Publications of P. Delachartre
  1. [DELA-06b] P. Delachartre. Méthodes d'estimation paramétrique pour l'imagerie de l'élasticité. H.D.R., INSA Lyon, 2006. Jury: J. Duchène (rap.), C. Jutten (rap.), F. Patat (rap.), M. Fink, G. Gimenez, D. Vray.

  1. [DELA-94b] P. Delachartre. Identification d'un système sonar large bande pour la reconnaissance des fonds sous-marins et la détection de cibles à proximité du fond. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 1994. Jury: Alais P., Arques P.Y. (prés.), Cervenka P. (rap.), Dziedzic A., Gimenez G., Granger M., Prost R. et Vray D. (dir.).

Articles in journal
  1. [LIEB-10a] H. Liebgott, A. Basarab, P. Gueth, D. Friboulet, and P. Delachartre. Transverse oscillations for tissue motion estimation. Ultrasonics, 50(6):548-555, 2010.

  2. [MARI-10] A. Marion, W. Aoudi, A. Basarab, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Blood flow evaluation in high-frequency, 40 MHz imaging: a comparative study of four vector velocity estimation methods. Elsevier Ultrasonics, 50(7):683-690, 2010.

  3. [TOUI-10] B. Touil, A. Basarab, P. Delachartre, O. Bernard, and D. Friboulet. Analysis of motion tracking in echocardiographic image sequences: influence of system geometry and point-spread function. Ultrasonics, 50(3):373-386, 2010.

  4. [BASA-09b] A. Basarab, P. Gueth, H. Liebgott, and P. Delachartre. Phase-based block matching applied to motion estimation with unconventional beamforming strategies. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 56(5):945-957, 2009.

  5. [BASA-09a] A. Basarab, H. Liebgott, and P. Delachartre. Analytic estimation of subsample spatial shift using the phases of multidimensional analytic signals. IEEE Trans Image Proces, 18(2):440-447, 2009.

  6. [BASA-09c] A. Basarab, A. Lyshchik, C. Grava, V. Buzuloiu, and P. Delachartre. Ultrasound image sequence registration and its application for thyroid nodular disease. J Signal Proces Syst, 55(1-3):127-137, 2009.

  7. [DUBO-09] F. Duboeuf, A. Basarab, H. Liebgott, E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Investigation of PVA cryogel Young's modulus stability with time, controlled by a simple reliable technique. J Med Phys, 36(2):656-661, 2009.

  8. [BASA-08a] A. Basarab, H. Liebgott, F. Morestin, A. Lyshchik, T. Higashi, R. Asato, and P. Delachartre. A method for vector displacement estimation with ultrasound images and its application for thyroid nodular disease. Med Image Anal, 12(3):259-274, 2008.

  9. [LIEB-08a] H. Liebgott, A. Basarab, P. Gueth, C. Cachard, and P. Delachartre. Lateral RF image synthesis using a synthetic aperture imaging technique. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 55(9):2097-2103, 2008.

  10. [FROM-07] J. Fromageau, H. Liebgott, E. Brusseau, D. Vray, and P. Delachartre. Estimation of Time-Scaling Factor for Ultrasound Medical Images Using the Hilbert Transform. Eurasip J Adv Signal Proces, 2007:Article ID 80735, 13 pages, 2007.

  11. [LIEB-07a] H. Liebgott, J.E. Wilhjelm, J.A. Jensen, D. Vray, and P. Delachartre. PSF dedicated to estimation of displacement vectors for tissue elasticity imaging with ultrasound. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 54(4):746-756, 2007.

  12. [BALO-06a] S. Balocco, O. Basset, G. Courbebaisse, P. Delachartre, P. Tortoli, and C. Cachard. 3D dynamical ultrasonic model of pulsating vessel walls. Ultrasonics, 44:Supplement 1, p. e179-e183, May 2006.

  13. [DELA-06a] P. Delachartre, H. Liebgott, F. Lacouture, F. Morestin, A. Lyshchik, T. Higashi, and R. Asato. Modélisation bilinéaire et estimation du déplacement pour l'imagerie de l'élasticité appliquée au cancer de la thyroïde. Traitement du Signal, 23(3/4):235-245, 2006.

  14. [LIEB-05] H. Liebgott, J. Fromageau, J.E. Wilhjelm, D. Vray, and P. Delachartre. Beamforming scheme for 2D displacement estimation in ultrasound imaging. Eurasip J Appl Signal Process, 8:1212-1220, 2005.

  15. [FROM-03a] J. Fromageau, E. Brusseau, D. Vray, G. Gimenez, and P. Delachartre. Characterization of PVA cryogel for intravascular ultrasound elasticity imaging. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 50(10):1318-1324, 2003.

  16. [BRUS-02c] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, N. Rognin, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Investigating elastic properties of soft biological tissues. IEEE Eng Med Biol, 21(4):86-94, 2002.

  17. [BRUS-01a] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, G. Finet, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Axial strain imaging of intravascular data : results on polyvinyl alcohol cryogel phantoms and carotid artery. Ultrasound Med Biol, 27(12):1631-1642, 2001.

  18. [ABOU-00] S. Abouelkaram, K. Suchorski, B. Buquet, P.H. Berge, J. Culioli, P. Delachartre, and O. Basset. Effects of muscle texture on ultrasonic measurements. J Food Chem, 69(4):447-455, 2000.

  19. [BASS-00a] O. Basset, B. Buquet, S. Abouelkaram, P. Delachartre, and J. Culioli. Application of texture image analysis for the classification of bovine meat. J Food Chem, 69(4):437-445, 2000.

  20. [BRUS-00a] E. Brusseau, C. Perrey, P. Delachartre, M. Vogt, D. Vray, and H. Ermert. Axial strain imaging using a local estimation of the scaling factor from RF ultrasound signals. Ultrasonic Imaging, 22(2):95-107, 2000.

  21. [GUER-00b] G. Guerault, P. Delachartre, G. Finet, and I.E. Magnin. Modélisation et segmentation d'images échographiques endovasculaires. Traitement du Signal, 17(5-6):517-529, 2000.

  22. [DELA-99a] P. Delachartre, C. Cachard, G. Finet, L. Gerfault, and D. Vray. Modelling geometric artefacts in intravascular ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound Med Biol, 25(4):567-575, 1999.

  23. [FINE-98a] G. Finet, C. Cachard, P. Delachartre, E. Maurincomme, and J. Beaune. Artifacts in intravascular ultrasound imaging during coronary artery stent implantation. Ultrasound Med Biol, 26(4):793-802, 1998.

  24. [MA-97] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Time-frequency representation of multicomponent chirp signals. Signal Proces, 56(2):149-155, 1997.

  25. [ANDR-95] N. Andrieux, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, G. Gimenez, and A. Dziedzic. Lake-bottom recognition using a wideband sonar system and time-frequency analysis. J Acoust Soc Am, 98(1):552-559, 1995.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [GUET-10b] P. Gueth, P. Delachartre, and H. Liebgott. Motion estimation using prebeamformed ultrasound signals. In IEEE International Ultrasonic Symposium, San Diego, USA, pages in-press, 2010.

  2. [MALT-10] T. Mataverne, P. Delachartre, and A. Basarab. Motion estimation using the monogenic signal applied to ultrasound elastography. In IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina, pages in-press, 2010.

  3. [OLLI-10] J. Ollivier, A. Lyshchik, A. Basarab, and P. Delachartre. A 2D least square differentiation filter for tensorial elastography. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, San Diego, USA, pages in-press, 2010.

  4. [GUET-09] P. Gueth, H. Liebgott, and P. Delachartre. Formation de champ de déplacements à partir des signaux bruts. Application à limagerie ultrasonore en synthèse douverture. In XXIIe Colloque GRETSI - Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'09), Dijon, France, pages ID341, September 2009.

  5. [LIEB-09b] H. Liebgott, A. Ben Salem, A. Basarab, H. Gao, P. Claus, J. D'hooge, P. Delachartre, and D. Friboulet. Tangential sound field oscillations for 2D motion estimation in echocardiography. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy, pages 498-501, 2009.

  6. [ZAHN-09] G. Zahnd, A. Basarab, H. Liebgott, O. Basset, and P. Delachartre. Real-time specific beamforming applied to motion trajectory estimation in ultrasound imaging. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy, pages 1342-1345, 2009.

  7. [BASA-08c] A. Basarab, A. Lyshchik, and P. Delachartre. Multi-frame motion estimation for freehand elastography and its application to thyroid tumor imaging. In IEEE ISBI, Paris, France, pages 532-535, Mai 2008.

  8. [BASA-07c] A. Basarab, W. Aoudi, H. Liebgott, D. Vray, and P. Delachartre. Parametric deformable block matching for ultrasound imaging. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'07, San Antonio, USA, pages II-429-II-432, September 2007.

  9. [BASA-07b] A. Basarab, C. Grava, V. Buzuloiu, and P. Delachartre. Estimation de décalages subpixéliques par ajustement de la phase des signaux complexes. In Gretsi, Troyes, France, pages 149-152, September 2007.

  10. [BASA-07a] A. Basarab, P. Gueth, H. Liebgott, and P. Delachartre. Two-dimensional least-squares estimation for motion tracking in ultrasound elastography. In IEEE EMBC, Lyon, France, pages 2155-2158, August 2007.

  11. [DUBO-07] F. Duboeuf, H. Liebgott, A. Basarab, E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Static mechanical assessment of elastic Young's modulus of tissue mimicking materials used for medical imaging. In Proc. 29th Int. IEEE EMBC 2007, Lyon, France, pages 3450-3453, 2007.

  12. [GUET-07] P. Gueth, A. Basarab, H. Liebgott, and P. Delachartre. Beamforming techniques for motion estimation in ultrasound elastography. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, New-York, USA, pages 1953-1956, October 2007.

  13. [BASA-06] A. Basarab, H. Liebgott, C. Grava, and P. Delachartre. Two-dimensional sub-sample estimation using plane phase fitting. In IEEE ICASSP, volume 2, Toulouse, France, pages 1152-1155, May 2006.

  14. [LIEB-06] H. Liebgott, A. Basarab, D. Loizeau, J.E. Wilhjelm, J.A. Jensen, and P. Delachartre. Improved Beamforming for Lateral Oscillations in Elastography Using Synthetic Aperture Imaging. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, pages (2168-2171), October 2006.

  15. [BALO-05b] S. Balocco, O. Basset, G. Courbebaisse, P. Delachartre, P. Tortoli, and C. Cachard. 3D dynamical ultrasonic model of pulsating wall vessels. In World Congress on Ultrasonics-Ultrasonics International, Beijing, P.R. China, pages MoPpm1-01, 2005.

  16. [BALO-04] S. Balocco, O. Basset, J. Azencot, P. Delachartre, P. Tortoli, and C. Cachard. A new 3D ultrasonic model of pathologic carotid vessels based on generalized cylinders. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Montreal, Canada, pages 2177-2180, 2004.

  17. [DELA-04] P. Delachartre, H. Liebgott, S. Michelet, M. Pernot, and D. Vray. Hardware implementation for receive beamforming and transverse elasticity imaging. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Montréal, Canada, pages 1488-1491, 2004.

  18. [LIEB-04] H. Liebgott, J. Fromageau, J.E. Wilhjelm, D. Vray, and P. Delachartre. Direct estimation of the lateral strain field using a double oscillating point spread function with a scaling factor estimator. In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 5, San Diego, USA, pages 163-172, 2004.

  19. [BALO-03] S. Balocco, O. Basset, C. Cachard, and P. Delachartre. Spatial Anisotropic Diffusion and Local Time Correlation Applied to Segmentation of Vessels in Ultrasound Image Sequences. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pages 1549-1552, 2003.

  20. [FROM-03b] J. Fromageau, E. Brusseau, C.L. De Korte, A.F.W. Van Der Steen, D. Vray, and P. Delachartre. Complete Processing for Intravascular Ultrasound Elastography. In World Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris, France, pages 1089-1092, 2003.

  21. [FROM-03c] J. Fromageau and P. Delachartre. Description of a New Strain and Displacement Estimator for Elastography. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2003.

  22. [JARR-03] A. Jarrot, H. Liebgott, P. Delachartre, and M. Robini. Edge-Preserving reconstruction for Young's modulus recovery from ultrasonic data. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pages 1919-1922, 2003.

  23. [BRUS-02b] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, C.L. De Korte, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, and A. Van Der Steen. Complete processing for quantitative intravascular ultrasound elastography. In 1st International conference of the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2002.

  24. [CACH-02] C. Cachard, T. Alecu, and P. Delachartre. Ultrasound Imaging Simulator. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, 2002.

  25. [FROM-02] J. Fromageau, H. Liebgott, E. Brusseau, G. Gimenez, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Correction of stress decay in intravascular elastography by combination of radial and tangential strain. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, pages 1877-1880, 2002.

  26. [BRUS-01b] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Signal local compression computation for imaging strains within a vessel mimicking cryogel phantom and a carotid artery. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 07-10 October 2001.

  27. [FROM-01] J. Fromageau, P. Delachartre, J.C. Boyer, R. Guerjouma, and G. Gimenez. Modélisation et mesure des propriétés elastiques du cryogel pour la calibration des images d'elasticité IVUS. In GAPSUS, Société Française d'Acoustique, Marseille, France, 2001.

  28. [BRUS-00e] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Axial strain imaging of sponge and tissu mimicking phantoms. In American Institute of Utrasound in Medicine, 44th Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA, 2-5 April 2000.

  29. [BRUS-00b] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Axial strain imaging of vessel mimicking cryogel phantoms. In Int Symposium of IEEE Ultrason, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, pages 1821-1824, 2000.

  30. [FROM-00] J. Fromageau, P. Delachartre, R. Guerjouma, J. C. Boyer, and G. Gimenez. Modelling and measurement of cryogel elasticity properties for calibrating of IVUS elasticity images. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2 of IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, pages 1817-1820, October 22-25 2000.

  31. [GUER-00a] F. Guerault, P. Delachartre, G. Finet, and I.E. Magnin. Segmentation of intravascular ultrasound images by probabilistic active contour. In RFIA, volume 2, Paris, France, pages 239-246, 2000.

  32. [ABOU-99] S. Abouelkaram, K. Suchorski, B. Buquet, P.H. Berge, J. Culioli, P. Delachartre, and O. Basset. Effects of bovine muscle composition and structure on ultrasonic measurements. In New developments in guaranteeing the optimal sensory quality of meat, Madrid, Spain, pages 143-162, 5-7 May 1999.

  33. [BRUS-99a] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, M. Krueger, and A. Pesavento. Strain imaging using a local estimation of scaling factor from RF ultrasound signals. In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, volume 21 of Ultrasonic Imaging, Arlington, VA, USA, pages 54, 1999.

  34. [DELA-99b] P. Delachartre, E. Brusseau, F. Guerault, G. Finet, C. Cachard, and D. Vray. Correction of geometric artifacts in intravascular ultrasound imaging during stent implantation. In International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2 of IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Caesars Tahoe, Nevada, USA, pages 1533-1536, 1999.

  35. [BRUS-98] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Modélisation de la formation de l'image dans le cas d'un transducteur ultrasonore en rotation. In Journées scientifiques du GAPSUS, Lyon, France, 19 et 20 mars 1998.

  36. [DELA-98b] P. Delachartre, C. Cachard, G. Finet, P. Alexandre, J.P. Claudel, T. Georges, and L. Maillard. Modélisation des artéfacts en échographie endovasculaire. In EUROSON 98 - SFAUMB 98, Tours, France, 1998.

  37. [VRAY-97] D. Vray, T. Rastello, F. Schoofs, and P. Delachartre. Improving the spatial resolution of intravascular ultrasound imaging with synthetic aperture Fourier-based methods. In IEEE, International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Toronto, Canada, pages 1531-1534, 1997.

  38. [BACE-96a] A. Bacelar, B. Neyran, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, and G. Gimenez. Accurate position and orientation parameters correlated to wideband echo: a new approach for classification of fish species. In VIII EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, pages 1833-1836, 1996.

  39. [DELA-96] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, N. Ma, A. Bacelar, and G. Gimenez. Wideband inverse filtering to improve active sonar detection in background reverberation. In VIII EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, pages 1829-1832, 1996.

  40. [RAST-96] T. Rastello, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and R. Prost. Fourier-Based imaging applied to synthetic aperture sonar. In IEEE Oceans'96, Fort Lauderdale, USA, pages 1521-1526, 1996.

  41. [MA_N-95] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Sea-bottom backscattering modeling with a wideband constant beamwidth sonar at normal incidence. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Seattle, USA, pages 1077-1080, 1995.

  42. [DELA-94a] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Estimation of the causal impulse response of an underwater target. In IEEE Int. Conf. on ASSP, Adelaïde, Australia, pages 385-388, 1994.

  43. [MA_N-94a] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Analysis of sedimentary bottom impulse response using a wide band sonar. In IEEE Oceans'94, Brest, France, pages I.813-I.818, 1994.

  44. [MA_N-94b] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Time-frequency representation adapted to chirp signals : application to analysis of sphere scattering. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Cannes, France, pages 1139-1142, 1994.

  45. [SUN-94c] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Diffusion acoustique par deux sphères - condition de champ lointain de la diffusion multiple. In 3rd French Congress on Acoustics, Journal de Physique IV, volume 4, Toulouse, France, pages C5-901-C5-903, 1994.

  46. [VRAY-94] D. Vray, P. Delachartre, N. Andrieux, and G. Gimenez. Bottom classification using information in the spectral domain and time-frequency domain. In IEEE Oceans'94, Brest, France, pages II.659-II.664, 1994.

  47. [DELA-93] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Identification d'un système sonar large bande. In 3ème Journées d'Acoustique Physique sous-marine et ultrasonore, Le Havre, France, 1993.

  48. [MA_N-93] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Analyse en large bande du comportement acoustique du fond sous-marin. In 14e Colloque sur le traitement du signal et des images, Juan-les-Pins, France, pages 1163-1166, 1993.

  49. [SUN-93b] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Target structure dependence of the linearity principle in the estimation of underwater target abundance by the echo integration. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Baltimore, USA, pages 719-722, 1993.

  50. [DELA-92a] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, F. Peyrin, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Time-frequency analysis applied to sandy bottom echoes. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, USA, pages 345-348, 1992.

  51. [DELA-92b] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, and G. Gimenez. Classification of lake bottom echo signals using a wideband sonar system. In Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics, volume 1, Beijing, P.R. China, pages B2-2, 1992.

  52. [DELA-92c] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, G. Gimenez, and A. Dziedzic. Spectral characterization of lake bottom echo signals using a wideband sona. In European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pages 477-480, 1992.

  53. [SUN-92c] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Bandwidth effect of sonar signal on the estimation of underwater target abundance by the echo-integration method. In European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (non inclu dans les actes), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1992.

  54. [SUN-92b] Z. Sun, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Frequency behavior of multiple scattering effect in the energy investigation of echoes scattered by a random distribution of soft spheres. In 14ème Int. Cong. on Acoustics, (non inclu dans les actes), Beijing, P.R. China, 1992.

  55. [VRAY-92b] D. Vray, D. Berchoux, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Speed of sound in sulfuric acid solution : application to density measurement. In IEEE Ultrasonics symposium, Tucson, Arizona, USA, pages 969-972, 1992. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

  56. [VRAY-92a] D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. DENSONIC : an ultrasonic system for the monitoring of submarine batteries. In Undersea Defence Technology, London, UK, pages 90-94, 1992. Microwave exhibitions, Publ..

Invited Conferences
  1. [LIEB-10b] H. Liebgott, A. Basarab, P. Gueth, D. Friboulet, and P. Delachartre. Transverse oscillations for tissue motion estimation. In International Congress on Ultrasonics 2009, Physics Procedia, volume 3, Santiago (Chile), pages 235-244, 2010.

  2. [MARI-09e] A. Marion, W. Aoudi, A. Basarab, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. A comparative study of four vector velocity estimation methods applied to flow imaging. In International Congress on Ultrasonics, Santiago, Chile, 2009.

  3. [BRUS-03] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Investigating the arterial mechanical properties with intravascular elastography - Method and results. In Symposium on new invasive diagnostic methods, Bochum, Allemagne, November 2003.

  4. [DELA-01] P. Delachartre, C. Cachard, and G. Finet. Caractérisation des plaques d'athérome : état de l'art et perspectives. In XXIe Congrés de la SFAUMB,17-19 Mai, Toulouse, France, 2001.

  5. [BRUS-00d] E. Brusseau, G. Finet, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Specificities and new developments in intravascular ultrasound imaging. In 44th Annual Convention American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2-5 April, San Francisco, USA, 2000.

  1. [BRUS-02f] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, C. De Korte, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, and A. Van der Steen. Complete processing for quantitative intravascular ultrasound elastography. 1st International Conference of the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity, Niagara Falls, Ontario (Canada), 2002.

  2. [BRUS-00f] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Axial strain imaging of sponge and tissu mimicking phantoms. American Institute of Utrasound in Medicine, 44th Annual Convention, 2-5 April, San Francisco, USA, 2000.

  3. [BRUS-99b] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, M. Krueger, and A. Pesavento. Strain imaging using a local estimation of scaling factor from RF ultrasound signals. Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Washington (USA), 1999.

  4. [BRUS-98b] E. Brusseau, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Modélisation de la formation de l'image dans le cas d'un transducteur ultrasonore en rotation. Journées scientifiques du GAPSUS, 19 et 20 mars, Lyon, France, 1998.

  5. [FROM-01b] J. Fromageau, P. Delachartre, J.C. Boyer, R. Guerdjouma, and G. Gimenez. Modélisation et mesure des propriétés elastiques du cryogel pour la calibration des images d'elasticité IVUS. GAPSUS, Société Française d'Acoustique, Marseille, France, 1998.

  6. [DELA-93b] P. Delachartre, D. Vray, Z. Sun, A. Dziedzic, and G. Gimenez. Identification d'un système sonar large bande. 3ème Journées d'Acoustique Physique sous-marine et ultrasonore, Le Havre, France, 1993.



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