interfSegmentationPanelVTK Class Reference

#include <interfSegmentationPanels.h>

Inheritance diagram for interfSegmentationPanelVTK:
Collaboration diagram for interfSegmentationPanelVTK:

Public Member Functions

 interfSegmentationPanelVTK (wxWindow *parent)
 ~interfSegmentationPanelVTK ()
void onSegmentationPressed (wxCommandEvent &event)
void onSegmentationPressedITK (wxCommandEvent &event)
void setLabel (wxString tmpString)

Private Member Functions

void hideAxis ()
wxPanel * getSegmentationPanel (wxWindow *parent)
void onSegmentationOneSlice (wxCommandEvent &event)
void onSegmentationAllSlice (wxCommandEvent &event)

Private Attributes

wxPanel * configPanel
wxWindow * infoWin
wxPanel * segmentPanel
wxPanel * spreadPanel
wxPanel * segmentPanelITK
bool axisshown
wxSlider * _isovalue
mBarRange * _mbarrange
wxSlider * _sampling
wxStaticText * _staticTextSegmentation
wxRadioBox * methodRadiobox

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

interfSegmentationPanelVTK::interfSegmentationPanelVTK ( wxWindow *  parent)

Definition at line 29 of file interfSegmentationPanels.cxx.

References _isovalue, _mbarrange, _sampling, _staticTextSegmentation, interfMainPanel::GetImageDataSizeZ(), interfMainPanel::getImageRange(), interfMainPanel::getInstance(), methodRadiobox, onSegmentationAllSlice(), and onSegmentationOneSlice().

30 : wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_SUNKEN)
31 {
34  double range[2];
37  int min = (int)floor (range[0]);
38  int max = (int)ceil (range[1]);
40  wxButton *segmentationOneSliceBtn = new wxButton(this,-1,_T("Current slice"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200,35) );
41  wxButton *segmentationAllSliceBtn = new wxButton(this,-1,_T("All slices") ,wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200,35) );
42  _isovalue = new wxSlider(this, -1, 40 , min, max, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200,35), wxSL_HORIZONTAL|wxSL_LABELS, wxDefaultValidator);
43  _sampling = new wxSlider(this, -1, 20 , 4, 50, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200,35), wxSL_HORIZONTAL|wxSL_LABELS, wxDefaultValidator);
44  wxString lstOptions[3];
45  lstOptions[0]=_T("A");
46  lstOptions[1]=_T("B");
47  lstOptions[2]=_T("C");
48  methodRadiobox = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, _T("Method (find ctrl. Points)"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200,45), 3 , lstOptions, 3, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS);
49  methodRadiobox->SetSelection(2);
50  _staticTextSegmentation = new wxStaticText(this,-1,_T(" "));
52  _mbarrange = new mBarRange(this,70, 65);
53  _mbarrange->SetMin(0);
54  _mbarrange->SetStart(0);
56  _mbarrange->SetOrientation( true );
57  _mbarrange->setActiveStateTo(true);
58  _mbarrange->setVisibleLabels( true );
59  _mbarrange->setDeviceEndMargin(10);
60  _mbarrange->setRepresentedValues( 0 , sizeZ );
61  _mbarrange->setDeviceBlitStart(10,10);
62  _mbarrange->setIfWithActualDrawed( false );
63  _mbarrange->SetStart( 0 );
64  _mbarrange->SetEnd( sizeZ );
66  wxFlexGridSizer * sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
67  sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this, -1, _T("Isovalue (Gray level)")), 1, wxGROW );
68  sizer->Add( _isovalue, 1, wxGROW );
69  sizer->Add( methodRadiobox , 1, wxGROW );
70  sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this, -1 ,_T("Sampling (%)")), 1, wxGROW );
71  sizer->Add( _sampling, 1, wxGROW );
72  sizer->Add( segmentationOneSliceBtn, 1, wxGROW );
73  sizer->Add( new wxStaticText(this, -1, _T(" ")), 1, wxGROW );
74  sizer->Add( _staticTextSegmentation, 1, wxGROW );
75  sizer->Add( segmentationAllSliceBtn, 1, wxGROW );
76  sizer->Add( _mbarrange, 1, wxGROW );
78  this->SetSizer( sizer );
79 // panel->SetSize( sizePanel );
80  this->SetSize( wxDefaultSize );
81  this->SetAutoLayout( true );
82  this->Layout();
84 //_segmentationFrame->SetEventHandler( this );
85  //segmentationOneSliceBtn->SetEventHandler( this );
86  //segmentationAllSliceBtn->SetEventHandler( this );
87  //panel->SetEventHandler(this);
88  Connect( segmentationOneSliceBtn->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationOneSlice);
89  Connect( segmentationAllSliceBtn->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationAllSlice);
90 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

interfSegmentationPanelVTK::~interfSegmentationPanelVTK ( )

Definition at line 93 of file interfSegmentationPanels.cxx.

94 {
95 }

Member Function Documentation

wxPanel* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::getSegmentationPanel ( wxWindow *  parent)
void interfSegmentationPanelVTK::hideAxis ( )
void interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationAllSlice ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 134 of file interfSegmentationPanels.cxx.

References _isovalue, _mbarrange, _sampling, interfMainPanel::getInstance(), methodRadiobox, and interfMainPanel::onSegmentationAllSlice().

Referenced by interfSegmentationPanelVTK().

135 {
136  int minZ=_mbarrange->GetStart();
137  int maxZ=_mbarrange->GetEnd();
139  int isovalue = _isovalue->GetValue();
140  int sampling = _sampling->GetValue();
141  int method = methodRadiobox->GetSelection();
143  interfMainPanel::getInstance()->onSegmentationAllSlice(minZ, maxZ, isovalue, sampling, method);
144 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationOneSlice ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 126 of file interfSegmentationPanels.cxx.

References _isovalue, _sampling, interfMainPanel::getInstance(), methodRadiobox, and interfMainPanel::onSegmentationOneSlice().

Referenced by interfSegmentationPanelVTK().

127 {
128  int isovalue = _isovalue->GetValue();
129  int sampling = _sampling->GetValue();
130  int method = methodRadiobox->GetSelection();
131  interfMainPanel::getInstance()->onSegmentationOneSlice(isovalue, sampling, method);
133 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationPressed ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Responds to the events of the buttons, when the same panel is responsible for it. It gets the name of the button corresponding to the method that has to be executed, it uses attribute eventHandler to call the methods define by the application. see setEventHandler(wxEventHandler*)

void interfSegmentationPanelVTK::onSegmentationPressedITK ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Responds to the events of the buttons, when the same panel is responsible for it. It gets the name of the button corresponding to the method that has to be executed, it uses attribute eventHandler to call the methods define by the application. see setEventHandler(wxEventHandler*)

Definition at line 104 of file interfSegmentationPanels.cxx.

References interfMainPanel::getInstance(), segmentPanelITK, and interfMainPanel::showPanel().

104  {
105  if(segmentPanelITK == NULL) {
106  segmentPanelITK = new wxPanel(interfMainPanel::getInstance()->getInfoPanel(), -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_STATIC, wxString(_T("")));
108  wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
109  segmentPanelITK->SetSizer(flexsizer, true);
110  segmentPanelITK->SetAutoLayout( true );
112  wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(this, -1);//contourevent->getSegmentationPanelITK(segmentPanelITK);
114  wxStaticText* stattext = new wxStaticText(segmentPanelITK, -1, wxString(_T(" Automatic ITK Segmentation ")), wxDefaultPosition,
115  wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, wxString(_T("")));
117  flexsizer->Add(stattext, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTRE);
118  flexsizer->Add(panel, wxEXPAND);
119  segmentPanelITK->Layout();
120  }
122  //contourevent->showAxis(true);
123  //axisshown = true;
124 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void interfSegmentationPanelVTK::setLabel ( wxString  tmpString)

Definition at line 146 of file interfSegmentationPanels.cxx.

References _staticTextSegmentation.

146  {
147  _staticTextSegmentation->SetLabel(tmpString);
148 }

Member Data Documentation

wxSlider* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::_isovalue
mBarRange* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::_mbarrange
wxSlider* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::_sampling
wxStaticText* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::_staticTextSegmentation

Definition at line 77 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

Referenced by interfSegmentationPanelVTK(), and setLabel().

bool interfSegmentationPanelVTK::axisshown

Definition at line 61 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

wxPanel* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::configPanel

Definition at line 56 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

wxWindow* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::infoWin

Definition at line 57 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

wxRadioBox* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::methodRadiobox
wxPanel* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::segmentPanel

Definition at line 58 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

wxPanel* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::segmentPanelITK

Definition at line 60 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

Referenced by onSegmentationPressedITK().

wxPanel* interfSegmentationPanelVTK::spreadPanel

Definition at line 59 of file interfSegmentationPanels.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: