François Varray, PhD
Maître de Conférences UCBL, département Génie Electrique et Procédés
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 43 64 63
I obtained my Engineering Diploma from the Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, France in 2008 coupled with a master degree in image and signal processing. In October 2011, I obtain my PhD in coagreement between University Lyon 1 (France) and University of Firenze (Italy). Since September 2013, I am an associate professor in Creatis. My expertises concern the nonlinear ultrasound propagation simulation, nonlinear image simulation, motion estimation, cardiac imaging and photo-acoustic imaging. Recently, I start a research action around the anisotropy imaging in 3D ultrasound. I also supervised 4 PhD student that defended their PhD, and 4 which are currently running.