A research position of 6 months for Early Stage Researcher is available at CREATIS laboratory/Léon Bérard cancer center for the Marie-Curie Training Network "WARTHE"
When? Where?
The position should start as soon as possible, between December 2009 and February 2010 and would last 6 months. Application should be sent right now, before end December 2009. The team is located at Léon Bérard cancer center in Lyon, France.
What For?
It could be an excellent opportunity for a PhD student (with less than 4 years of experience) to have a complementary fully financed stay abroad. Several projects are available in the field of image guided radiation therapy: in accordance with the advisors, the applicant could choose according to his skills and interests. Two possible projects are:
1) The young researcher will work on a new research software platform, named VV, dedicated to the study of 4D images. Such images are used in the context of radiation therapy planning for lung cancer and allow taking into account patient respiratory motion into the treatment planning. The goal of the recruited candidate will be to pursue the development of the platform by including new deformable registration techniques developed by the team in the software. Applicants must have experience in medical image processing and ITK/VTK/QT software.
2) The young researcher will work in medical image processing in the field of cancer radiation therapy. He/She will help researchers develop a system allowing to monitor patient breathing motion by making correlation between two types of data : (1) dynamic patient thorax surface captured with an optical system and (2) radiographic 2D+t images. The recruited candidate will participate in the data acquisition stage and in the development of an algorithm allowing to extract useful dynamic parameters from the thorax surface. Applicants must have experience in medical image processing. Experience in ITK/VTK software will be appreciated.
According to the Marie-Curie rules in this project, the applicant should NOT be French, must have less than 4 years of research experience since gaining a university diploma giving access to doctoral studies, should NOT have a PhD. The gross salary is about 1780€ / month + about 500 €/month (mobility), leading to approximately 1900€ net/month.
Contact information
- David Sarrut david.sarrut@creatis.insa-lyon.fr
- Joel Schaerer joel.schaerer@insa-lyon.fr