PhD in Image Processing and Instrumentation
Image processing
Multispectral/hyperspectral imaging
3D imaging
Artificial intelligence
Livres |
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| Bochtis, D., Sørensen, C.A.G, & Kateris, D. Operations Management in Agriculture. Translated by Azizpanah, A. & Mohammadi, V. 2022, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran. Mohammadi, V. & Minaei, S. 2019. “Artificial intelligence in the production process.” Engineering tools in the beverage industry. Ed. Grumezescu, A. & Holban, A. M. Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing. |
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Articles dans des revues |
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| Mohammadi, V., Gouton, P., Rossé, M., & Katakpe, K.K. 2024. Design and Development of Large-Band Dual-MSFA Sensor Camera for Precision Agriculture. Sensors, 24(1):64. Fsian, H., Mohammadi, V., Gouton, P. & Minaei, S. 2023. Comparison of Stereo Matching Algorithms for the Development of Disparity Map. International Journal of Computer and Technology, 23: 41-48. Sodjinou, S.G., Mohammadi, V., Sanda Mahama, A.T. & Gouton, P. 2021. A deep semantic segmentation-based algorithm to separate plants and weeds in agronomic color images. Information Processing in Agriculture, 9(3): 355-364. Khojastehnazhand, M., Mohammadi, V. & Minaei, S. 2019. Maturity detection and volume estimation of apricot using image processing technique. Scientia Horticulturae, 251: 247-251. Azizpanah, A. & Mohammadi, V. 2019. Energy modelling and sensitivity analysis of Rice production in Ilam, Iran. Journal of Applied Agriculture and Biotechnology, 3(1), pp.1-13. Mohammadi, V., Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M. & Gonzalez, L.A. 2017. Analytical measurements of ultrasound propagation in dairy products: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 61: 38-48. Azizpanah, A. Rajabipour, A. Alimardani, R. Kheiralipour, K. Ghamari, B. & Mohammadi, V. 2015. Design, construction and evaluation of a sprayer drift measurement system. CIGR Journal, 17(3): 138-146. Azizpanah, A. Rajabipour, A. Alimardani, R. Kheiralipour, K. & Mohammadi, V. 2015. Precision spray modeling using image processing and artificial neural network. CIGR Journal, 17(2): 65-74. Mohammadi, V. Kheiralipour, K. & Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M. 2015. Detecting maturity of persimmon based on image analyzing. Scientia Horticulturae, 184: 123-128. Mohammadi, V. Ebrahimi, R. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M. & Abbasvali, M. 2015. Ultrasonic detection modeling of the Escherichia Coli microbial contamination of UHT milk packages using Artificial Neural Network. Iranian Journal of Biosystem Engineering, 46(3): 219-227. In Persian. Mohammadi, V. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M. Ebrahimi, R. & Abbasvali, M. 2014. Ultrasonic techniques for the milk production industry. Measurement, 58: 93–102. Mohammadi, V. Ebrahimi, R. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M. & Abbasvali, M. & Lahimgarzade. A. 2014. Detection of microbial contamination of UHT milk packages using ultrasonic system. Journal of food science & technology, 51(13): 149-157. In Persian. |
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Conférences |
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| Gouton, P. Aksas, L. Mohammadi, V. 2021. One-shot Multispectral imaging hybrid sensors: Resent advances and practical implementation. The 8th international color & coating congress. Tehran, Iran. October 13-14. Mohammadi, V., Sodjinou, S.G., Katakpe, K.K., Rossé, M. & Gouton, P., 2022. Development of a Multi-spectral Camera for Computer vision applications. WSCG, Pilsen, The Czech Republic. Mohammadi, V. Minaei, S. Mahdavian A.R. Khoshtaghaza, M.H. Gouton, P . 2021. Estimation of Leaf Area in Bell Pepper Plant using Image Processing techniques and Artificial Neural Networks. IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA). Malaysia. September 13-15. Mohammadi, V. & Minaei, S. 2017. Maturity detection of apricot fruit using the extraction of Gabor imaging features. 2nd national conference on harvest and postharvest novel technologies of agricultural products. Mashad. Oct. 20-21. Kheiralipour, K. Mohammadi, V. & Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M. 2015. Persimmon maturity detection by image processing and support vector machine. The 9th national congress on agricultural machinery engineering & mechanization of Iran. University of Tehran, Iran, Apr. 22-23. Mohammadi, V. & Ebrahimi, R. 2014. ANN predicting of walnut seedlessness based on ultrasonic properties. International conference on engineering, arts management, and environment. University of Szczecin, Poland, Dec. 12. Ebrahimi, R. Mohammadkhani, A. & Mohammadi, V. 2013. The effects of drying methods on essential oil content and appearance characteristics of Thymus vulgaris, Hyssopus officinalis L. and Lavandula angustifolia. 2nd National Congress on Medicinal Plants. Tehran. Iran. Mohammadi, V. & Ebrahimi, R. 2013. Detection of full and seedless nuts using ultrasonic sensors. 21st national congress of food science & technology. Shiraz. Iran. |
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Laboratoire CREATIS, INSA, Université Lyon 1
Bâtiment Léonard de Vinci
21 Av. Jean Capelle O, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Email: vahid.mohammadi[at]