CREATIS Lab.-France || KULeuven-Belgium || ThoraxCenter Lab.-Netherlands

Submission Guidelines


Teams wishing to participate to the challenge should respect the following deadlines:

  • June 13th, 2014: Submission of a short paper (less than 4 pages long). Participants must use the LNCS templates (LaTeX2e or Word) available on the Springer website to prepare their paper. Papers must be submitted at the following address:

  • June 27th, 2014: Notification of acceptance.

  • July 11th, 2014: Submission of a publication-ready paper. The content of this paper should respect the camera-ready format required by the MICCAI organizers. The corresponding recommandations are provided here.

  • July 22nd, 2014: Deadlie for registration to MICCAI website.

In order to be efficient, we strongly recommend the authors to focus of the following points in their submitted paper:

  • provide a description of the method. Specify whether the method is fully or semi-automatic. If the method is semi-automatic, how many clics are needed for the initialization;

  • include a table summarizing results obtained for the training database;

  • include a table summarizing results obtained for the testing database;

  • provide a discussion section.

For the presentation of the results, we encoureage the participants to follow the way the results are presented in the Midas plateform by providing:

  • both the mean and standard deviation scores obtained for each distance metric (MAD, HD, Modified Dice, Min Error and Max Error);

  • both correlation and limit of agreement for the clinical indices (EF and SV). The reference values are provided through the Midas platform;

  • a mean value of the CPU time needed to obtain the segmentation results.