Publications of C. Armenean
[ARME-05] C. Armenean.
Etude de la sécurité de dispositifs endoluminaux en IRM.
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
Jury: J. Felblinger (rap.), A. Leroy-Willig (rap.), J.F. Delforge, D. Barbier (prés.), H. Saint-James (dir.), E. Perrin (co-dir.).
[ARME-07] C. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
M. Armenean,
F. Pilleul,
E. Perrin,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Interventional MRI : risk of burns to the patient and radiologist.
J Radiol,
April 2007.
[PILL-05b] F. Pilleul,
O. Beuf,
C. Godefroy,
J.Y. Scoazec,
M. Armenean,
C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
P.J. Valette,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
High-resolution MR imaging appearance of colonic tissue in rabbits using an endoluminal coil.
[ARME-04c] C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
RF-induced temperature elevation along metallic wires in clinical magnetic resonance imaging: influence of diameter and length.
Magn Reson Med,
[ARME-04a] C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Simulation of radiofrequency heating of catheter guides in MRI experiments: Influence of wires resistivity.
AMSE Best of book,
pp 30-38,
[SAIN-04] H. Saint-Jalmes,
O. Beuf,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
C. Armenean,
F. Jaillon,
F. Pilleul,
P.J. Valette,
J.M. Serfaty,
P. Douek,
C. Mestais,
C. Jeandey,
J.F. Delforge,
S. Piranda,
S. Perrot,
and E. Malher.
MIRME : microsystèmes en IRM endoluminale appliqués au diagnostic pour le traitement des pathologies cardiovasculaires et digestives.
Innov Tech Biol Med - RBM,
Communications Proceedings
[ARME-05a] C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Experimental RF heating measurements for different coaxial cable connections/disconnections scenario in a clinical MRI.
In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting,
Basel, Switzerland,
September 15-18 2005.
[ARME-05b] C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
F. Pilleul,
O. Beuf,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Etude de l'échauffement radiofréquence autour de conducteurs métalliques pour la sécurité de capteurs endoluminaux et de dispositifs en IRM interventionnelle.
In 11ème Congrès du GRAMM,
Nancy, France,
21-23 mars 2005.
[BEUF-05c] O. Beuf,
C. Armenean,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Small animal MRI: spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio comparison at 7T and 1.5T with multiple acquisition strategies.
In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting,
Basel, Switzerland,
September 15-18 2005.
[ARME-04d] C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
RF heating comparison between conductive and resistive wires in interventional and endoluminal MRI.
In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 12th Scientific Meeting,
Kyoto, Japan,
15-21 May 2004.
[ARME-04e] C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
RF heating near metallic wires: effects of resistivity, position, length and flip angle.
In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Meeting,
Copenhagen, Denmark,
September 9-12 2004.
[BEUF-04c] O. Beuf,
C. Armenean,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Small animal at 7T versus human or small animal MRI at 1.5T: spatial resolution and signal to noise ratio comparison.
In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Meeting,
Copenhagen, Denmark,
September 9-12 2004.
[ARME-03a] C. Armenean,
M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
E. Perrin,
F. Pilleul,
A. Bordelois,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
RF heating along a metallic catheter during a clinical MRI examination.
In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 11th Scientific Meeting,
Toronto, Canada,
11-16th July 2003.
[ARME-03c] M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
E. Perrin,
C. Armenean,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Vers la miniaturisation de capteurs radiofréquence pour la spectroscopie et l'imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire.
In Société Française de Physique,
Lyon, France,
7-10 juillet 2003.
[ARME-03b] C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
M. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
RF induced temperature elevation near metallic wires in clinical magnetic resonance imaging.
In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc,
Cancun, Mexico,
17-21 September 2003.
[BEUF-03d] O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
M. Armenean,
C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
IRM endoluminale de la paroi digestive.
In VIIIème colloque De la recherche à la découverte,
Toulouse, France,
Avril 2003.
[BEUF-03e] O. Beuf,
F. Pilleul,
M. Armenean,
C. Armenean,
E. Perrin,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
In vivo rabbit gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal coil.
In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc,
Cancun, Mexico,
17-21 September 2003.
[PERR-03b] E. Perrin,
C. Armenean,
O. Beuf,
M. Armenean,
F. Pilleul,
and H. Saint-Jalmes.
Simulations and measures of RF heating along metallic wires in MRI.
In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,
Sydney, Australia,
August 24-29 2003.
[SAIN-05a] H. Saint-Jalmes,
M. Armenean,
C. Armenean,
F. Pilleul,
and O. Beuf.
MR hardware and safety aspects.
In European School of MRI : applied MR techniques,
volume Moscow, Russia,
april 28-39 2005.
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