Nico picture!
Nico picture!

I obtained my PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Lyon in 2009 (Best Thesis Award of the French Section of IEEE EMBS). From 2009 to 2012, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Physics of the Politecnico di Milan. Since 2014, I have been an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the INSA Lyon and at the Biomedical Imaging Laboratory CREATIS. Since 2022, I am a junior member of the Academic Institute of France.

I am interested in signal and image processing and inverse problems for medical imaging. Currently, I am mainly working on the development of computational hyperspectral imaging techniques. You can find an overview of my work over the last 10 years in my activity report ("HDR", in French). You can also view the corresponding presentation (still in French).