The creaSDRA software, developed by Eduardo E. Dávila (IE CNRS, CREATIS info-dev service) advised by Jean-Christophe Richard (PUPH, medical intensive care unit of the Croix Rousse hospital) and Maciej Orkisz (PU), both from the MYRIAD team, was the subject of a news item published by the INS2I of the CNRS.
This software allows calculating ventilated-compartment volumes of the lungs from CT images (3D CT) acquired at end-inspiration and end-xpiration. As part of the CT4ARDS project, it is being used to evaluate the regions subject to hyperinflation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and subjected to mechanical ventilation. The objective is to adapt ventilator settings to each patient.
It is currently being validated and the results obtained so far on CT images of twenty patients with ARDS, half of them with COVID-19, are very promising.