interfMainPanel Class Reference

#include <interfMainPanel.h>

Inheritance diagram for interfMainPanel:
Collaboration diagram for interfMainPanel:

Public Member Functions

 interfMainPanel (wxWindow *parent, int sizex, int sizey, wxEvtHandler *evtHandler, std::string datadir="data/Icons")
 ~interfMainPanel (void)
void addContourCheckBox (std::string id)
void removeContourCheckBox (std::string id)
void onActionButtonPressed1 (wxCommandEvent &event)
void showPanel (wxWindow *panel)
void hidePanel ()
wxPanel * getInfoPanel ()
void onCreateContourSpline ()
void onCreateContourRectangle ()
void onCreateContourCircle ()
void onCreateContourLine ()
void onCreateContourPoints ()
void onCreateContourPolygon ()
void onCreateContoursBullEye (wxPanel *panBull)
void onDeleteContour ()
void onDeleteContoursActSlice ()
void onDeleteAllContours ()
void onCopy ()
void onPaste ()
void onUndo ()
void onRedo ()
void onLoad ()
void onSave ()
void onImport ()
void onTest ()
void RefreshInterface ()
vtkImageData * getImageData ()
void getImageRange (double[2])
void onSegmentationOneSlice (int isovalue, int sampling, int method)
void onSegmentationOneSliceITK (wxString distance, wxString sigma, wxString alfa, wxString beta, wxString propagation, wxString iterations, wxString inflation)
int GetImageDataSizeZ ()
void onSegmentationAllSlice (int minZ, int maxZ, int isovalue, int sampling, int method)
void onMirrorPressed ()
void onMirror ()
void onMirrorAxisShow ()
void onMirrorAxisHide ()
void onMirrorChangeWidth (int width)
void onThresholdPressed ()
void onColorLayerImagePressed ()
void setLabelSegmentationPanelVTK (wxString tmpString)
void onSegmentationPressed ()
void onSegmentationPressedITK ()
void onRigidPressed ()
void onWidthOfContour (double width)
int getColorWindow ()
int getWindowLevel ()
void onBrigthnessColorWindowLevel (int colorwindow, int windowlevel)
void onInterpolation (bool interpolate)
void onSpreadPressed ()
void onConfigurationPressed ()
void resetAppend ()
void onSpreadAdd ()
void onSpreadAddAll ()
void appendStringSpread (std::string val)
void onSpreadGo (int type)
void setStringSpread (std::string stringtemp)
void onInformationPressed ()
void getInstantVector (std::vector< int > &tempVector)
std::vector< std::string > getOutlinesName (int slide)
void onInformationContourLabels (int typeContourGroup, int selection, int minZ, int maxZ, int grayRangeMin, int grayRangeMax)
void setStringInfoPanel (wxString tmpString)
void setRowLabelInfoPanel (int z, wxString tempString)
int getNumberColsInformationPanel ()
void appendColsInformationPanel (int _numberOfVariablesStatistics)
void setCellValueInfoPanel (int z, int tmpIntA, wxString tempString)
void setColLableInfoPanel (int tmpIntB, wxString tmpTitleString)
void SetScalarRange (int grayRangeMin, int grayRangeMax)
void onSaveResults (std::string directory, std::string namefile, std::string filename, int typeContourGroup, int selection, int minZ, int maxZ, bool XYZValues, bool contourImage, bool statistics)
wxString getCellValue (int j, int i)
void onSnakePressed ()
virtual bool Show (bool show)
void ShowResultImages (int typeContourGroup, int selection, int minZ, int maxZ)
void SetContourGroup (int contourGroup)
void onPrintLabel ()
void onCalibration (wxString size, int unit)
double onePixelSize (double realSize, double sizePixel)
double GetPixelValue ()

Static Public Member Functions

static interfMainPanelgetInstance (wxWindow *parent, std::string datadir, wxEvtHandler *evtHandler=NULL)
static interfMainPanelgetInstance (wxWindow *parent, wxEvtHandler *evtHandler=NULL)
static interfMainPanelgetInstance ()
static void resetInstance ()

Private Member Functions

wxPanel * initializeToolsPanel (wxWindow *parent, int sizex, int sizey, wxEvtHandler *evtHandler)
wxStaticText * getText (wxWindow *parent, std::string nom)
wxButton * getButton (wxWindow *parent)
wxPanel * setMenuTextSizer (wxWindow *parent, wxPanel *panel, wxStaticText *text)

Private Attributes

wxPanel * menubar
wxPanel * menubar1
wxPanel * menubar2
wxPanel * menubar3
wxPanel * menubar4
wxPanel * menubar5
wxPanel * menubar6
wxWindow * currentWindow
wxSplitterWindow * splitterwindow
wxPanel * infoPanel
wxPanel * infoPanelMask
wxPanel * infoPanelCalibration
wxPanel * panelAux
double _pixelValue
wxStaticText * statictext
wxStaticText * statictext1
wxStaticText * statictext2
wxStaticText * statictext3
wxStaticText * statictext4
wxStaticText * statictext5
wxStaticText * statictext6
std::string PANEL
std::string PANEL1
std::string PANEL2
std::string PANEL3
std::string PANEL4
std::string PANEL5
std::string PANEL6
wxPanel * segmentPanel
wxPanel * segmentationPanel
wxPanel * segmentPanelITK
wxPanel * configPanel
wxPanel * spreadPanel
wxWindow * infoWin
wxPanel * informationPanel
wxPanel * testPanel
wxPanel * mirrorPanel
wxPanel * thresholdPanel
wxPanel * colorImageLayerPanel
bool axisshown
bool refLineShown

Static Private Attributes

static interfMainPanelinterfmainpanel =NULL
static wxFrame * _newframe =NULL

Detailed Description

Definition at line 55 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

interfMainPanel::interfMainPanel ( wxWindow *  parent,
int  sizex,
int  sizey,
wxEvtHandler *  evtHandler,
std::string  datadir = "data/Icons" 

Definition at line 32 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References colorImageLayerPanel, configPanel, currentWindow, getButton(), getText(), infoPanel, infoPanelCalibration, infoPanelMask, informationPanel, infoWin, menubar, menubar1, menubar2, menubar3, menubar4, menubar5, menubar6, mirrorPanel, onActionButtonPressed1(), PANEL, PANEL1, PANEL2, PANEL3, PANEL4, PANEL5, PANEL6, panelAux, segmentPanel, segmentPanelITK, setMenuTextSizer(), splitterwindow, spreadPanel, statictext, statictext1, statictext2, statictext3, statictext4, statictext5, statictext6, testPanel, and thresholdPanel.

Referenced by getInstance().

33 : wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(sizex, sizey), wxBORDER_SUNKEN)
34 {
36  PANEL = "New Contour";
37  PANEL1 = "I/O";
38  PANEL2 = "Edit";
39  PANEL3 = "Delete";
40  PANEL4 = "Contour Tools";
41  PANEL5 = "Segmentation";
42 //EED 07/07/2010
43  PANEL6 = "Image Tools";
45  segmentPanel = NULL;
46  segmentPanelITK = NULL;
47  configPanel = NULL;
48  spreadPanel = NULL;
49  infoWin = NULL;
50  infoPanel = NULL;
51  infoPanelMask = NULL;
52  informationPanel = NULL;
53  mirrorPanel = NULL;
54  thresholdPanel = NULL;
55  colorImageLayerPanel = NULL;
56  currentWindow = NULL;
57  testPanel = NULL;
59 //CMRU 17-08-09 ------------------------------------------------------------------
60  infoPanelCalibration = NULL;
61  panelAux = NULL;
62 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63  splitterwindow = new wxSplitterWindow(this,-1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(sizex, sizey), wxSP_3DSASH, wxString(_T("")));
65  splitterwindow->SetMinimumPaneSize( 10 );
66  sizey = sizey/8;
68  wxPanel* toolpanel = new wxPanel(splitterwindow, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_DOUBLE, wxString(_T("")));
70  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(6,2,1,1);
71  toolpanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
72  toolpanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
74  wxButton* b = getButton(toolpanel);
75  b->SetClientData(&PANEL);
76  wxButton* b1 = getButton(toolpanel);
77  b1->SetClientData(&PANEL1);
78  wxButton* b2 = getButton(toolpanel);
79  b2->SetClientData(&PANEL2);
80  wxButton* b3 = getButton(toolpanel);
81  b3->SetClientData(&PANEL3);
82  wxButton* b4 = getButton(toolpanel);
83  b4->SetClientData(&PANEL4);
84  wxButton* b5 = getButton(toolpanel);
85  b5->SetClientData(&PANEL5);
86 //EED 07/07/2010
87  wxButton* b6 = getButton(toolpanel);
88  b6->SetClientData(&PANEL6);
91  wxPanel* mentex = new wxPanel(toolpanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE, wxString(_T("")));
92  wxPanel* mentex1 = new wxPanel(toolpanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE, wxString(_T("")));
93  wxPanel* mentex2 = new wxPanel(toolpanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE, wxString(_T("")));
94  wxPanel* mentex3 = new wxPanel(toolpanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE, wxString(_T("")));
95  wxPanel* mentex4 = new wxPanel(toolpanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE, wxString(_T("")));
96  wxPanel* mentex5 = new wxPanel(toolpanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE, wxString(_T("")));
97 //EED 07/07/2010
98  wxPanel* mentex6 = new wxPanel(toolpanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE, wxString(_T("")));
100  menubar = new interfNewContourMenu (mentex, sizex, sizey, evtHandler, datadir);
101  menubar1 = new interfIOMenu (mentex1, sizex, sizey, evtHandler, datadir);
102  menubar2 = new interfEditMenu (mentex2, sizex, sizey, evtHandler, datadir);
103  menubar3 = new interfDeleteMenu (mentex3, sizex, sizey, evtHandler, datadir);
104  menubar4 = new interfToolsMenu (mentex4, sizex ,sizey, evtHandler, datadir);
105  menubar5 = new interfSegmentationMenu(mentex5, sizex, sizey, evtHandler, datadir);
106  menubar6 = new interfImageToolsMenu(mentex6, sizex, sizey, evtHandler, datadir);
108  statictext = getText(mentex, PANEL);
109  statictext1 = getText(mentex1, PANEL1);
110  statictext2 = getText(mentex2, PANEL2);
111  statictext3 = getText(mentex3, PANEL3);
112  statictext4 = getText(mentex4, PANEL4);
113  statictext5 = getText(mentex5, PANEL5);
114  statictext6 = getText(mentex6, PANEL6);
116  flexsizer->Add(b, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
117  flexsizer->Add(setMenuTextSizer(mentex, menubar,statictext), wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
119  flexsizer->Add(b1, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
120  flexsizer->Add(setMenuTextSizer(mentex1, menubar1,statictext1), wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
122  flexsizer->Add(b2, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
123  flexsizer->Add(setMenuTextSizer(mentex2, menubar2,statictext2), wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
125  flexsizer->Add(b3, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
126  flexsizer->Add(setMenuTextSizer(mentex3, menubar3,statictext3), wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
128  flexsizer->Add(b4, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
129  flexsizer->Add(setMenuTextSizer(mentex4, menubar4,statictext4), wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
131  flexsizer->Add(b5, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
132  flexsizer->Add(setMenuTextSizer(mentex5, menubar5,statictext5), wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
133  flexsizer->Add(b6, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
134  flexsizer->Add(setMenuTextSizer(mentex6, menubar6,statictext6), wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
136  toolpanel->Update();
137  toolpanel->Layout();
139  infoPanel = new wxPanel(splitterwindow, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_DOUBLE, wxString(_T("")));
140  wxFlexGridSizer* infosizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1,1,2,2);
141  infoPanel->SetSizer(infosizer, true);
142  infoPanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
144  splitterwindow->Initialize(toolpanel);
145  splitterwindow->SetSashGravity(1);
146 //EED splitterwindow->SetSashPosition(600);
147  splitterwindow->SetSashSize(5);
148  splitterwindow->SplitHorizontally(toolpanel, infoPanel,8*73);
150  Connect(b->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1);
151  Connect(b1->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1);
152  Connect(b2->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1);
153  Connect(b3->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1);
154  Connect(b4->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1);
155  Connect(b5->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1);
156  Connect(b6->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1);
158  this->Layout();
159 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

interfMainPanel::~interfMainPanel ( void  )

Definition at line 161 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

162 {
164 }

Member Function Documentation

void interfMainPanel::addContourCheckBox ( std::string  id)

Adds a new checkbox to the scrolledwindow using the checkboxsizer id of contour

Definition at line 230 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References interfToolsSpreadPanel::addContourCheckBox(), and toolspread.

231 {
233 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::appendColsInformationPanel ( int  _numberOfVariablesStatistics)

Definition at line 812 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References informationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onInformationContourLabels().

813 {
814  ((interfInformationPanel*)informationPanel)->appendCols(_numberOfVariablesStatistics);
815 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::appendStringSpread ( std::string  val)

Definition at line 680 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References interfSpreadPanel::appendStringSpread(), and panelSpread.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadAdd(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadAddAll().

681 {
683 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

wxButton * interfMainPanel::getButton ( wxWindow *  parent)

initializes a button with data

Definition at line 300 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

Referenced by interfMainPanel().

301 {
302  wxButton* b = new wxButton(parent, -1, wxString(_T("-")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT,
303  wxDefaultValidator, wxString(_T("-")));
304  return b;
305 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

wxString interfMainPanel::getCellValue ( int  j,
int  i 

Definition at line 840 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References informationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onSaveResults().

840  {
841  return ((interfInformationPanel*)informationPanel)->getCellValue(j, i );
842 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int interfMainPanel::getColorWindow ( )

Definition at line 602 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getColorWindow(), and wxContourMainFrame::getInstance().

Referenced by interfConfigurationPanel::interfConfigurationPanel().

603 {
605 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vtkImageData * interfMainPanel::getImageData ( )

Definition at line 506 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getImageData(), and wxContourMainFrame::getInstance().

Referenced by getImageRange().

507 {
509 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int interfMainPanel::GetImageDataSizeZ ( )
void interfMainPanel::getImageRange ( double  range[2])

Definition at line 511 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References getImageData().

Referenced by interfCalibrationPanel::interfCalibrationPanel(), interfConfigurationPanel::interfConfigurationPanel(), interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel(), interfSegmentationPanelITK::interfSegmentationPanelITK(), and interfSegmentationPanelVTK::interfSegmentationPanelVTK().

512 {
513  vtkImageData * img = getImageData();
514  img->GetScalarRange(range);
515 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

wxPanel * interfMainPanel::getInfoPanel ( )

Gets the Information panel

Definition at line 377 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References infoPanel.

Referenced by hidePanel(), onColorLayerImagePressed(), onConfigurationPressed(), onInformationPressed(), onMirrorPressed(), onSegmentationPressed(), onSegmentationPressedITK(), onSpreadPressed(), onTest(), and onThresholdPressed().

378 {
379  return infoPanel;
380 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

interfMainPanel * interfMainPanel::getInstance ( wxWindow *  parent,
std::string  datadir,
wxEvtHandler *  evtHandler = NULL 

This method should be called the first time by the parent class in creates all the panels the first time

Definition at line 166 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References _newframe, interfMainPanel(), and interfmainpanel.

167 {
168  _newframe = new wxFrame(parent, -1, wxT(" Contour Tools "), wxPoint(25,50), wxSize(350,900),wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW|wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION | wxCLIP_CHILDREN |wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT);
170  if(interfmainpanel == NULL){
171  interfmainpanel = new interfMainPanel(_newframe, 350, 900, evtHandler, datadir);
172  }
173  _newframe->Show(TRUE);
174  return interfmainpanel;
175 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

interfMainPanel * interfMainPanel::getInstance ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxEvtHandler *  evtHandler = NULL 

This method should be called the first time by the parent class in creates all the panels the first time

Definition at line 177 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References _newframe, interfMainPanel(), and interfmainpanel.

178 {
180  _newframe = new wxFrame(parent, -1, wxT(" Contour Tools "), wxPoint(25,50), wxSize(350,900),wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW|wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION | wxCLIP_CHILDREN |wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT );
182  if(interfmainpanel == NULL){
183  interfmainpanel = new interfMainPanel(_newframe, 350, 900, evtHandler);
184  }
185  _newframe->Show(TRUE);
186  return interfmainpanel;
187 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

interfMainPanel * interfMainPanel::getInstance ( )

Gets the instance of the class

Definition at line 194 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References interfmainpanel.

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::FillGridWithContoursInformation(), wxContourMainFrame::getMaskValue(), hidePanel(), interfCalibrationPanel::interfCalibrationPanel(), interfConfigurationPanel::interfConfigurationPanel(), interfInformationPanel::interfInformationPanel(), interfSegmentationPanelITK::interfSegmentationPanelITK(), interfSegmentationPanelVTK::interfSegmentationPanelVTK(), interfMirrorPanel::onAxisShow(), interfConfigurationPanel::onBrigthnessColorWindowLevel(), interfCalibrationPanel::onCalibrate(), interfMirrorPanel::onChangeWidth(), interfImageToolsMenu::onColorLayerImage(), onColorLayerImagePressed(), interfImageToolsMenu::onConfigurationPressed(), onConfigurationPressed(), interfInformationPanel::onContourGroup(), interfEditMenu::onCopy(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourBullseye(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourCircle(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourLine(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourPoints(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourPolygon(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourRectangle(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourSpline(), interfDeleteMenu::onDeleteAllContours(), interfDeleteMenu::onDeleteContour(), interfDeleteMenu::onDeleteContoursActSlice(), interfInformationPanel::onExtractInformation(), interfIOMenu::onImport(), wxContourMainFrame::onInformationContourLabels(), interfImageToolsMenu::onInformationPressed(), onInformationPressed(), wxContourMainFrame::onInsertCalculation(), interfConfigurationPanel::OnInterpolation(), interfIOMenu::onLoad(), interfMirrorPanel::onMirrorGo(), interfToolsMenu::onMirrorPressed(), onMirrorPressed(), interfEditMenu::onPaste(), interfToolsMenu::onPrintLabel(), interfInformationPanel::onRangeSliceInformation(), interfEditMenu::onRedo(), interfToolsMenu::onRigidPressed(), interfIOMenu::onSave(), interfInformationPanel::onSaveResults(), wxContourMainFrame::onSaveResults(), interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationAllSlice(), wxContourMainFrame::onSegmentationAllSlice(), interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationOneSlice(), interfSegmentationPanelITK::onSegmentationOneSlice(), interfSegmentationMenu::onSegmentationPressed(), interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationPressedITK(), interfSegmentationMenu::onSegmentationPressedITK(), onSegmentationPressedITK(), interfInformationPanel::onShowResultImages(), interfSegmentationMenu::onSnakePressed(), interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadAdd(), wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadAdd(), interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadAddAll(), wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadAddAll(), interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadGo(), wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadGo(), interfToolsMenu::onSpreadPressed(), onSpreadPressed(), interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadReset(), interfIOMenu::onTest(), onTest(), interfImageToolsMenu::onThreshold(), onThresholdPressed(), interfEditMenu::onUndo(), interfConfigurationPanel::onWidthOfContour(), wxContourMainFrame::SaveImageResult(), wxContourMainFrame::SaveValuesXYZ(), and wxContourMainFrame::wxContourMainFrame().

195 {
196  return interfmainpanel;
197 }
void interfMainPanel::getInstantVector ( std::vector< int > &  tempVector)

Definition at line 781 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::getInstantVector().

782 {
784 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

int interfMainPanel::getNumberColsInformationPanel ( )

Definition at line 807 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References informationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onSaveResults().

808 {
809  return ((interfInformationPanel*)informationPanel)->getNumberCols();
810 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector< std::string > interfMainPanel::getOutlinesName ( int  slide)

Definition at line 786 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::getOutlinesName().

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::FillGridWithContoursInformation().

787 {
789 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double interfMainPanel::GetPixelValue ( )

Returns the value of a pixel in milimeters

Definition at line 1051 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References _pixelValue.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onInsertCalculation().

1052 {
1053  return _pixelValue;
1054 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

wxStaticText * interfMainPanel::getText ( wxWindow *  parent,
std::string  nom 

initialize a statictext component of the interface

Definition at line 294 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

Referenced by interfMainPanel().

295 {
296  return new wxStaticText(parent, -1, wxString(nom.c_str(),wxConvUTF8), wxDefaultPosition,
297  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxString(nom.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
298 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int interfMainPanel::getWindowLevel ( )

Definition at line 606 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::getWindowLevel().

Referenced by interfConfigurationPanel::interfConfigurationPanel().

607 {
609 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::hidePanel ( )

Hides the panel in the

Hide the panel in the lower box

fix warning: virtual bool wxSizer::Remove(wxWindow*) is deprecated

Definition at line 350 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References currentWindow, getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), infoPanel, wxContourMainFrame::showAxis(), and splitterwindow.

351 {
353  wxSizer* sizer = infoPanel->GetSizer();
355  if(currentWindow != NULL){
356  currentWindow->Hide();
358  sizer->Remove(currentWindow);
359  }
360  wxPanel * emptyPanel = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_STATIC, wxString(_T("")));
361  sizer->Add(emptyPanel);
362  currentWindow = emptyPanel;
363  currentWindow->Show(true);
365  splitterwindow->SetSashPosition(splitterwindow->GetSashPosition()+1);
366  splitterwindow->SetSashPosition(splitterwindow->GetSashPosition()-1);
368  infoPanel->Layout();
369  infoPanel->Refresh();
370  this->Layout();
371  this->Refresh();
372 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

wxPanel * interfMainPanel::initializeToolsPanel ( wxWindow *  parent,
int  sizex,
int  sizey,
wxEvtHandler *  evtHandler 

This method initializes the tools panel, with the bar and the panel where the contours can be added and removed. size of the buttons panel sizey of the buttons panel evtHandler this is the class in charge of responding to the events of the buttons

Definition at line 206 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References toolspread.

207 {
208  wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(sizex, sizey), wxBORDER_SUNKEN, wxString(_T("Spread")));
210  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2,1,2,2) ;
211  panel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
212  panel->SetAutoLayout( true );
214  interfToolsMenu* menu = new interfToolsMenu(panel, sizex, sizey, evtHandler);
215  toolspread = new interfToolsSpreadPanel(panel, sizex, 300, evtHandler);
217  flexsizer->Add(menu, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
218  flexsizer->Add(toolspread, wxFIXED_MINSIZE);
220  panel->Layout();
222  return panel;
223 }
void interfMainPanel::onActionButtonPressed1 ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Responds to the events of the buttons, when the same panel is responsible for it. It gets the name of the button corresponding to the method that has to be executed, it uses attribute eventHandler to call the methods define by the application. see setEventHandler(wxEventHandler*)

Definition at line 245 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References menubar, menubar1, menubar2, menubar3, menubar4, menubar5, menubar6, PANEL, PANEL1, PANEL2, PANEL3, PANEL4, PANEL5, PANEL6, splitterwindow, statictext, statictext1, statictext2, statictext3, statictext4, statictext5, and statictext6.

Referenced by interfMainPanel().

246 {
247  //((interfToolsMenu*)menubar4)->hideAxis();
248  wxButton* b = (wxButton*)event.GetEventObject();
249  wxPanel* dmenu;
250  wxStaticText* text;
251  std::string dstring = *((std::string*) b->GetClientData());
252  int sizechange=0;
254  if({
255  dmenu = menubar;
256  text = statictext;
257  }else if( ){
258  dmenu = menubar1;
259  text = statictext1;
260  }else if({
261  dmenu = menubar2;
262  text = statictext2;
263  }else if({
264  dmenu = menubar3;
265  text = statictext3;
266  }else if({
267  dmenu = menubar4;
268  text = statictext4;
269  }else if({
270  dmenu = menubar5;
271  text = statictext5;
272  }else if({
273  dmenu = menubar6;
274  text = statictext6;
275  }
277  if(wxStrcmp(b->GetLabel(),_T("+"))==0 ){
278  dmenu->Show(true);
279  sizechange = 1;
280  b->SetLabel(_T("-"));
281  }else{
282  dmenu->Show(false);
283  sizechange = -1;
284  b->SetLabel(_T("+"));
285  }
287  sizechange *= (dmenu->GetSize().GetHeight()-10);
288  splitterwindow->SetSashPosition(splitterwindow->GetSashPosition()+sizechange);
290  this->Layout();
291  this->Refresh();
292 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onBrigthnessColorWindowLevel ( int  colorwindow,
int  windowlevel 

Definition at line 610 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onBrigthnessColorWindowLevel().

Referenced by interfConfigurationPanel::onBrigthnessColorWindowLevel().

611 {
613 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCalibration ( wxString  size,
int  unit 

Calculates the pixel value in milimeters according to the current contour if the selected contour is a Line Contour

sizeSize in milimeters of the selected contour
unitMeasurement unit

Definition at line 1000 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getContourSizeInPixels(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getType(), and onePixelSize().

Referenced by interfCalibrationPanel::onCalibrate().

1001 {
1002  int type = 0;
1003  double contourSize = 0.0;
1004  double realSizeDouble = 0.0;
1009  std::cout<<"Cata->Tama�o del contorno en pixeles:"<<contourSize<<endl;
1011  if ( type == 6 )
1012  {
1013  if (size.ToDouble(&realSizeDouble))
1014  {
1015  if(unit==1)
1016  {
1017  realSizeDouble = realSizeDouble * 10;
1018  }
1019  if(unit==2)
1020  {
1021  realSizeDouble = realSizeDouble * 25.4;
1022  }
1023  std::cout<< "Valor del usuario" << realSizeDouble<< endl ;
1024  onePixelSize (realSizeDouble,contourSize);
1025  }
1026  else
1027  {
1028  wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, wxT("Please enter a numeric value"), wxT("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
1029  dial->ShowModal();
1030  }
1031  }
1032  else
1033  {
1034  wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, wxT("Please select a line contour"), wxT("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
1035  dial->ShowModal();
1036  }
1038  wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, wxT("The calibration was made"), wxT("Information"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
1039  dial->ShowModal();
1040  std::cout<< "Cata-> Se ha realizado la calibracion" << endl ;
1041 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onColorLayerImagePressed ( )

Definition at line 914 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::changeInstant(), colorImageLayerPanel, wxContourMainFrame::getColorLayerImageViewPanel(), getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and showPanel().

Referenced by interfImageToolsMenu::onColorLayerImage().

915 {
916  // Color Image Layer view control panel
917  if(colorImageLayerPanel == NULL){
918  colorImageLayerPanel = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER, wxString(_T("")));
919  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
920  colorImageLayerPanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
921  colorImageLayerPanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
922  //configPanel->SetEventHandler(this->contourevent);
924  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(colorImageLayerPanel, -1, wxString(_T(" Color Image Layer ")), wxDefaultPosition,
925  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
926  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
927  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxEXPAND);
928  colorImageLayerPanel->Layout();
929  }
932 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onConfigurationPressed ( )

Definition at line 621 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References configPanel, getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), and showPanel().

Referenced by interfImageToolsMenu::onConfigurationPressed().

622 {
623  if(configPanel == NULL){
624  configPanel = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER, wxString(_T("")));
625  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
626  configPanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
627  configPanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
628  //configPanel->SetEventHandler(this->contourevent);
629  wxPanel* panel = new interfConfigurationPanel(configPanel);
630  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(configPanel, -1, wxString(_T(" Interface Configuration ")), wxDefaultPosition,
631  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
632  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
633  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxEXPAND);
634  configPanel->Layout();
635  }
637 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCopy ( )

Definition at line 445 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onCopy().

Referenced by interfEditMenu::onCopy().

446 {
448 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCreateContourCircle ( )

Definition at line 393 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onCreateContourCircle(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourCircle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCreateContourLine ( )

Definition at line 399 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onCreateContourLine(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourLine().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCreateContourPoints ( )

Definition at line 406 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onCreateContourPoints(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourPoints().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCreateContourPolygon ( )

Definition at line 414 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onCreateContourPolygon(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourPolygon().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCreateContourRectangle ( )

Definition at line 388 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onCreateContourRectangle(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourRectangle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCreateContoursBullEye ( wxPanel *  panBull)

Definition at line 421 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onCreateContourBullEye(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourBullseye().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onCreateContourSpline ( )

This methods connect the event in the class interfNewContourMenu with the world of the appli

Definition at line 382 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onCreateContourSpline(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourSpline().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onDeleteAllContours ( )

Definition at line 439 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onDeleteAllContours(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfDeleteMenu::onDeleteAllContours().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onDeleteContour ( )

Definition at line 427 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onDeleteContour(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfDeleteMenu::onDeleteContour().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onDeleteContoursActSlice ( )

Definition at line 433 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onDeleteContoursActSlice(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfDeleteMenu::onDeleteContoursActSlice().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double interfMainPanel::onePixelSize ( double  realSize,
double  sizePixel 

Calculate the pixel value in milimeters

realSizeSize of the contour in milimeters
sizePixelSize of the contour in pixels

Definition at line 1043 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References _pixelValue, wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onePixelSize().

Referenced by onCalibration().

1044 {
1045  _pixelValue = realSize/sizePixel;
1046  std::cout<< "Valor del un pixel = " << _pixelValue<< endl ;
1048  return _pixelValue ;
1049 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onImport ( )

Definition at line 475 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onImport().

Referenced by interfIOMenu::onImport().

475  {
477 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onInformationContourLabels ( int  typeContourGroup,
int  selection,
int  minZ,
int  maxZ,
int  grayRangeMin,
int  grayRangeMax 

Definition at line 791 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onInformationContourLabels().

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::onExtractInformation().

791  {
792  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->onInformationContourLabels(typeContourGroup, selection, minZ, maxZ,grayRangeMin,grayRangeMax);
793 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onInformationPressed ( )

Definition at line 695 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::changeInstant(), getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getMaskImageViewPanel(), infoPanelCalibration, infoPanelMask, informationPanel, infoWin, panelAux, and showPanel().

Referenced by interfImageToolsMenu::onInformationPressed().

696 {
698  // Statistics frame
699  if(infoWin ==NULL){
700  infoWin = new wxFrame (this, -1,_T(" Statistics "), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW|wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION | wxCLIP_CHILDREN |wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | wxRESIZE_BORDER );
701  infoWin->SetSize( wxSize(825,650) );
703  wxSize sizepanel(825,675);
704  informationPanel = new interfInformationPanel(infoWin);//contourevent->getInformationPanel(infoWin);
706  wxBoxSizer * sizerPanel = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
707  sizerPanel -> Add( informationPanel, 1, wxEXPAND ,0);
709  infoWin->SetSizer( sizerPanel );
710  infoWin->SetAutoLayout( true );
711  infoWin->Layout();
712  infoWin->Show();
713  }else {
715  if (infoWin->IsShown()==true)
716  {
717  infoWin->Show(false);
718  } else {
719  //contourevent->FillGridWithContoursInformation();
720  infoWin->Show(true);
721  }
722  }
724 //CMRU 29-08-09-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
725  if(panelAux == NULL)
726  {
727  panelAux = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER, wxString(_T("")));
728  }
729 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
731  // mask view control panel
732  if(infoPanelMask == NULL){
733  infoPanelMask = new wxPanel(panelAux, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER, wxString(_T("")));
734  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
735  infoPanelMask->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
736  infoPanelMask->SetAutoLayout( true );
737  //configPanel->SetEventHandler(this->contourevent);
739  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(infoPanelMask, -1, wxString(_T(" Mask segmentation ")), wxDefaultPosition,
740  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
742  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
744  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxEXPAND);
745  infoPanelMask->Layout();
747  }
749 //CMRU 29-08-09-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
750  //Calibration panel
751  if(infoPanelCalibration == NULL)
752  {
753  infoPanelCalibration = new wxPanel(panelAux, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER , wxString(_T("")));
754  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
755  infoPanelCalibration->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
756  infoPanelCalibration->SetAutoLayout( true );
758  wxPanel *panel = new interfCalibrationPanel(infoPanelCalibration);
759  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(infoPanelCalibration, -1, wxString(_T(" Calibration ")), wxDefaultPosition,
760  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
762  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
764  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxEXPAND);
765  infoPanelCalibration->Layout();
766  }
768  wxFlexGridSizer* sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
769  panelAux->SetSizer(sizer, true);
770  panelAux->SetAutoLayout( true );
771  sizer->Add(infoPanelMask);
772  sizer->Add(infoPanelCalibration);
776 //------------------------------------------------------------------
779 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onInterpolation ( bool  interpolate)

Definition at line 615 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onInterpolation().

Referenced by interfConfigurationPanel::OnInterpolation().

616 {
618 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onLoad ( )

Definition at line 465 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onLoad().

Referenced by interfIOMenu::onLoad().

466 {
468 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onMirror ( )

Definition at line 885 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onMirror().

Referenced by interfMirrorPanel::onMirrorGo().

886 {
888 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onMirrorAxisHide ( )

Definition at line 899 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::refLineHide(), and refLineShown.

Referenced by interfMirrorPanel::onAxisShow().

900 {
901  if (refLineShown)
902  {
904  refLineShown=false;
905  }
906 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onMirrorAxisShow ( )

Definition at line 890 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::refLineShow(), and refLineShown.

Referenced by interfMirrorPanel::onAxisShow().

891 {
892  if (!refLineShown)
893  {
895  refLineShown=true;
896  }
897 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onMirrorChangeWidth ( int  width)

Definition at line 908 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::refLineChangeWidth().

Referenced by interfMirrorPanel::onChangeWidth().

909 {
911 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onMirrorPressed ( )

Definition at line 851 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), mirrorPanel, panelMirror, wxContourMainFrame::referenceLine(), wxContourMainFrame::refLineShow(), refLineShown, and showPanel().

Referenced by interfToolsMenu::onMirrorPressed().

851  {
852  if(mirrorPanel==NULL)
853  {
855  mirrorPanel = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_STATIC, wxString(_T("")));
856  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
857  mirrorPanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
858  mirrorPanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
861  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(mirrorPanel, -1, wxString(_T(" Mirroring Tool ")), wxDefaultPosition,
862  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
864  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
865  flexsizer->Add(panelMirror, wxEXPAND);
866  mirrorPanel->Layout();
868  refLineShown=true;
870  }
872  else
873  {
875  if (!refLineShown)
876  {
878  refLineShown=true;
879  }
880  }
883 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onPaste ( )

Definition at line 450 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onPaste().

Referenced by interfEditMenu::onPaste().

451 {
453 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onPrintLabel ( )

Associates the current selected contour with a label

Definition at line 968 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getContour(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onPrintLabel().

Referenced by interfToolsMenu::onPrintLabel().

969 {
970  wxString label;
971  manualBaseModel* manualModel = wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->getContour();
973  if(manualModel==NULL)
974  {
975  wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, wxT("Please select a Contour"), wxT("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
976  dial->ShowModal();
977  return;
978  }
980  wxTextEntryDialog* dialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this,_T("Enter a tag name: ")) ;
982  if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
983  {
984  label = dialog->GetValue();
986  if(label.Len()!=0)
987  {
988  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->onPrintLabel(label,manualModel);
989  wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, wxT("The tag name was updated"), wxT("Information"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
990  dial->ShowModal();
991  }
992  else
993  {
994  wxMessageDialog *dial = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, wxT("Please enter a valid tag"), wxT("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
995  dial->ShowModal();
996  }
997  }
998 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onRedo ( )

Definition at line 460 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onRedo().

Referenced by interfEditMenu::onRedo().

461 {
463 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onRigidPressed ( )

Definition at line 592 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onRigidPressed().

Referenced by interfToolsMenu::onRigidPressed().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSave ( )

Definition at line 470 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSave().

Referenced by interfIOMenu::onSave().

471 {
473 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSaveResults ( std::string  directory,
std::string  namefile,
std::string  filename,
int  typeContourGroup,
int  selection,
int  minZ,
int  maxZ,
bool  XYZValues,
bool  contourImage,
bool  statistics 

Definition at line 833 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSaveResults().

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::onSaveResults().

835 {
836  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->onSaveResults(directory, namefile, filename,
837  typeContourGroup, selection, minZ,maxZ, XYZValues, contourImage, statistics);
838 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSegmentationAllSlice ( int  minZ,
int  maxZ,
int  isovalue,
int  sampling,
int  method 

Definition at line 532 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSegmentationAllSlice().

Referenced by interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationAllSlice().

533 {
534  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->onSegmentationAllSlice(minZ, maxZ,isovalue,sampling,method);
535 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSegmentationOneSlice ( int  isovalue,
int  sampling,
int  method 

Definition at line 517 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSegmentationOneSlice().

Referenced by interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationOneSlice().

518 {
519  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->onSegmentationOneSlice(isovalue, sampling, method);
520 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSegmentationOneSliceITK ( wxString  distance,
wxString  sigma,
wxString  alfa,
wxString  beta,
wxString  propagation,
wxString  iterations,
wxString  inflation 

Definition at line 522 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSegmentationOneSliceITK().

Referenced by interfSegmentationPanelITK::onSegmentationOneSlice().

523 {
524  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->onSegmentationOneSliceITK(distance, sigma, alfa, beta, propagation, iterations, inflation);
525 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSegmentationPressed ( )

Definition at line 541 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References axisshown, getInfoPanel(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), segmentationPanel, segmentPanel, wxContourMainFrame::showAxis(), and showPanel().

Referenced by interfSegmentationMenu::onSegmentationPressed().

542 {
543  if(segmentPanel == NULL){
544  segmentPanel = new wxPanel(getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_STATIC, wxString(_T("")));
545  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
546  segmentPanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
547  segmentPanel->SetAutoLayout(true);
548  segmentPanel->SetEventHandler(this);
550  //wxPanel* panel = contourevent->getSegmentationPanel(segmentPanel);
554  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(segmentPanel, -1, wxString(_T(" Automatic Segmentation ")), wxDefaultPosition,
555  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
557  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
558  flexsizer->Add(segmentationPanel, wxEXPAND);
559  segmentPanel->Layout();
560  }
563  axisshown = true;
564 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSegmentationPressedITK ( )

Definition at line 566 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References axisshown, getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), segmentPanelITK, wxContourMainFrame::showAxis(), and showPanel().

Referenced by interfSegmentationMenu::onSegmentationPressedITK().

567 {
568  if(segmentPanelITK == NULL){
569  segmentPanelITK = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_STATIC, wxString(_T("")));
572  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
573  segmentPanelITK->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
574  segmentPanelITK->SetAutoLayout( true );
575  //segmentPanelITK->SetEventHandler(this->contourevent);
577  //wxPanel* panel = contourevent->getSegmentationPanelITK(segmentPanelITK);
578  wxPanel* panel = new interfSegmentationPanelITK(segmentPanelITK);
580  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(segmentPanelITK, -1, wxString(_T(" Automatic ITK Segmentation ")), wxDefaultPosition,
581  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
583  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
584  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxEXPAND);
585  segmentPanelITK->Layout();
586  }
589  axisshown = true;
590 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSnakePressed ( )

Definition at line 844 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References axisshown, wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::onSnakePressed(), and wxContourMainFrame::showAxis().

Referenced by interfSegmentationMenu::onSnakePressed().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSpreadAdd ( )

Definition at line 669 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadAdd().

Referenced by interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadAdd().

670 {
672 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSpreadAddAll ( )

Definition at line 674 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadAddAll().

Referenced by interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadAddAll().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSpreadGo ( int  type)

Definition at line 685 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadGo().

Referenced by interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadGo().

686 {
688 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onSpreadPressed ( )

Definition at line 639 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), panelSpread, showPanel(), and spreadPanel.

Referenced by interfToolsMenu::onSpreadPressed().

640 {
641  if(spreadPanel==NULL){
643  spreadPanel = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_STATIC, wxString(_T("")));
644  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
645  spreadPanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
646  spreadPanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
647  //spreadPanel->SetEventHandler(this->contourevent);
649  //wxPanel* panel = contourevent->getSpreadPanel(spreadPanel);
653  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(spreadPanel, -1, wxString(_T(" Automatic Spread ")), wxDefaultPosition,
654  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
656  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
657  flexsizer->Add(panelSpread, wxEXPAND);
658  spreadPanel->Layout();
659  }
661  //hideAxis();
662 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onTest ( )

Definition at line 479 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), mirrorPanel, panelTest, showPanel(), and testPanel.

Referenced by interfIOMenu::onTest().

479  {
480  if(testPanel==NULL)
481  {
482  testPanel = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition,
483  wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_STATIC, wxString(_T("")));
484  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
485  testPanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
486  testPanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
489  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(mirrorPanel, -1,
490  wxString(_T(" Test Panel ")),
491  wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
494  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
495  flexsizer->Add(panelTest, wxEXPAND);
496  testPanel->Layout();
498  }
499 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onThresholdPressed ( )

Definition at line 935 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::changeInstant(), getInfoPanel(), getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), wxContourMainFrame::getThresholdImageViewPanel(), showPanel(), and thresholdPanel.

Referenced by interfImageToolsMenu::onThreshold().

936 {
937  // Threshold view control panel
938  if(thresholdPanel == NULL){
939  thresholdPanel = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER, wxString(_T("")));
940  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
941  thresholdPanel->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
942  thresholdPanel->SetAutoLayout( true );
943  //configPanel->SetEventHandler(this->contourevent);
945  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(thresholdPanel, -1, wxString(_T(" Threshold segmentation ")), wxDefaultPosition,
946  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
947  flexsizer->Add(stattext,wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
948  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxEXPAND);
949  thresholdPanel->Layout();
950  }
953 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onUndo ( )

Definition at line 455 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onUndo().

Referenced by interfEditMenu::onUndo().

456 {
458 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::onWidthOfContour ( double  width)

Definition at line 597 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::onWidthOfContour().

Referenced by interfConfigurationPanel::onWidthOfContour().

598 {
600 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::RefreshInterface ( )

Definition at line 501 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::RefreshInterface().

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::onRangeSliceInformation().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::removeContourCheckBox ( std::string  id)

Removes a checkbox from the list of checkboxes in the flexsizer (checkboxsizer) id of contour

Definition at line 240 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References interfToolsSpreadPanel::removeContourCheckBox(), and toolspread.

241 {
243 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::resetAppend ( )

Definition at line 664 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::resetAppend().

Referenced by interfSpreadPanel::onSpreadReset().

665 {
667 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::resetInstance ( )

Ressts the instance of the class

Definition at line 199 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References _newframe, and interfmainpanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::~wxContourMainFrame().

200 {
201  //delete interfmainpanel;
202  delete _newframe;
203  interfmainpanel = NULL;
204 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::setCellValueInfoPanel ( int  z,
int  tmpIntA,
wxString  tempString 

Definition at line 817 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References informationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onInformationContourLabels().

818 {
819  ((interfInformationPanel*)informationPanel)->setCellValue(z, tmpIntA, tempString);
820 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::setColLableInfoPanel ( int  tmpIntB,
wxString  tmpTitleString 

Definition at line 822 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References informationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onInformationContourLabels().

823 {
824  ((interfInformationPanel*)informationPanel)->setColLabel(tmpIntB, tmpTitleString);
826 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::SetContourGroup ( int  contourGroup)

Definition at line 962 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::SetContourGroup().

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::onContourGroup().

963 {
965 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::setLabelSegmentationPanelVTK ( wxString  tmpString)

Definition at line 537 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References segmentationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onSegmentationAllSlice().

538 {
539  ((interfSegmentationPanelVTK*)segmentationPanel)->setLabel(tmpString);
540 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

wxPanel * interfMainPanel::setMenuTextSizer ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxPanel *  panel,
wxStaticText *  text 

Puts the panel button and the text int the sizer

Definition at line 307 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

Referenced by interfMainPanel().

308 {
310  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2,1,2,2);
311  parent->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
312  parent->SetAutoLayout( true );
314  flexsizer->Add(text, wxFLEX_GROWMODE_ALL);
315  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxFLEX_GROWMODE_ALL);
317  parent->Layout();
318  return (wxPanel*)parent;
319 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::setRowLabelInfoPanel ( int  z,
wxString  tempString 

Definition at line 802 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References informationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onInformationContourLabels().

803 {
804  ((interfInformationPanel*)informationPanel)->setRowLabelInfoPanel(z, tempString);
805 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::SetScalarRange ( int  grayRangeMin,
int  grayRangeMax 

Definition at line 828 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::SetScalarRange().

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::onRangeSliceInformation().

829 {
830  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->SetScalarRange(grayRangeMin, grayRangeMax);
831 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::setStringInfoPanel ( wxString  tmpString)

Definition at line 795 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References informationPanel.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::getMaskValue(), wxContourMainFrame::onInformationContourLabels(), wxContourMainFrame::SaveImageResult(), and wxContourMainFrame::SaveValuesXYZ().

796 {
797  if(informationPanel!=NULL){
798  ((interfInformationPanel*)informationPanel)->setStringInfoPanel(tmpString);
799  }
800 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::setStringSpread ( std::string  stringtemp)

Definition at line 690 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References panelSpread, and interfSpreadPanel::setStringSpread().

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::onSpreadGo().

691 {
692  panelSpread->setStringSpread(stringtemp);
693 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool interfMainPanel::Show ( bool  show)

Definition at line 189 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References _newframe.

Referenced by wxContourMainFrame::ShowToolsPanel().

190 {
191  return _newframe->Show(show);
192 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::showPanel ( wxWindow *  panel)

Shows the panel in the

fix warning: virtual bool wxSizer::Remove(wxWindow*) is deprecated

Definition at line 324 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References currentWindow, wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), infoPanel, wxContourMainFrame::showAxis(), and splitterwindow.

Referenced by onColorLayerImagePressed(), onConfigurationPressed(), interfNewContourMenu::onCreateContourBullseye(), onInformationPressed(), onMirrorPressed(), onSegmentationPressed(), interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationPressedITK(), onSegmentationPressedITK(), onSpreadPressed(), onTest(), and onThresholdPressed().

325 {
327  wxSizer* sizer = infoPanel->GetSizer();
329  if(currentWindow != NULL){
330  currentWindow->Hide();
332  sizer->Remove(currentWindow);
333  }
334  sizer->Add(panel);
335  currentWindow = panel;
336  currentWindow->Show(true);
338  splitterwindow->SetSashPosition(splitterwindow->GetSashPosition()+1);
339  splitterwindow->SetSashPosition(splitterwindow->GetSashPosition()-1);
341  infoPanel->Layout();
342  infoPanel->Refresh();
343  this->Layout();
344  this->Refresh();
345 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfMainPanel::ShowResultImages ( int  typeContourGroup,
int  selection,
int  minZ,
int  maxZ 

Definition at line 956 of file interfMainPanel.cxx.

References wxContourMainFrame::getInstance(), and wxContourMainFrame::ShowResultImages().

Referenced by interfInformationPanel::onShowResultImages().

957 {
958  wxContourMainFrame::getInstance()->ShowResultImages(typeContourGroup, selection, minZ, maxZ);
959 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

wxFrame * interfMainPanel::_newframe =NULL

Definition at line 233 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by getInstance(), resetInstance(), and Show().

double interfMainPanel::_pixelValue

Value of a pixel in milimeters

Definition at line 263 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by GetPixelValue(), and onePixelSize().

bool interfMainPanel::axisshown
wxPanel* interfMainPanel::colorImageLayerPanel

Definition at line 298 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onColorLayerImagePressed().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::configPanel

Definition at line 285 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onConfigurationPressed().

wxWindow* interfMainPanel::currentWindow

Definition at line 242 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by hidePanel(), interfMainPanel(), and showPanel().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::infoPanel

Definition at line 245 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by getInfoPanel(), hidePanel(), interfMainPanel(), and showPanel().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::infoPanelCalibration

Panel with the calibration options

Definition at line 253 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onInformationPressed().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::infoPanelMask

Definition at line 246 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onInformationPressed().

wxWindow* interfMainPanel::infoWin

Definition at line 288 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onInformationPressed().

interfMainPanel * interfMainPanel::interfmainpanel =NULL

Definition at line 230 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by getInstance(), and resetInstance().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::menubar

Definition at line 234 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::menubar1

Definition at line 235 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::menubar2

Definition at line 236 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::menubar3

Definition at line 237 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::menubar4

Definition at line 238 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::menubar5

Definition at line 239 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::menubar6

Definition at line 240 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::mirrorPanel

Definition at line 294 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), onMirrorPressed(), and onTest().

std::string interfMainPanel::PANEL

Definition at line 274 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

std::string interfMainPanel::PANEL1

Definition at line 275 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

std::string interfMainPanel::PANEL2

Definition at line 276 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

std::string interfMainPanel::PANEL3

Definition at line 277 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

std::string interfMainPanel::PANEL4

Definition at line 278 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

std::string interfMainPanel::PANEL5

Definition at line 279 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

std::string interfMainPanel::PANEL6

Definition at line 280 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::panelAux

Panel who contains the calibration panel and the information panel mask

Definition at line 258 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onInformationPressed().

interfMirrorPanel* interfMainPanel::panelMirror

Definition at line 295 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by onMirrorPressed().

interfSpreadPanel* interfMainPanel::panelSpread

Definition at line 287 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by appendStringSpread(), onSpreadPressed(), and setStringSpread().

interfTestPanel* interfMainPanel::panelTest

Definition at line 292 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by onTest().

bool interfMainPanel::refLineShown

Definition at line 301 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by onMirrorAxisHide(), onMirrorAxisShow(), and onMirrorPressed().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::segmentationPanel

Definition at line 283 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by onSegmentationPressed(), and setLabelSegmentationPanelVTK().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::segmentPanel

Definition at line 282 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onSegmentationPressed().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::segmentPanelITK

Definition at line 284 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onSegmentationPressedITK().

wxSplitterWindow* interfMainPanel::splitterwindow

Definition at line 243 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by hidePanel(), interfMainPanel(), onActionButtonPressed1(), and showPanel().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::spreadPanel

Definition at line 286 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onSpreadPressed().

wxStaticText* interfMainPanel::statictext

Definition at line 266 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxStaticText* interfMainPanel::statictext1

Definition at line 267 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxStaticText* interfMainPanel::statictext2

Definition at line 268 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxStaticText* interfMainPanel::statictext3

Definition at line 269 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxStaticText* interfMainPanel::statictext4

Definition at line 270 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxStaticText* interfMainPanel::statictext5

Definition at line 271 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxStaticText* interfMainPanel::statictext6

Definition at line 272 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onActionButtonPressed1().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::testPanel

Definition at line 291 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onTest().

wxPanel* interfMainPanel::thresholdPanel

Definition at line 297 of file interfMainPanel.h.

Referenced by interfMainPanel(), and onThresholdPressed().

interfToolsSpreadPanel* interfMainPanel::toolspread

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: