0. Uninstall the previous version if any.
3. Download and install Qt http://get.qtsoftware.com/qtsdk/qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.03.1.exe or here
3.1 Add to the system variable PATH ;C:Qt2009.03bin
(Start->Control Panel->System->Avance->Variables d'environment->Variables system->PATH)
3.2 Follow the Building instructions online.
Ex. - Start->Programs->Microsoft Visual->
Visual Studio->Visual Studio Tools->Command Prompt
- cd c:qt<version>qt
- configure
- nmake
4. Download crea_Developer_Tools
Extract the .rar file and install the following tools:
- cmake 2.6.2
- doxygen
- basic-miktex
- tth
- graphiz
- boost
- In the dialog Select default variants, compilers: select Visual c++ 7.1 (Visual Studio .NET 2003)
- In the dialog Choose Components, select the following:
- DateTime, FileSystem, Program Options, Regex, Signals, System, Thread.