[Vv] About RT-Struct

Neree PAYAN nerea.payan at u-bourgogne.fr
Tue Aug 8 18:40:45 CEST 2017

Dear All,

I have DICOM PET images with the associated ROIs (= RT-Struct DICOM format). When I try to visualize them on the PET image, I obtain incorrect ROIs in vv while using 3D Slicer everything seems good.

Moreover, for all my data, ROIs were drawn by merging the PET and CT scan images, so I’m expecting to be able to visualize them in both CT or PET images (as is the case with Slicer). But I never succeeded to visualize the ROIs on the CT with vv. 

Have you got any idea why I have these problems ?

You can find the CT, PET and RTStruct DICOM on this download link: https://cloud.u-bourgogne.fr/index.php/s/EoJ73gwyHmdoEJo <https://cloud.u-bourgogne.fr/index.php/s/EoJ73gwyHmdoEJo>

Thank you in advance for your help,
Best Regards,


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