Downloads CreaTools
- Windows
- Linux
- MacOS
Important do not forget to see the "Getting Started" steps...
Important do not forget to see the "Getting Started" steps...
Windows XP/Vista/Window7/Windows10 - CreaTools 5.0.0 | |
For all users: launch ALL these installers You need to install CreaTools and Dlls with the same distribution. Recomended: 64-bits Release | |
Step 1: CreaTools | creaTools-5.0.0 (2025/02/14 12h56) |
Step 2: Dlls third party (vtk, itk, boost, wxWidgets, Qt, gdcm,..) | crea_TPdlls-5.0.0 (2022/10/06) |
For application developers: launch ALL these additional installers | |
* Developer tools: CMake, Doxygen, Graphviz, FileZilla, Putty, msysgit, TortoiseGit, wget, wrar, bouml, NSIS | crea_Developers_tools v4 |
Windows XP/Vista/Window7/Windows10 - CreaTools 2.6.5 | |||||
For all users: launch ALL these installers You need to install CreaTools and Dlls with the same distribution. Recomended: 64-bits Release | |||||
Step 1: CreaTools | creaTools-2.6.5 (13 April 2018 08h51) | ||||
Step 2: Dlls third party (vtk, itk, boost, wxWidgets, Qt, gdcm,..) | crea_TPdlls-3.2.0 (17 June 2013)
| ||||
Step 3: If you do not have Visual Studio 10 (Express) - 2010 Runtime libraries vc2010 | vcredist_x86.exe / vcredist_x64.exe | ||||
For application developers: launch ALL these additional installers | |||||
* Developer tools: CMake, Doxygen, Graphviz, FileZilla, Putty, msysgit, TortoiseGit, wget, wrar, bouml, NSIS | | ||||
* If you do not have Visual Studio 10 (Express) - 2010: Compiler vc10 (Visual Studio 10 Express - 2010) | VisualStudioExpress2010 | ||||
* Third party libraries to create your own boxes and documentation: vtk, itk, boost, wxWidgets, Qt (partial), gdcm, MikTex (partial) (Disk space 1.2 GB) | creaTPL-3.2.0 (17 june 2013)
| ||||
For kernel developers: launch this additional installer | |||||
* Internal development of creatools | Individual installers/sources |
Windows XP/Vista/Window7 - CreaTools v2.0.4 | |
For all users: launch ALL these installers | |
1. CreaTools (23 Nov. 2012) | |
2. Dlls third party (vtk, itk, boost, wxWidgets, Qt, gdcm,..) | crea_ThirdParty_dlls-3.0.1-win32.exe |
3. If you do not have Visual Studio 9 Express - 2008: Runtime libraries vc9 | vcredist_x86.exe |
For application developers: launch ALL these additional installers | |
* Developer tools: CMake, Doxygen, Graphviz, FileZilla, Putty, TortoiseCVS, wget, wrar, bouml, NSIS | |
* If you do not have Visual Studio 9 Express - 2008: Compiler vc9 (Visual Studio 9 Express - 2008) | VisualStudioExpress2008 |
* Third party libraries to create your own boxes and documentation: vtk, itk, boost, wxWidgets, Qt (partial), gdcm, MikTex (partial) (Disk space 1.2 GB) | crea_ThirdParty_Libraries-3.0.1-win32.exe |
For kernel developers: launch this additional installer | |
* Internal development of creatools | Individual installers/sources |
Important do not forget to see the "Getting Started" steps...
Linux / Mac - CreaTools v5.0.0 | |
( 2025/02/14 - 12h57) | cmd line> source [pkg-dev|FinalUser] ( Fedora 24, ... ,41 Ubuntu 20.. ) Final User: Fedora 30 -> All Linux version |
CreaTools - Developer version (13 Octobre 2023 - 13h00) | CreaToolsTools.tgz |
Important do not forget to see the "Getting Started" steps...
MacOs - CreaTools v2.0.3 | |
1. Creatools Final User (21 Nov 2012) | |
2. Creatools Developer User |