Correction des artefacts ds à la réfraction en tomographie acoustique de vitesse. In Colloque acoustique sous-marine et ultrasons, volume 125, Some City, Some Country, pages 331-344, 1991.

  108. [DEVE-91b] C. Devevey, F. Denis, C. Cachard, and G. Gimenez. Performances comparées de méthodes de poursuite de cibles mobiles en échographie ultrasonore. In 13ème Colloque GRETSI, Juan-les-Pins, France, pages 993-996, 1991.

  109. [SUN-91b] Z. Sun and G. Gimenez. Evaluation of interference effect in the estimation of underwater targets abundance by the echointegration method. In 121ème Meeting de l'Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, USA, 1991.

Invited Conferences
  1. [BASS-99b] O. Basset, B. Buquet, S. Abouelkaram, G. Gimenez, and J. Culioli. Photographic image analysis for the classification of bovine meat. In New developments in guaranteeing the optimal sensory quality of meat, Madrid, Spain, pages 129-142, 1999.

  1. [FROM-01b] J. Fromageau, P. Delachartre, J.C. Boyer, R. Guerdjouma, and G. Gimenez. Modélisation et mesure des propriétés elastiques du cryogel pour la calibration des images d'elasticité IVUS. GAPSUS, Société Française d'Acoustique, Marseille, France, 1998.

  2. [LENN-96b] M. Lennon, F. Dupont, C. Odet, G. Gimenez, and M. Pasquier. Caractérisation des enrobés drainants à l'aide du scanner X 3D morphometre. AGI'96, Tours, France, 1996:341-344, 1996.

  3. [PEYR-96e] F. Peyrin, M. Pateyron, and G. Gimenez. Ostéoporose : Le squelette au crible du synchrotron. Le Journal du CNRS n. 81, 1996.

  4. [HERN-94e] A. Hernandez, O. Basset, I.E. Magnin, J.C. Chaigne, and G. Gimenez. Fusion de données ultrasonores et radiographiques pour l'aide au diagnostic des pathologies mammaires. Journée Rhône-Alpes Futur, Charbonnière, France, 1994.

  5. [DELA-93b] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Identification d'un système sonar large bande. 3ème Journées d'Acoustique Physique sous-marine et ultrasonore, Le Havre, France, 1993.



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