creaImageIO | |
tree | |
TreeData | Abstract class to store user data on a Tree |
Tree | An attributed Tree structure |
AttributeDescriptor | Descriptor of an attribute of a node of a Tree (name, dicom group/element) |
Comparator | Abstract definition of a comparator of Node |
ComparatorWithOrder | Abstract Comparator whose order can be reversed |
LexicographicalComparator | Which performs lexicographical comparison |
IntComparator | Comparator which compares the values of a given Attribute of the Nodes which is decoded as an int value |
FloatComparator | Comparator which compares the values of a given Attribute of the Nodes which is decoded as an float value |
StringComparator | Comparator which compares the values of a given Attribute of the Nodes which is decoded as a string value |
NodePatientNameComparator | Compares the names of the patients |
NodePatientSexComparator | Compares the sex of the patients |
NodePatientBirthdayComparator | Compares the birthdays of the patients |
NodeStudyDateComparator | Compares the dates of the studies |
NodeStudyDescriptionComparator | Compares the description of the studies |
NodeModalityComparator | Compares the modality of the series |
NodeSeriesDescriptionComparator | Compares the description of the series |
NodeSeriesDateComparator | Compares the date of the series |
NodeImageNumberComparator | Compares the number of the images |
NodeSliceLocationComparator | Compares the location of the images |
NodeFullFileNameComparator | Compares the filename of the images |
Descriptor | Descriptor of the structure of a Tree (number of levels, descriptors of each level, ...) |
LevelDescriptor | Descriptor of a level of a Tree (name, attributes, ...) |
NodeData | Abstract class to store user data on a Tree node |
Node | Node of an attributed Tree structure |
AbstractImageReader | Abstract image reader |
DicomImageReader | Concrete image reader for DICOM images |
deleter | |
DicomImageScanner | Concrete image reader for DICOM images |
OutputAttr | Central controler of the gimmick application |
Gimmick | |
ImageExtent | Class used to represent the actual state of the image selected and to perform comparisons on its values |
OutStrGimmick | |
GimmickView | Abstract class that handles views, attributes and previews (GUI) for Gimmick |
ImageEventType | |
ImagePointerHolder | |
ImageReader | Generic image reader which uses all the specific concrete image reader of the lib (tif, jpg, dicom, ...) |
IndexedHeap | Indexed priority queues handled by binary trees |
Listener | |
ThreadedImageReader | |
deleter | |
MultiThreadImageReaderUser | |
MultiThreadImageReader | Class that allows parallel lectures of several images |
ImageToLoad | Class that represents an image to be loaded |
ImageToLoadPtrFilenameComparator | ImageToLoadPtr comparator on filename (for image map) |
ImageToLoadPtrIndexer | ImageToLoadPtr indexer for image queue |
ImageToLoadPtrInversePriorityComparator | ImageToLoadPtr comparator on inverse priority (for image to unload queue) |
ImageToLoadPtrPriorityComparator | ImageToLoadPtr comparator on priority (for image queue) |
ImageToUnloadPtrIndexer | ImageToLoadPtr indexer for to unload image queue |
OutputModel | |
PACSConnection | |
Settings | |
SimpleView | |
SQLiteTreeHandler | Concrete TreeHandler which manages a Tree stored in a sqlite database |
AddList | Represents the list of currently added files |
RemoveList | Represents the list of currently removed files |
Synchronizer | In charge of the synchronization of the database and the disk state |
TimestampDatabaseHandler | Concrete TreeHandler which manages a Tree stored in a sqlite database |
TreeHandler | Abstract class which 'handles' a Tree structure |
TreeHandlerImageAdder | Object which can add images files to a TreeHandler. Is able to parse (recursively) a part of a filesystem to look for known images and load their attributes in order to add the images to a Tree (submission via a TreeHandler::AddBranch) |
Progress | |
TreeView | Abstract class that handles the view of a Tree through its TreeHandler |
Ultrasonix_header | |
UltrasonixImageReader | Concrete image reader for ultrasonix 'rf' files |
VtkImageReader | Concrete image reader based on a vtkImageReader2 |
WxAnySimpleDlg | Simple Wxwidgets interface to select file(s) or directory or from creaImageIO database to display |
WxAttributeSelectionPanel | |
WxCustomizeConfigPanel | |
WxDescriptorPanel | |
WxDumpPanel | Display all dicom tags from a given DICOM file |
WxEditFieldsPanel | |
WxExportDlg | |
WxGimmickFrame | |
WxGimmickPanel | |
WxGimmickReaderDialog | |
WxGimmickTools | |
WxGimmickView | Concrete derivative of GimmickView which implements a wxWidgets-based view |
WxListenerPanel | |
WxOutputDlg | |
WxPACSConnectionPanel | |
WxSimpleDlg | Simple Wxwidgets interface to select file(s) or directory or from creaImageIO database to display |
ItemData | Data stored by the list items |
WxTreeView | Abstract class that handles the view of a Tree through its TreeHandler |
LevelType | |
RemoveAlertDlg | |
WxViewerPlayer | |
WxViewer | |
itk | |
ImageToVTKImageFilter | Converts an ITK image into a VTK image and plugs a itk data pipeline to a VTK datapipeline |
BlockScopeWxApp | |
CppSQLite3Binary | |
CppSQLite3Buffer | |
CppSQLite3DB | |
CppSQLite3Exception | |
CppSQLite3Query | |
CppSQLite3Statement | |
CppSQLite3Table | |
DummyWxApp | |
myApp |