Tristan Glatard
Distributed systems for medical imaging.
Email, Google Scholar, Research Gate, Publons, ORCID, Github, LinkedIn, Twitter
- Amazon Research Grant
- France Life-Imaging, "information analysis and management" node
- Labex PRIMES, image simulation and modeling WP
- EU N4U (grid infrastructure and services for neuroimaging)
- EU er-flow (workflow interoperability)
- ANR GINSENG (distributed medical databases)
- ANR VIP (Image simulation platform using grids and clusters and generating semantical annotations, ended in January 2013)
- ANR hGATE (GATE porting to GPUs, ending 2013)
- EU SHIWA (workflow interoperability, ended in September 2012)
- Enabling Grids for E-sciencE - EGEE (ended in April 2010)
- Grid Workflow Efficient Enactment for Data Intensive Applications - Gwendia (ended in June 2010)
- Grid Analysis of Radiological Images Data - AGIR (2004-2007)