
X-ray imaging is mainly limited by the thickness of the part to be checked. The detectability of plane defects is less good than in ultrasound, but automation of control is very easy.


  • no coupling

  • 2D(+t), 3D(+t) imaging

  • metrology

  • volumic defects: good sensitivity

  • automatization


  • radioprotection & cost

  • crack, delamination, planar defect: poor sensitivity

  • large thickness: poor transmission (\(>\) a few cm of metal)


Fig. 192 Pablo Picasso The Old Guitarist, 1903 – Visible (left), IR (middle left), X-Ray diffraction (middle right), and outline (right)#


  • Video of Microtec CT Log 360° X-ray CT-Sawing Optimization:

    Microtec CT Log

  • Video of Fraunhofer container inspection:

    Fraunhofer Container

  • Video of Yxlon Wheel inspection system:

    Yxlon wheel inspection

  • Video of Wipotec-OCS of food-inspection modular system:

    Yxlon wheel inspection