EN VISIO : https://zoom.us/j/95811499327?pwd=S2dqa0tpZjd3Q0NSM1FJSUZzc2x1dz09
Programme :
09h00-09h20 Nina GHIGO: Ultrafast ultrasound imaging of vectorial flow and wall motion for the study of the abdominal aorta (using a convex probe) (Hervé LEBGOTT, Didier VRAY) (équipe 3) MEGA
09h20-09h40 Florian VIXEGE: Deciphering the intraventricular blood flow by triplane Doppler echo (Dir: Damen GARCIA, Didier VRAY) (équipe 3) MEGA
09h40-10h00: Mathilde LUBIN: Continuous and noninvasive blood pressure measurement by bimodal approach: photoplethysmography (PPG) and ultrasound (US) (Didier VRAY, Stephane BONNET) (équipe 3) MEGA
10h00-10h20: Audrey DURAN: Machine learning for cancer mapping based on multimodality medical imaging (Dir: Carole LARTIZIEN) (équipe12) EEA
10h20-10h40:Zexian Wang: A 3D Multiscale Synthetic Model of Biological Tissue for Virtual Imaging (François VARRAY) (équipe 3) EEA
10h55-11h15: Joey LABOUR: Quantification of Yttrium-90 using DPC-PET and Monte Carlo ( Dir:David SARRUT, Jean-Noêl BADEL) (équipe 4) EEA
11h15-11h35: Antoine ROBERT: Breathing motion correction in SPECT (Dir:David SARRUT, Simon RIT) (équipe 4) EEA
11h35-11h55 : Aurélien COUSSAT: Tomographic reconstruction of regions of interests (Dir :Simon RIT, Jean-Michel LETANG) (équipe 4) EEA
11h55-12h15: Ali Ahmad : Simulation and machine learning for single cells phenotyping (Dir : Carole FRINDEL, David SARRUT, David ROUSSEAU,) (équipe 12) EEA
12h15-12h35 Antonio LORENTE MUR: Single-Pixel Video Reconstruction (Dir : Françoise PEYRIN, Nicolas DUCROS) (équipe 4) EEA
13h55-14h15 :Pilar SANGO : Magnetic Resonance Elastograpy: new motion encoding strategies (Dir :Olivier BEUF,Kévin TSE-VE-KOON (équipe 5) EDISS
14h15-14h35 :Yuhan JING :Simulation of water diffusion through a simple virtual cardiac model: optimization of Monte Carlo parameters and observation by simulated MRI, (Dir :Carole FRINDEL (équipe 12) EEA
14h35-14h55: Théo JOURDAN : Sanitizing motion sensor data against sensitive inferences wiith adversarial neural network (Dir :Carole FRINDEL, Tae-Hee CHO, Antoine BOUTET (équipe12) EDISS
15h55-15h15: Maxime DI FOLCO: Statistical learning of interactions between cardiac shape and deformation (Dir :Patrick CLARYSSE, Nicolas DUCHATEAU ) (équipe 12) EEA
15h15-15h35:Yunlong HE: Breathing motion correction in (4D) CT using data consistency conditions. (Dir : Yue-Min ZHU ,Lihui WANG) (équipe 12) EEA
14h50-16h10: Suzanne BUSSOD: Deep learning-based algorithms for spectral CT (Dir :Françoise PEYRIN, Nicolas DUCROS ) (équipe 4) EEA
16h10-16h30:Yunyun Sun: Roubust estimation of flow dynamic by deep-learning in ultrasound imaging (Dir : Olivier BERNARD, Damien GARCIA ) (équipe 12) EEA
16h30-16h55: Benoit Cosset: How to improve the management of aortic dissection? Diagnosis and treatment (Dir : Loïc BOUSSEL, Monica SIGOVAN ) (équipe 12) EDISS