This page presents the various Grants in which I was implied (PI or researcher).

On-going research grants

  • ANR PRC (CE45) (2025-2028), From DEep Learning to clinical Tissue Anisotropy: proof of concept infarct lesion characterisation with 3D ultrasound.
    Role: PI
    Partners: Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes (L2S); MYRIAD (Creatis)
  • GdR ISIS (2023-2025), MAC-US: Estimation de la MAtrice de Covariance spatiale pour l'imagerie de la cohérence UltraSonore.
    Role: PI
    Partner: Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes (L2S)
  • WP1-WP3-WP4 France Life Imaging (2022-2023), nanoAgents: New photothermal therapeutic nano-agents for multi-spectral in vivo photoacoustic imaging
    Role: PI
    Partner: Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
  • PhD labelisation of for the EUR MANUTECH SLEIGHT, Ultrasound manometry.
    Role: PI
    Partner: LabTAU.

Past research grants

  • Region project (FRI Cluster 2) (2019-2022), Acoustic and photoacoustic imaging of the meniscus microvascularisation
    Role: scientific leader for Creatis
    Partners: Cart'Image Medical, LiPhy, Grenoble CHU, and ACS Biotech.
  • WP4 France Life Imaging (2018-2019), Anisotropy imaging of the cardiac muscle
    Role: PI
    Partner: Institut Langevin
  • Nvidia GPU grant (2018), Ultrafast 3D ultrasound volume reconstruction
    Role: PI
  • PEPS young researcher (2015), Multispectral photoacoustic imaging
    Role: PI
  • ITN OILTEBIA (2012-2018), Optical Imaging and Laser TEchniques for BIomedical Applications
    Role: researcher

  • PEPS instrumentation aux limites (2014), X-acoustic signals quantification
    Role: researcher

Other grants

I obtained various grants for different human resources as PhD students, master students or project engineer.