The LabEx PRIMES WP2 "Innovative Imaging Techniques", led by H. Ratiney of CREATIS and E. Brun from STROBE organised a conference on biomedical imaging on the theme: how is multimodality used?
The following topics were discussed:
- What are the advantages in terms of complementarity or confirmation of an observation?
- What are the research challenges?
- What are the factors that enable a manufacturer to launch a multimodal imaging solution?
Around fifty participants enjoyed the presentations and insights of 4 speakers:
- Benjamin Lemasson - Grenoble Neuroscience Institute - Research team functional neuroimaging and cerebral perfusion
Topic: Development of methods for translational and multimodal image analysis
- Bertrand Tavitian - Paris Cardiovascular Research Center
Topic: Progress of the PETRUS program for simultaneous hybrid PET and ultrasound imaging
- Tim Wokrina et Kim Braeckman - Bruker society
Topic: Discover more ! With Bruker Multimodal Solutions