Publications of year 1995
Book chapters
  1. [BEUF-95] A. Briguet, M. Bourgeois, and O. Beuf. How to take advantages of gradients? - Fundamentals and some applications. In New prospects in psychiatry. The bio-clinical interface, pages 223-228. J.P. Macher, M.A. Crocq, and J.F. Nedelec, editors. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, France, 1995.

  2. [OVIZ-95] M. Ovize, M. Janier, G. Rioufol, I. Ginon, Y. Minaire, and X. André-Fouet. L'ischémie-reperfusion myocardique. In Maladie coronaire. I. Gandjbakhch, J. P. Ollivier, and A. Pavie, editors. 1995.

  3. [RUBE-95] P. Rubel, J. Couderc, D. Morlet, J. Fayn, F. Peyrin, and P. Touboul. Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring. In Spectral Analysis of High resolution ECGs. A. J. Moss and S. Stern, editors. W.B Saunders Ltd, Publ., 1995.

  4. [DE-B-95] R. de Beer, D. van Ormondt, F. T. A. W. Wajer, S. Cavassila, D. Graveron-Demilly, and S. Van Huffel. SVD-Based modelling of medical NMR signals. In SVD and Signal Processing III Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, chapter 48, pages 467-474. M. Moonen and B. De Moor, editors. Elsevier, Publ., 1995.

  1. [AKRO-95] N. Akrout. Contribution à la compression d'images par quantification vectorielle. Algorithmes et circuit intégré spécifique. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 1995. Jury: Chassery J.M. (rap.), Goutte R., Labit C. (rap.), Pinard P. (prés.) et Prost R. (dir.).

  2. [BENO-95a] H. Benoit-Cattin. Contribution à la compression sous-bandes : étude des filtres FIR et de la quantification des sous-bandes. Applications en imagerie médicale 2D et 3D. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 1995. Jury: Séqueira J., Barlaud M., Duhamel P., Baskurt A., Goutte R. et Prost R.

  3. [DOUE-95e] P. Douek. Etude expérimentale et clinique de nouvelles méthodes endovasculaires de diagnostic et de traitement de l'athérosclérose. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 1995. Jury: Amiel M. (prés.), Cathignol D., Michel J.B. (rap.), Milon H. et Struyven J. (rap.).

  4. [ZAIM-95] M. Zaim. Décomposition et reconstruction d'images tomographiques par transformée en ondelettes. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 1995. Jury: Amiel M., Antoine J.P. (prés.), Goutte R., Rocques S. (rap.), Garnero L. (rap.) et Peyrin F.

  5. [ZARR-95] B. Zarrad. Tomographie d'émission monophotonique avec le 99mTc-HMPAO : amélioration qualitative et quantification en débit sanguin cérébral régional. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 1995. Jury: Amiel M. (prés.), Comet (rap.), Vergnes M. (rap.), Philippon B. (dir.) et Trouillas P.

Articles in journal
  1. [AMIE-95a] M. Amiel, I.E. Magnin, D. Friboulet, and D. Revel. L'imagerie médicale en 3D : concepts, bases techniques, applications. Rev Im Méd, 7:107-116, 1995.

  2. [ANDR-95] N. Andrieux, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, G. Gimenez, and A. Dziedzic. Lake-bottom recognition using a wideband sonar system and time-frequency analysis. J Acoust Soc Am, 98(1):552-559, 1995.

  3. [CANE-95a] E. Canet, P. Douek, M. Janier, J. Amaya, P. Millet, and D. Revel. Optimal dose and volume of gadolinium chelates for first pass myocardial perfusion MR studies. J Magn Reson Imaging, 4:411-415, 1995.

  4. [CANE-95b] E. Canet, D. Revel, L. Sebbag, M. De Lorgeril, C. Baldy, C. Delabre, and M. Amiel. Non invasive assessment of no-reflow phenomenom in a canine model of reperfused infarction using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Am Heart J, 130:949-956, 1995.

  5. [PERR-95b] S. Cassassoles, C. Paulus, J.C. Ajacques, C. Berger-Vachon, M. Laurent, and E. Perrin. Caractérisation acoustique de l'insuffisance vélaire chez le jeune enfant. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac, 96(1):13-20, 1995.

  6. [CROI-95c] P. Croisille, M. Souto, M. Cova, S. Wood, Y. Afework, J. Kuhlman, and E. Zerhouni. Pulmonary nodules: improved detection with vascular segmentation/extraction in spiral CT. Radiology, 197:397-401, 1995.

  7. [DENI-95] F. Denis, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. Ultrasonic transmission in refracting media : Reduction of refraction artifacts by curved-ray techniques. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 14(1):173-188, 1995.

  8. [DITT-95] A. Dittmar, H. Rada, G. Delhomme, E. Verney-Maury, C. Collet, R. Roure, R. Unterreiner, M. Robini, and C. Delemer. A multi-sensor system for the non-invasivemeasurement of the activity of autonomic nervous system. Sens Actuators B, 27(1-3):461-464, 1995.

  9. [DOUE-95c] P. Douek, P. Loubeyre, A. Delignette, M. Amiel, and D. Revel. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR tomoangiography of major pulmonary arteries. European Radiol, 5:633-639, 1995.

  10. [DOUE-95b] P. Douek, D. Revel, S. Chazel, B. Falise, J. Villard, and M. Amiel. Fast MR angiography of the aortoiliac arteries and arteries of the lower extremity. Am J Roentgenol, 165:431-437, 1995.

  11. [GRIM-95a] J. Grimaud, J. Millar, J. Thorpe, I.F. Moseley, W.I. Mcdonald, and D.H. Miller. Signal intensity on MRI of basal ganglia in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosur Ps, 59:306-308, 1995.

  12. [JUDD-95] R. Judd, C. Lugo-Olivieri, M. Arai, T. Kondo, P. Croisille, J. Lima, and V. Mohan. Physiological basis of myocardial contrast enhancement in fast magnetic resonance images of 2-day-old reperfused canine infarcts. Circulation, 92(7):1902-1910, 1995.

  13. [LAVA-95] A.M. Laval-Jeantet, C. Bergot, M. Williams, K. Davidson, and M. Laval-Jeantet. Dual-Energy X-ray absorptiometry of the calcaneus : comparison with vertebral dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and quantitative computed tomography. Calcif Tissue Int, 56:14-18, 1995.

  14. [LIU-95a] W. Y. Liu, I.E. Magnin, and G. Gimenez. Un nouvel opérateur pour la détection de rupture dans des signaux bruités. Traitement du Signal, 12(3):226-236, 1995.

  15. [PEAR-95b] J. Pearson, J. Dequeker, M. Henley, J. Bright, J. Reeve, W. Kalender, and A.M. Laval-Jeantet. European semi-anthropomorphic spine phantom for the calibration of bone desitometers : assessment of precision, stability and accuracy (the European Quantitation of osteoporosis study group). Osteoporosis Int, 5(3):174-184, 1995.

  16. [PEAR-95a] J. Pearson, J. Dequeker, J. Reeve, D. Felsenberg, M. Henley, J. Bright, M. Lunt, J. Adams, M. Curiel Diaz, F. Galan, P. Geusens, P. Jaeger, H. Kroger, P. Lips, A. Mitchell, R. Perez Cano, H. Pols, A. Rapado, D.M. Reid, C. Ribot, P. Schneider, A.M. Laval-Jeantet, P. Ruegsegger, and W. Kalender. Dual X-ray absorptiometry of the proximal femur : normal European values standardized with the European spine phantom. J Bone Min Research, 10(10):315-324, 1995.

  17. [PERR-95a] E. Perrin, C. Berger-Vachon, C. Le Dissez, and A. Morgon. The voice normality of cochlear implanted Children. Adv Oto-Rhino-Laryng, 50:728-733, 1995.

  18. [PROS-95] R. Prost, C. Diab, and R. Goutte. Exact multiresolution image decomposition and reconstruction in discrete space and frequency domains. Signal Proces-Image, 7:249-257, 1995.

  19. [SCHR-95] J.J. Schreuder, F.H. Van Der Veen, E.T. Van Der Velde, F. Delahaye, O. Alfieri, O. Jegaden, R. Lorusso, J.R.C. Jansen, V. Van Ommen, G. Finet, and H.J.J. Wellens. Beat to beat analysis of left ventricular pressure-volume relationship and stroke volume by conductance catheter and aortic modelflow in cardiomyoplasty patients. Circulation, 91:2010-2017, 1995.

  20. [ZHU-95c] Y.M. Zhu and R. Goutte. A comparison of bilinear space/spatial-frequency representations for texture discrimination. Pattern Recogn Lett, 16:1057-1068, 1995.

  21. [ZHU-95a] Y.M. Zhu and R. Goutte. Analysis and comparison of space/spatial-frequency and multiscale methods for texture segmentation. Optical Engineering, 34(1):269-282, 1995.

  22. [ZHU-95b] Y.M. Zhu, V. Kaftandjian, G. Peix, and D. Babot. Modulation transfer function evaluation of linear solid state X-ray sensitive detectors using edge techniques. Appl Opt, 34(22):4937-4943, 1995.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [AMIE-95b] M. Amiel. L'image en mouvement ; 1995, un tournant dans la pratique angiographique ?. In Séminaire d'Imagerie du Coeur et des Vaisseaux (Hôpital Broussais), Paris, France, 2-3 Février 1995.

  2. [BACE-95] A. Bacelar, B. Neyran, C. Chorrier, G. Gimenez, and A. Dziedzic. Reconstruction et extraction des paramètres géométriques d'un poisson. In 15e Colloque GRETSI, Juan-les-Pins, France, pages 1303-1306, 1995.

  3. [BASK-95a] A. Baskurt, H. Benoit-Cattin, and C. Odet. On a 3D medical image coding method using a separable 3D wavelet transform. In SPIE Medical Imaging IX : Image display, volume 2431, San Diego, USA, pages 173-183, 1995.

  4. [BASS-95] O. Basset, M. Trachterna, F. Dupont, S. Abouelkaram, G. Gimenez, and J. Culioli. Classement de muscles de bovins par analyse de la texture d'images réalisées sur des tranches de viande. In Rencontres Recherche Ruminants, Paris, France, pages 235-238, 1995.

  5. [BENO-95b] H. Benoit-Cattin and J.L. Burdeau. Ondelettes et compression d'images. In Séminaire ASPROM sur la compression des images et du son, Paris, France, 1995.

  6. [BERE-95] P. Beretta and R. Prost. Unsharp masking and its inverse processing integrated in a compression/decompression scheme. Application to cardiac angiograms. In SPIE, volume 2431, San Diego, USA, pages 233-244, 1995.

  7. [CALV-95] C. Calvin, C. Laurent, J.M. Chassery, and F. Peyrin. Efficient implementation of parallel image reconstruction algorithms for 3D X-ray tomography. In Int Conf on Parallel Computing, volume 2, Some City, Belgium, pages 492-495, 1995.

  8. [CAVA-95] S. Cavassila, B. Fenet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Improvement of the spectral resolution of the linear prediction methods. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 3rd Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Nice, France, pages 1951, 1995.

  9. [CLAR-95b] P. Clarysse, O. Jaouen, I.E. Magnin, and J.M. Morvan. Interpolation 3D des parois cardiaques à partir de données discrètes. In Jour. Thématiques GDR TdSI - GRAISHYM : Mouvement 3D d'objets non rigides, Lille, France, pages 4 pages, Mai 1995.

  10. [CLAR-95a] P. Clarysse, F. Poupon, B. Barbier, and I.E. Magnin. 3D boundary extraction of the left ventricle by a deformable model with a priori information. In IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Washington, USA, pages 492-495, October 1995.

  11. [CROI-95b] P. Croisille, Y. Afework, C. Moore, R. Judd, J. Lima, C. Lugo-Olivieri, and M. Arai. Identification of ischemic but viable myocardium with low-dose dobutamine stress 3D tagged MRI. In Society of Magnetic Resonance, 3nd meeting, Nice, France, 1995.

  12. [CROI-95a] P. Croisille, R. Judd, J. Lima, C. Moore, M. Arai, C. Lugo-Olivieri, L. Becker, and E. Zerhouni. Combined dobutamine stress tagged and contrast enhanced MRI differentiate viable from non-viable myocardium after acute infarction and reperfusion. In 68th scientific session of the American Heart Association, volume 92 of Circulation, Anaheim, USA, pages 508, 1995.

  13. [DAUT-95a] I. Dautraix-Ricard and I.E. Magnin. Stereoscopic Computer Graphics for Ultrasonic Medical Data. In Science and technology. Int symposium IS&T and SPIE on Electronic Imaging, volume 2049, San José, USA, pages 186-192, 1995.

  14. [DAUT-95b] I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, G. Gimenez, S. Perantonis, M. T. Nguyen, and S.A. Mensah. Quantitative stereoscopic display for ultrasonic medical data. In 3rd European Conf. on Engineering and Medicine, Firenze, Italy, 1995.

  15. [DIEB-95] B. Diebold and M. Amiel. Techniques d'imagerie en coupes dans l'exploration du coeur et du péricarde. In Seminaire d'Imagerie du Coeur et des Vaisseaux (Hôpital Broussais), Paris, France, 2-3 Février 1995.

  16. [DING-95] Y. Ding, O. Baudin, P. Beretta, and R. Prost. Medically adapted JPEG compression scheme. In SPIE, volume 2431, San Diego, USA, pages 517-544, 1995.

  17. [DOUE-95a] P. Douek, P. Tournut, S. Chazel, E. Canet, J.C. Froment, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Angiographie de l'aorte abdominale et des MI : à propos de 2 nouvelles techiques. In Société Imagerie et Radiologies Médicales - 1ère Journée Jeunes Radiologues, Rev Im Méd, Lyon, France, 29 Janvier 1995.

  18. [DZIE-95] A. Dziedzic, C. Chorier, J.P. Dubois, and D. Vray. Broad-band target strength functions of 3 species of freshwater free-swimming fish. In Fisheries and plankton Acoustics Symposium, Aberdeen, UK, pages 1-9, 1995.

  19. [EDAH-95] G. Edah, D. Miller, C. Confavreux, O. Lyon-Caen, M. Clahet, B. Brochet, A. Cabanis, I. Berry, and J.C. Froment. Evaluation of the efficacy of Mitoxantrone by use of MRI : a multicenter randomised study in multiple sclerosis. In Vth Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Munich, Germany, June 17-21 1995.

  20. [FINE-95d] G. Finet, J. Lienard, and M. Amiel. Optimizing coronary angiographic views. In Annual meeting and Postgraduate Course Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe, volume 18 of Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, Lyon, France, pages 124, 1995.

  21. [FINE-95a] G. Finet, J. Lienard, C. Masquet, A. Eifferman, T. Lefevre, J. Marco, M. Amiel, and J. Beaune. Optimisation des vues angiographiques coronaires : évaluation d'une nouvelle fonctionnalité. In Société Française de Cardiologie, volume 89 of Arch Mal Coeur, Paris, France, pages 119, 16 Décembre 1995.

  22. [FINE-95c] G. Finet, E. Maurincomme, J.H.C. Reiber, L. Savalle, and J. Beaune. Quantification par échographie endovasculaire : évaluation d'une approche automatique. In VIe Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie - 16 Décembre, volume 89 of Arch Mal Coeur, Paris, France, pages 112, 1995.

  23. [FINE-95b] G. Finet, T. Moll, A. Tabib, R. Loire, M. Ovize, R. Roriz, and J. Beaune. Analyse par les courbes ROC des performances d'interprétations en échographie endovasculaire. In Société Française de Cardiologie - 16 Décembre, volume 89 of Arch Mal Coeur, Paris, France, pages 112, 1995.

  24. [FREN-95] P. French, G. Finet, M. Ovize, C. Czaika, S. Ferry, M. Dechavanne, and X. André-Fouet. Sustained antithrombotic effect of CX-397, a new recombinant hirudin after intravenous bolus in patients undergoing coronary angiography. In 68th Scientific sessions of the American Heart Association, volume 92 of Circulation, Some City, Some Country, pages I 487, 1995.

  25. [FROM-95] J.C. Froment, P. Douek, F. Turjman, B. Falise, and P. Tournut. Cerebral dynamic Gadolinium-enhanced MR Subtraction Angiography - 25 Sept. 1 Oct. In XVe Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Neuroradiol, Kumamoto, Japan, pages 67-69, 1995.

  26. [GERF-95] L. Gerfault, C. Cachard, A. Hernández, and G. Gimenez. Viewing and characterisation of an acoustic field using a stick of bubbles. In 15th International Congress on Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway, pages 353-356, 1995.

  27. [GRAVE-95] D. Graveron-Demilly, Y. Crémillieux, S. Cavassila, and C. Mauger. RS-FT: a 3D Fourier Imaging Method based on a Sparse Radial Scan. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 3rd Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Nice, France, pages 671, 1995.

  28. [GRIM-95d] J. Grimaud, M. Lai, J. Thorpe, P. Adeleine, D. Plummer, G.J. Barker, P.S. Tofts, W.I. Mcdonald, and D.H. Miller. Evaluation of a computer-assisted quantification of MS lesions in cranial MR imaging. In Some Congress, volume 242 of J Neurol, Nice, France, pages S119, 1995.

  29. [GRIM-95b] J. Grimaud, M. Lai, J. Thorpe, P. Adeleine, D. Plummer, G.J. Barker, L. Wang, P.S. Tofts, W.I. Mcdonald, and D.H. Miller. Evaluation of a computer-assisted quantification of MS lesions in cranial MR imaging. In Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance and the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, volume 1, Nice, France, pages 283-283, 1995.

  30. [GRIM-95c] J. Grimaud, M. Lai, J. Thorpe, P. Adeleine, D. Plummer, G.J. Barker, L. Wang, P.S. Tofts, W.I. Mcdonald, and D.H. Miller. Evaluation of a computer-assisted quantification of MS lesions in cranial MR imaging. In Some Congress, volume 58 of J Neurol Neurosur Ps, Nice, France, pages 215-215, 1995.

  31. [GRIM-95e] J. Grimaud, J. Millar, J. W. Thorpe, I. F. Moseley, W.I. Mcdonald, and D.H. Miller. Signal intensity on MRI of basal ganglia in multiple sclerosis. In Some Congress, volume 242, Some City, Some Country, pages S119, 1995.

  32. [HERN-95c] A. Hernández. Fusion de données échographiques et radiographiques. In 6ème Rencontres Régionales de la Recherche (Région Rhône-Alpes), Satolas, France, 1995.

  33. [HERN-95a] A. Hernández, O. Basset, P. Chirossel, C. Cachard, and G. Gimenez. Utilization of a pantograph localization system for speckle reduction by spatial compounding in B-scan echography. In 15th International Congress on Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway, pages 335-338, 1995.

  34. [HERN-95b] A. Hernández, O. Basset, I. Dautraix-Ricard, I.E. Magnin, C. Favre, and G. Gimenez. Stereoscopic visualisation of 3D ultrasonic data for the diagnosis improvement of breast tumors. In IEEE Int. Ultrasonic Symposium, Seattle, USA, pages 1435-1438, 1995.

  35. [LAUR-95a] C. Laurent, F. Peyrin, and J.M. Chassery. Evaluation of Parallel Approaches for 3D Cone-Beam reconstruction. In Int. Meeting on Fully 3D image reconstruction, Radiol Nuclear Med, Aix les Bains, France, pages 311-316, 1995.

  36. [LAUR-95b] C. Laurent, F. Peyrin, and J.M. Chassery. Méthodologie pour la parallélisation d'algorithmes de reconstruction 3D. In Application à la tomographie X GRETSI, number 1, Juans les Pins, France, pages 965-968, 1995.

  37. [LIU-95b] W.Y. Liu, M. Orkisz, I.E. Magnin, and R. Brion. Spatial Discontinuity Detection and Temporal Smoothing for Heart-Wall Motion Estimation from TM-mode Echocardiographic Images. In Computers in Cardiology, Vienna, Austria, pages 561-564, 1995.

  38. [MA_N-95] N. Ma, D. Vray, P. Delachartre, and G. Gimenez. Sea-bottom backscattering modeling with a wideband constant beamwidth sonar at normal incidence. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 2, Seattle, USA, pages 1077-1080, 1995.

  39. [MA_Y-95] Y.L. Ma, Z.Y. Wang, G. Gimenez, and D. Vray. Classification of lake bottom sediments by neural networks using wideband echo signals. In 130th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, volume 98, St Louis, USA, pages 2972, 1995.

  40. [MAGN-95b] I.E. Magnin and P.J. Reissman. Modeling 3D deformable object with the active pyramid. In Int. Workshop on parallel Image Analysis IWPIA'95, Lyon, France, pages 137-146, 1995.

  41. [MAGN-95a] I.E. Magnin, P.J. Reissman, and C. Mathieu. Suivi du coeur 3D en mouvement par approche multiéchelle. In Col. INSERM, Recherche en imagerie interventionnelle, Juin, Paris, France, 1995.

  42. [MAUR-95] E. Maurincomme, G. Finet, J.H.C. Reiber, L. Savalle, and I.E. Magnin. Quantitative intravascular ultrasound imaging : evaluation of an automatic approach. In 44nd Annual Scientific Session of American College of Cardiology, J Am Coll Card, California, USA, pages 354A, 19-22 March 1995.

  43. [MOLL-95a] T. Moll, G. Finet, F.J. Obadia, C. Girerd, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Dynamic 3D reconstructed left ventricle angiography : first in animal with the 3D Morphometer. In Annual Meeting and postgraduate Course. CIRSE'95, volume 18 of Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, Lyon, France, pages S106, 1995.

  44. [MOLL-95b] T. Moll, C. Picard, G. Finet, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. X-ray contrast angiography of heart with Morphometre feasibility. In 3rd European Conference Engeneering Medicine, Florence, Italy, 1995.

  45. [OBAD-95] F.J. Obadia, M. Ovize, V. Maupoil, C. Abadie, M. Janier, Y. Minaire, and L. Rochette. Myocardial stretch preconditions isolated working rat heart. In Some Congress, volume S 746 of J Am Coll Card, Some City, Some Country, pages 6, 1995.

  46. [ORKI-95a] M. Orkisz. Prise en compte des discontinuités dans l'estimation du mouvement : une revue. In Journée d'études : le mouvement dans les images et les signaux, SEE Club 29 et CNRS GDR 134, Paris, France, 1995.

  47. [PATE-95] M. Pateyron, F. Peyrin, A.M. Laval-Jeantet, P. Spanne, P. Cloetens, and G. Peix. 3D microtomography of cancellous bone samples using Synchrotron Radiation. In ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble, France, 1995.

  48. [PAYO-95] E. Payot, F. Préteux, R. Guillemaud, and Y. Trousset. Adaptative Markovian model for 3D X-ray vascular reconstruction. In SPIE Conf. Neural, Morphological and Stochastic Methods in image and signal processing, San Diego, USA, 1995.

  49. [ROBE-95] N. Robert, F. Peyrin, and M. Yaffe. Blood vessel reconstruction from a limited number of cone beam projections : applications to cerebral blood vessel projections and to an excised animal heart. In SPIE Med Imag, volume 2432, New York, USA, pages 298-307, 1995.

  50. [ROBI-95b] M. Robini, I.E. Magnin, H. Benoit-Cattin, and A. Baskurt. Application of the wavelet packet transform to flaw detection in ultrasound B-scans. In IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, volume 1 of IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 747-750, 1995.

  51. [ROBI-95a] M. Robini, I.E. Magnin, and B. Lavayssière. Wavelet packets based flaw detection in Ultrasonic B-scan images. In International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, Le Creusot, France, pages 37-47, 1995.

  52. [RORI-95] R. Roriz, J. Margonari, P. Lenz, P. Douek, H. Abdennebi, and M. Amiel. Smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation and migration induced by thermal injury : a model of restenosis. In CIRSE'95 : Annual Meeting of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe, volume 18, Lyon, France, pages S115, Sept. 10-15 1995.

  53. [ROSE-95] M. Rosenberg, P. Douek, M. Paret, J. Tourniaire, J. Villard, M. Amiel, and D. Revel. Evaluation of arterial bypass graft patency with bolus gadolinium enhanced subtraction MR angiography. In CIRSE'95 : Annual Meeting of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe, volume 18 of Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, Lyon, France, pages S58, Sept. 10-15 1995.

  54. [SOTT-95] F. Sottilini, P. Clarysse, J.P. Roux, D. Revel, and I.E. Magnin. LV myocardial wall motion estimation with tagged cine MRI (SPAMM). In Computers in Cardiology, Vienna, Austria, pages 529-532, 1995.

  55. [TROU-95] Y. Trousset, C. Picard, C. Ponchut, R. Romeas, R. Campagnolo, S. Scroci, J.M. Scarabin, and M. Amiel. 3D-X ray angiography : from numerical simulations to clinical routine. In Int. Meeting on fully 3D image reconstruction, Radiol Nuclear Med, Aix les Bains, France, pages 3-11, 1995.

  56. [TURJ-95] F. Turjman, K. Bendib, C. Girerd, J.C. Froment, and M. Amiel. Pre-therapeutic evaluation of intracranial aneurysms using 3D angiography (3D morphometer : preliminary results). In International Congress on Interventional Neuroradiology and Intravascular Neurosurgery, Kyoto, Japan, Nov.19-22 1995.

Invited Conferences
  1. [AMIE-95e] M. Amiel. L'image en mouvement ; 1995, un tournant dans la pratique angiographique?. In Séminaire d'Imagerie du Coeur et des Vaisseaux (Hôpital Broussais), Paris, France, 1995.

  2. [DIEB-95b] B. Diebold and M. Amiel. Techniques d'imagerie en coupes dans l'exploration du coeur et du péricarde. In Seminaire d'Imagerie du Coeur et des Vaisseaux (Hôpital Broussais), Paris, France, 2-3 Février 1995.

  1. [BENO-95c] H. Benoit-Cattin and J.L. Burdeau. Ondelettes et compression d'images. Séminaire ASPROM sur la compression des images et du son, Paris, France, 1995.

  2. [CHIR-95] P. Chirossel and M. Amiel. Quelle place reste-t-il pour la phlébographie des membres inférieurs en pathologie thrombotique ?. - Le Doppler, Société Régionale RA de Radiologie et Société de Chirurgie Vasculaire - 18 Novembre, Saint-Etienne, France, 1995.

  3. [DOUE-95d] P. Douek, P. Tournut, S. Chazel, E. Canet, J.C. Froment, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Angiographie de l'aorte abdominale et des MI : à propos de 2 nouvelles techiques. 1ère Journée Jeunes Radiologues, Société Imagerie et Radiologies Médicales, 29 Janvier, Lyon, France, In: Rev Im Méd, 1995.

  4. [HERN-95d] A. Hernandez. Fusion de données échographiques et radiographiques. 6ème Rencontres Régionales de la Recherche (Région Rhône-Alpes), Satolas, France, 1995.

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