Publications of E. Canet
Book chapters
  1. [CASA-97c] C. Casali, E. Canet, F. J. Obadia, A. Desenfant, D. Revel, and M. Janier. An isolated blood-perfused pig heart preparation to study myocardial perfusion with blood-pool gadolinium-chelate enhanced ultrafast MRI. High-power gradient MR-imaging. In Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. W. Oudkerk and R. R. Edelman, editors. Blackwell Science, Publ., 1997.

  1. [CANE-94e] E. Canet. Imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) de la perfusion myocardique. Evaluation de marqueurs du secteur intravasculaire. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 1994. Jury: Amiel M. (prés.), Briguet A., Bonnemain B., Decorps M. (rap.), Mazoyer M., Muler R.N. (rap.), Ovize M. et Revel D. (dir.).

Articles in journal
  1. [CASA-98] C. Casali, E. Canet, F.J. Obadia, S. Benderbous, A. Desenfant, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Evaluation of CMD-Gd-DOTA, a new-intravascular contrast agent for myocardial perfusion assessment with MRI. Acad Radiol, 5(Supl 1):S214-S218, 1998.

  2. [ENGE-98] M.R. Engelbrecht, M. Saeed, M.F. Wendland, E. Canet, A. Oksendal, and C.B. Higgins. Contrast-enhanced 3D-TOF MRA of peripheral vessels : intravascular vs extracelular MR contrast media. J Magn Reson Imaging, 8(3):616-621, 1998.

  3. [WEND-98] M.F. Wendland, M. Saeed, H. Arheden, E. Canet, J. Bremerich, M.W. Dae, and C.B. Higgins. Toward necrotic cell fraction measurement by contrast-enhanced MRI of reperfused ischemically injured myocardium. Acad Radiol, 5(1):S42-S44, 1998.

  4. [CASA-97b] C. Casali, F.J. Obadia, E. Canet, X. André-Fouet, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Design of an isolated pig heart preparation for PET and MR imaging. Invest Radiol, (32):713-720, 1997.

  5. [LOUB-97] P. Loubeyre, S. Zhao, E. Canet, H. Abidi, S. Benderbous, and D. Revel. Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (AMI 227) as blood pool contrast agent for MR angiography. Experimental study in rabbits. J Magn Reson Imaging, 7:958-962, 1997.

  6. [SCHW-97] J. Schwitter, M. Saeed, M. Wendland, N. Derugin, E. Canet, R.C. Brasch, and C.B. Higgins. Influence of severity of myocardial injury on distribution of macromolecules : extravascular versus intravascular Gadolinium-based magnetic resonance contrast agents. J Am Coll Card, 30(4):1086-1094, 1997.

  7. [CANE-96] E. Canet, T. Roger, C. Chambon, C. Delabre, C. Baldy, and D. Revel. Imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) fonctionnelle de l'ischémie hépatique chez le lapin. Contribution d'un agent de contraste particulaire (AMI-25). Anat Histol Embryol, 25:23-29, 1996.

  8. [LOUB-96b] P. Loubeyre, E. Canet, S. Zhao, S. Benderbous, M. Amiel, and D. Revel. Carboxymethyl dextran-Gd-DTPA as a blood pool contrast agent for MR angiography : experimental study in rabbits. Invest Radiol, 31:288-293, 1996.

  9. [REVE-96a] D. Revel, E. Canet, L. Sebbag, R. Forrat, C. Arteaga, S. Zhao, M. De Lorgeril, and M. Amiel. Dynamic and equilibrium MRI studies of myocardial infarction with iron oxide particles. Acad Radiol, 3:S398-S401, 1996.

  10. [CANE-95a] E. Canet, P. Douek, M. Janier, J. Amaya, P. Millet, and D. Revel. Optimal dose and volume of gadolinium chelates for first pass myocardial perfusion MR studies. J Magn Reson Imaging, 4:411-415, 1995.

  11. [CANE-95b] E. Canet, D. Revel, L. Sebbag, M. De Lorgeril, C. Baldy, C. Delabre, and M. Amiel. Non invasive assessment of no-reflow phenomenom in a canine model of reperfused infarction using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Am Heart J, 130:949-956, 1995.

  12. [ARTE-94a] C. Arteaga, E. Canet, M. Ovize, M. Janier, and D. Revel. Myocardial perfusion assessed by subsecond MRI with a paramagnetic macromolecular MR contrast agent. Invest Radiol, 29:S54-S57, 1994.

  13. [LOUB-94a] P. Loubeyre, D. Revel, A. Delignette, E. Canet, P. Chirossel, G. Genin, M. Amiel, and P. Garcia. Screening patients for renal artery stenosis : value of three-dimensional time-of-light MR angiographic. Am J Roentgenol, 162:847-852, 1994.

  14. [CANE-93a] E. Canet, D. Revel, R. Forrat, C. Baldy-Porcher, L. Sebbag, M. De Lorgeril, J. Vallée, D. Didier, and M. Amiel. SPIO and positive enhancement for myocardial perfusion studies assessed by subsecond T1-weighted MRI. Magn Reson Imaging, 11:1139-1145, 1993.

  15. [REVE-92d] D. Revel, C. Chambon, P. Havard, G. Dandis, E. Canet, C. Corot, and M. Amiel. Iodinated polymer as blood pool contrast agent. CT evaluation in rabbits. Invest Radiol, 26:S57-S59, 1992.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [DUPU-03b] D. Dupuich, Y. Berthezène, E. Canet, V. Stupar, and Y. Crémillieux. Application de l'Imagerie Dynamique de l'Hélium3 à la Quantification Locale de Paramètres Ventilatoires : Technique SPIRO. In 10ème Congrès du GRAMM, Angers, France, Fev 2003.

  2. [DUPU-03c] D. Dupuich, Y. Berthezène, P.L. Clouet, V. Stupar, E. Canet, and Y. Crémillieux. Dynamic 3He Imaging for Quantification of Regional Lung Ventilation Parameters. In 11th International Meeting of the Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages (in-press), July 2003.

  3. [DUPU-02] D. Dupuich, Y. Berthezène, V. Stupar, P.L. Clouet, E. Canet, and Y. Crémillieux. Dynamic Helium3 imaging for regional lung ventilation parameters quantification. In 19th annual meeting of the European society for magnetic resonance in medicine and biology, Cannes, France, pages (in-press), August 2002.

  4. [STUP-02] V. Stupar, Y. Berthezène, E. Canet, H. Tournier, D. Dupuich, A. Briguet, and Y. Crémillieux. Helium3 polarisation using the spin-exchange technique: applications to pulmonary imaging in small animals. In 8th bi-annual conference on MR and intermodality contrast agent research, Budapest (Hongrie), pages (in-press), June 2002.

  5. [BEND-01a] K. Bendjelid, E. Canet, X. André-Fouet, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Coeurs isolés perfusés avec du sang obtenu des abattoirs. Influence d'un perfusât hétérologue sur la prise de poids myocardique. In Congrès du Groupe de Réflexion sur la Recherche Cardio-vasculaire (GRRC). Coeur, vaisseaux et athérosclérose, volume 94 of Arch Mal Coeur, Montpellier, France, pages 380, 2001.

  6. [BEND-01] K. Bendjelid, E. Canet, C. Casali, A. Desenfant, F.J. Obadia, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Role of glycolysis in the energy production for the nonmechanical myocardial work in isolated pig hearts. In American College of Cardiology, volume 37 of J Am Coll Card, Orlando, Florida, USA, pages 387A, 2001.

  7. [BEND-01b] K. Bendjelid, E. Canet, C. Casali, A. Desenfant, F.J. Obadia, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Role of glycolysis in the energy production for the nonmechanical myocardial work in isolated pig hearts. In 5th International Conference of Nuclear cardiology, volume 8 of J Nucl Cardiol, Vienna, Austria, pages S62, 2001.

  8. [BERT-01] Y. Berthezène, M. Wiart, C. Corot, X. Violas, and E. Canet. CT pulmonary angiography and perfusion. An experimental study using blood pool and non specific contrast agent. In Radiology, volume 221, Capri, Italy, pages 120, 2001.

  9. [MARC-01b] B. Marchand, P. Douek, P. Robert, C. Corot, J.P. Roux, P. Adeleine, M. Hernández Hoyos, Y. Crémillieux, M. Orkisz, and E. Canet. Value of MRA sequences and contrast agents for the evaluation of high-degree stenosis : a phantom study. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, Glasgow, UK, 2001.

  10. [BASK-98a] A. Baskurt, D. Last, E. Canet, F. Dupont, J. P. Roux, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Myocardial perfusion mapping of first-pass MR studies by supervised classification. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, pages 2098, 1998.

  11. [BOUD-98c] A. Boudraa, E. Canet, M. Janier, J. Champier, F. Behloul, J.P. Roux, M. Lionnet, and D. Revel. Segmentation temporelle des images IRM de perfusion myocardique. In 4-emes Journées de Recherche en Imagerie Médicale GRAMM, Toulouse, France, 1998.

  12. [BOUD-98b] A. Boudraa, E. Canet, M. Janier, J. Champier, F. Behloul, J.P. Roux, and D. Revel. A fast method for mapping first-pass myocardial MR images. In 6th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Sydney, Australia, pages 898, 1998.

  13. [CANE-98] E. Canet, C. Casali, M. Janier, D. Revel, and B. Neyran. Get more parameters out of myocardial first-pass curves : myocardial blood volume and mean transit time measurement using intravascular MR contrast agent. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Geneva, Switzerland, pages 409, 1998.

  14. [CREM-98] Y. Crémillieux, Y. Berthezène, H. Humblot, M. Viallon, E. Canet, M. Bourgeois, T. Albert, W. Heil, and A. Briguet. Proton perfusion/helium ventilation imaging in rat lungs. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Geneva, Switzerland, pages 257, 1998.

  15. [NEYR-98] B. Neyran, C. Casali, M. Janier, and E. Canet. Measurement of myocardial blood volume and mean transit time using intravascular tracer : comparison of deconvolution method. In Europeean Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Geneva, Switzerland, pages 168, 1998.

  16. [CASA-97a] C. Casali, A. Delenfant, E. Canet, F.J. Obadia, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Validation of CMD-Gd-DOTA as a contrast agent for MRI perfusion. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, Vancoover, Canada, pages (in-press), 1997.

  17. [ARTE-96] C. Arteaga, S. Zhao, E. Canet, G. Hadour, R. Forrat, A. Oksendal, and D. Revel. In vivo MR imaging of Low Reflow in reported myocardial infarction using a susceptibility contrast agent. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, number XXXX, New York, USA, 1996.

  18. [DOUE-95a] P. Douek, P. Tournut, S. Chazel, E. Canet, J.C. Froment, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Angiographie de l'aorte abdominale et des MI : à propos de 2 nouvelles techiques. In Société Imagerie et Radiologies Médicales - 1ère Journée Jeunes Radiologues, Rev Im Méd, Lyon, France, 29 Janvier 1995.

  19. [ARTE-94b] C. Arteaga, E. Canet, M. Amiel, and D. Revel. Apport du CMD-(Gd-DTPA) en angiographie par résonances magnétique (ARM). In IIIe Congrès sur la recherche en imagerie médicale, Paris, France, 1994.

  20. [BALD-94c] C. Baldy, P. Douek, P. Croisille, E. Canet, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Développement d'une méthode pour la quantification de la fonction globale du VG en IRM. In GRAMM'94, Grenoble, France, pages 127, 1994.

  21. [BALD-94d] C. Baldy, P. Douek, P. Croisille, E. Canet, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Evaluation de la fonction contractile loco-régionale du myocarde ventriculaire gauche en IRM. In GRAMM'94, Grenoble, France, pages 126, 1994.

  22. [CANE-94d] E. Canet, D. Revel, L. Sebbag, C. Arteaga, C. Delabre, and M. De Lorgeril. Myocardial blood flow using first-pass tracer kinetics with subsecond MR imaging. Comparison of curve using a non specific Gd chelate and intravascular contrast media. In SMRM, San Francisco, USA, pages 1015, 1994.

  23. [CANE-94c] E. Canet, L. Sebbag, C. Arteaga, M. Janier, M. De Lorgeril, C. Delabre, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Agent de contraste intravasculaire (USPIO) et agent non spécifique pour une étude de la perfusion myocardique de premier passage en IRM. In 42e Journées Françaises de Radiologie, volume 6 of Rev Im Méd, Paris, France, pages S100, 24-28 Oct. 1994.

  24. [CANE-94a] E. Canet, L. Sebbag, M. De Lorgeril, C. Baldy, and D. Revel. Index de perfusion IRM lors du transit myocardique de particules d'oxyde de fer (SPIO). Facteur prédictif de l'étendue de l'infarctus. In GRAMM'94, Grenoble, France, pages 76, 1994.

  25. [CANE-94b] E. Canet, L. Sebbag, M. De Lorgeril, C. Delabre, C. Baldy, and D. Revel. Index IRM de perfusion pour discriminer infarctus occlusif et infarctus reperfusé. In GRAMM'94, Grenoble, France, pages 166, 1994.

  26. [DOUE-94a] P. Douek, E. Canet, J. Amaya, M. Janier, and M. Amiel. Perfusion myocardique de premier passage en IRM. Détermination d'une dose appropriée de Gd-Dota. In VIe Congrès du GRAMM, Grenoble, France, 1-3 Fév. 1994.

  27. [DOUE-94e] P. Douek, P. Tournut, S. Chazel, C. Baldy, E. Canet, F. Turjman, J.C. Froment, and D. Revel. Angiography IRM dynamique par soustraction numérique. In VI Congrès du GRAMM, 1-3 Février, Grenoble, France, 1994.

  28. [DOUE-94d] P. Douek, P. Tournut, S. Chazel, E. Canet, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Dynamic contrast enhanced subtraction MR angiography of the aorta and the peripheral arteries. In CIRSE'94 : Annual Meeting of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe, volume 17 of Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, Heraklion, Greece, pages S84, june 5-9 1994.

  29. [REVE-94a] D. Revel, E. Canet, and P. Loubeyre. MR perfusion in cardiovascular disease. In 2nd course on MR angiography and cardiovascular imaging, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1994.

  30. [AMAY-93] J. Amaya, M. Janier, P. Douek, E. Canet, P. Millet, D. Revel, and X. André-Fouet. Dipyridamole ultrafast magnetic resonance stress imaging : detection of severe coronary stenoses. In 67th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, Circulation, Anaheim, USA, 1993.

  31. [ARTE-93a] C. Arteaga, E. Canet, C. Chambon, M. Ovize, M. Amiel, and D. Revel. Agent de contraste macromoléculaire (CMD-DTPA-Gd) pour l'IRM de perfusion myocardique. Evolution grâce à un modèle d'infarctus du myocarde chez le lapin. In 41e Journées Françaises de Radiologie, volume 5 of Rev Im Méd, Paris, France, pages 597, 1993.

  32. [ARTE-93b] C. Arteaga, E. Canet, C. Chambon, M. Ovize, M. Amiel, and D. Revel. MR imaging of acute myocardial infarction in rabbits using carboxymethyl Dextran-DTPA-Gadolinium (CMD-DTPA-Gd). In SMRM, New-York, USA, pages 637, 1993.

  33. [CANE-93d] E. Canet, D. Revel, M. De Lorgeril, R. Forrat, L. Sebbag, C. Baldy, and M. Amiel. In vivo assessment of the the severity of post-ischemic myocardial injury with superparamagnetic agents and dynamic MR imaging. In SMRI 1993, volume 3 of J Magn Reson Imaging, San-Francisco, USA, pages 40, 1993.

  34. [CANE-93c] E. Canet, D. Revel, L. Sebbag, M. De Lorgeril, R. Forrat, C. Baldy, and M. Amiel. Post-ischemic damage assessed in-vivo by ultrafast MRI and MR contrast agent (SPIO). In 10e GRRC Avril, volume 12 of J Mol Cell Cardiol, Beaune, France, pages 3, 1993.

  35. [DOUE-93d] P. Douek, C. Baldy, E. Canet, P. Loubeyre, A. Delignette, and D. Revel. Cine-MRI of the heart in a single breathhold with a segmented turboflash sequence : first clinical experience. In Annual Meeting of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe (CIRSE'93), volume 16 of Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, Budapest, Hongrie, pages S17, 1993.

  36. [CANE-92b] E. Canet, D. Revel, C. Baldy, C. Chambon, P. Havard, X. Roger, and M. Amiel. Suivi en IRM ultra-rapide pondérée T1 de la capture hépatique d'un agent superparamagnétique. Etude expérimentale chez le lapin. In GRAMM'92, Bordeaux, France, pages 85, 20-22 Mai 1992.

  37. [CANE-92c] E. Canet, D. Revel, C. Chambon, C. Baldy, M. De Lorgeril, B. Eichenlaub, and M. Amiel. Imagerie de perfusion en IRM ultra-rapide pondérée en TI à l'aide d'un agent de contraste superpara-magnétique. In GRAMM 92, Bordeaux, France, pages 146, 20-22 Mai 1992.

  38. [CANE-92a] E. Canet, D. Revel, B. Eichenlaub, and C. Chambon. T1 enhancement during myocardial perfusion studies assessed by subsecond iron oxide particles-enhanced MRI. In Society of magnetic resonance in medicine, Berlin, Germany, pages 2502, August 8-4 1992.

  39. [LOUB-92c] P. Loubeyre, D. Revel, E. Canet, A. Delignette, C. Baldy-Porcher, P. Douek, and M. Amiel. First pass myocardial perfusion MR imaging with Gd-DOTA : a mean to differentiate occlusive from reperfused acute myocardial infarction. In CIRSE'92, volume 15 of Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, Barcelona, Spain, pages S49, 1992.

  40. [LOUB-92a] P. Loubeyre, D. Revel, E. Canet, A. Delignette, C. Baldy-Porcher, C. Ploton, and M. Amiel. Perfusion evaluation of acute myocardial infarction using ultrafast cardiac MRI with Gadolinium-DOTA. In Society of Magnetic resonance in Medicine, Berlin, Germany, pages 606, 1992.

Invited Conferences
  1. [REVE-94c] D. Revel, E. Canet, and P. Loubeyre. 2nd course on MR angiography and cardiovascular imaging. In Séminaire d'Imagerie du Coeur et des Vaisseaux (Hôpital Broussais), Leiden, The Netherlands, 1994.

  1. [CREM-01b] Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet, and V. Callot. Brevet numéro FR 0105555. Procédé et installation pour la production d'image de résonance magnétique en imagerie (1)Helium encapsulé pour son application à la coronarographie, 2001.

  2. [DOUE-95d] P. Douek, P. Tournut, S. Chazel, E. Canet, J.C. Froment, D. Revel, and M. Amiel. Angiographie de l'aorte abdominale et des MI : à propos de 2 nouvelles techiques. 1ère Journée Jeunes Radiologues, Société Imagerie et Radiologies Médicales, 29 Janvier, Lyon, France, In: Rev Im Méd, 1995.

  3. [ARTE-94c] C. Arteaga, E. Canet, M. Amiel, and D. Revel. Apport du CMD-(Gd-DTPA) en angiographie par résonance magnétique (ARM). IIIe Congrès sur la recherche en imagerie médicale, Paris, France, 1994.

  4. [DOUE-94j] P. Douek, P. Tournut, S. Chazel, C. Baldy, E. Canet, F. Turjman, J.C. Froment, and D. Revel. Angiography IRM dynamique par soustraction numérique. VI Congrès du GRAMM, 1-3 Février, Grenoble, France, 1994.



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