Publications of C. Revol-Muller
[ROSE-09] J.L. Rose,
A Lalande,
O Bouchot,
E.B. Bourennane,
P.M. Walker,
P Ugolini,
C Revol-Muller,
R Cartier,
and F Brunotte.
Influence of age and sex on aortic distensibility assessed by MRI in healthy subjects.
Magn Reson Imaging,
pp in-press,
[GREN-05] T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
N. Costes,
M. Janier,
and G. Gimenez.
Automated seeds location for whole body NaF PET segmentation.
IEEE Trans Nucl Sci,
52(5):1401 - 1405,
October 2005.
[REVO-02b] C. Revol-Muller,
H. Benoit-Cattin,
Y. Carillon,
C. Odet,
A. Briguet,
and F. Peyrin.
Bone MRI segmentation assessment based on synchrotron radiation computed microtomography.
IEEE Trans Nucl Sci,
[REVO-02a] C. Revol-Muller,
F. Peyrin,
Y. Carillon,
and C. Odet.
Automated 3D region growing algorithm based on an assessment function.
Pattern Recogn Lett,
[REVO-97a] C. Revol-Muller and M. Jourlin.
A new minimum-variance region growing algorithm for image segmentation.
Pattern Recogn Lett,
[JOUR-96] M. Jourlin,
C. Bertrand,
J.L. Coudert,
F. Darsonville,
P. Gremillets,
S. Martinez,
J.C. Pinolit,
C. Revol-Muller,
and F. Trunde.
3D imaging applications at the LISA laboratory during the last ten years.
Micr Microanal Microstruct,
Communications Proceedings
[PACU-10] A. Pacureanu,
C. Revol-Muller,
JL. Rose,
M. Sanchez-Ruiz,
and F. Peyrin.
A Vesselness-guided Variational Segmentation of Cellular Networks from 3D Micro-CT.
In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'10),
Rotterdam, Netherlands,
pages in-press,
April 2010.
[PACU-09a] A. Pacureanu,
A. Larrue,
Z. Peter,
C. Revol-Muller,
V. Buzuloiu,
and F. Peyrin.
Filtrage 3D non-linéaire pour la détection de microstructures biologiques à léchelle nanométrique.
In XXIIe Colloque GRETSI - Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'09),
Dijon, France,
pages in-press,
September 2009.
[ROSE-09b] J.L. Rose,
C Revol-Muller,
D. Charpigny,
and C. Odet.
Shape prior criterion based on Tchebichef moments in variational region growing.
In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'09,
Cairo, Egypt,
pages in-press,
November 2009.
[ROSE-09a] J.L. Rose,
C Revol-Muller,
C Reichert,
and C. Odet.
Variational region growing.
In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications,
Lisboa, Portugal,
pages in-press,
February 2009.
[ROSE-08b] J.L. Rose,
C. Revol-Muller,
J.B. Langlois,
M. Janier,
and C. Odet.
3D region growing integrating adaptive shape prior.
In Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on,
Paris, France,
pages 967-970,
May 2008.
[ROSE-07] J.L. Rose,
C. Revol-Muller,
M. Almajdub,
E. Chereul,
and C. Odet.
Shape Prior Integrated in an Automated 3D Region Growing method.
In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'07,
San Antonio, USA,
pages 53-56,
September 2007.
[GREN-06b] T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
N. Costes,
M. Janier,
and G. Gimenez.
3D Robust Adaptive Region Growing for Segmenting [18F]fluoride Ion PET Images.
In 2006 NSS MIC,
San Diego, USA,
pages 2644-2648,
October 2006.
[GREN-06a] T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
and G. Gimenez.
Hybrid approach for multiparametric mean shift filtering.
In ICIP'06,
Atlanta, USA,
pages 1541-1544,
[DAVI-05] F. Davignon,
T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
G. Gimenez,
and O. Basset.
Lissage et segmentation d'images multi-paramétriques ultrasonores par une approche 'Mean shift'.
Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium,
pages 21-24,
[GREN-05b] T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
F. Davignon,
O. Basset,
and G. Gimenez.
'Mean Shift' Adaptatif pour le lissage d'images ultrasonores.
Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium,
pages 53-56,
[GREN-05c] T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
F. Davignon,
O. Basset,
and G. Gimenez.
Multiparametric Smoothing Based On Mean Shift Procedure For Ultrasound Data Segmentation.
Antalya, Turkey,
pages Article ID cr1461, 4 pages,
[GREN-05a] T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
F. Davignon,
O. Basset,
and G. Gimenez.
Variable bandwidth Mean Shift for Smoothing ultrasonic images.
Antalya, Turkey,
pages Article ID cr1454, 4 pages,
[GREN-03] T. Grenier,
C. Revol-Muller,
N. Costes,
M. Janier,
and G. Gimenez.
Automated seeds location for whole body NaF PET segmentation.
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record - Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference,
Portland, OR, USA,
pages 2210-2214,
[REVO-01b] C. Revol-Muller,
M. Rombaut,
and M. Janier.
Dempster-Shafer approach for high level data fusion applied to the assessment of myocardial viability.
In First International Workshop on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH'01),
Helsinki, Finland,
pages 104-112,
[REVO-01a] C. Revol-Muller,
M. Rombaut,
and M. Janier.
Une architecture de fusion modulaire pour l'assistance au diagnostic médical.
Toulouse, France,
pages 140-143,
[REVO-00b] C. Revol-Muller,
H. Benoit-Cattin,
Y. Carillon,
C. Odet,
A. Briguet,
and F. Peyrin.
Bone MRI segmentation assessment based on synchrotron radiation computed microtomography.
In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
Lyon, France,
pages 19.7-19.11,
[REVO-00a] C. Revol-Muller,
F. Peyrin,
C. Odet,
and Y. Carillon.
Automated 3D region growing algorithm governed by an evaluation function.
In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'00,
Vancouver, Canada,
[REVO-97b] C. Revol-Muller,
M. Jourlin,
T. Fortin,
and J.L. Coudert.
Algorithme de segmentation destiné aux images odontologiques tridimensionnelles.
In 37è Congrès de la Société Francophone de Chirurgie Buccale,
Some City, Some Country,
[PEYR-00d] F. Peyrin,
C. Revol-Muller,
Y. Carillon,
E. Martin-Badosa,
S. Nuzzo,
A. Bonnassie,
and A. Briguet.
Synchrotron radiation Micro-CT : a reference tool for the characterization of bone samples.
In Bone architecture and the competence of bone,
Big Sur Symposium, USA,
[REVO-97c] C. Revol-Muller,
M. Jourlin,
T. Fortin,
and J.L. Coudert.
Algorithme de segmentation destiné aux images odontologiques tridimensionnelles.
37ème Congrès de la Société Francophone de Chirurgie Buccale, Tours, France,
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