Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
||oCTreeDataAbstract class to store user data on a Tree
||oCTreeAn attributed Tree structure
||oCAttributeDescriptorDescriptor of an attribute of a node of a Tree (name, dicom group/element)
||oCComparatorAbstract definition of a comparator of Node
||oCComparatorWithOrderAbstract Comparator whose order can be reversed
||oCLexicographicalComparatorWhich performs lexicographical comparison
||oCIntComparatorComparator which compares the values of a given Attribute of the Nodes which is decoded as an int value
||oCFloatComparatorComparator which compares the values of a given Attribute of the Nodes which is decoded as an float value
||oCStringComparatorComparator which compares the values of a given Attribute of the Nodes which is decoded as a string value
||oCNodePatientNameComparatorCompares the names of the patients
||oCNodePatientSexComparatorCompares the sex of the patients
||oCNodePatientBirthdayComparatorCompares the birthdays of the patients
||oCNodeStudyDateComparatorCompares the dates of the studies
||oCNodeStudyDescriptionComparatorCompares the description of the studies
||oCNodeModalityComparatorCompares the modality of the series
||oCNodeSeriesDescriptionComparatorCompares the description of the series
||oCNodeSeriesDateComparatorCompares the date of the series
||oCNodeImageNumberComparatorCompares the number of the images
||oCNodeSliceLocationComparatorCompares the location of the images
||oCNodeFullFileNameComparatorCompares the filename of the images
||oCDescriptorDescriptor of the structure of a Tree (number of levels, descriptors of each level, ...)
||oCLevelDescriptorDescriptor of a level of a Tree (name, attributes, ...)
||oCNodeDataAbstract class to store user data on a Tree node
||\CNodeNode of an attributed Tree structure
|oCAbstractImageReaderAbstract image reader
|oCDicomImageReaderConcrete image reader for DICOM images
|oCDicomImageScannerConcrete image reader for DICOM images
|oCOutputAttrCentral controler of the gimmick application
|oCImageExtentClass used to represent the actual state of the image selected and to perform comparisons on its values
|oCGimmickViewAbstract class that handles views, attributes and previews (GUI) for Gimmick
|oCImageReaderGeneric image reader which uses all the specific concrete image reader of the lib (tif, jpg, dicom, ...)
|oCIndexedHeapIndexed priority queues handled by binary trees
|oCMultiThreadImageReaderClass that allows parallel lectures of several images
||oCImageToLoadClass that represents an image to be loaded
||oCImageToLoadPtrFilenameComparatorImageToLoadPtr comparator on filename (for image map)
||oCImageToLoadPtrIndexerImageToLoadPtr indexer for image queue
||oCImageToLoadPtrInversePriorityComparatorImageToLoadPtr comparator on inverse priority (for image to unload queue)
||oCImageToLoadPtrPriorityComparatorImageToLoadPtr comparator on priority (for image queue)
||\CImageToUnloadPtrIndexerImageToLoadPtr indexer for to unload image queue
|oCSQLiteTreeHandlerConcrete TreeHandler which manages a Tree stored in a sqlite database
|oCAddListRepresents the list of currently added files
|oCRemoveListRepresents the list of currently removed files
|oCSynchronizerIn charge of the synchronization of the database and the disk state
|oCTimestampDatabaseHandlerConcrete TreeHandler which manages a Tree stored in a sqlite database
|oCTreeHandlerAbstract class which 'handles' a Tree structure
|oCTreeHandlerImageAdderObject which can add images files to a TreeHandler. Is able to parse (recursively) a part of a filesystem to look for known images and load their attributes in order to add the images to a Tree (submission via a TreeHandler::AddBranch)
|oCTreeViewAbstract class that handles the view of a Tree through its TreeHandler
|oCUltrasonixImageReaderConcrete image reader for ultrasonix 'rf' files
|oCVtkImageReaderConcrete image reader based on a vtkImageReader2
|oCWxAnySimpleDlgSimple Wxwidgets interface to select file(s) or directory or from creaImageIO database to display
|oCWxDumpPanelDisplay all dicom tags from a given DICOM file
|oCWxGimmickViewConcrete derivative of GimmickView which implements a wxWidgets-based view
|oCWxSimpleDlgSimple Wxwidgets interface to select file(s) or directory or from creaImageIO database to display
|oCItemDataData stored by the list items
|oCWxTreeViewAbstract class that handles the view of a Tree through its TreeHandler
|\CImageToVTKImageFilterConverts an ITK image into a VTK image and plugs a itk data pipeline to a VTK datapipeline