[Vv] About RT-Struct

Thomas BAUDIER thomas.baudier at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Aug 10 10:34:10 CEST 2017

Hi Neree,

I already encountered your problems:
  - you can't correctly visualize the ROI with the PET image because the 
spacing of the 3rd dimension of the ROI is 2.5mm (like the CT) and 4.0mm 
for the PET.
We don't deal with this kind of situation in vv because we expect to 
open the RTStruct with the corresponding image (here the CT).
  - the second problem is that the CT has a Rotation and Translation 
matrix. And in your case the RTStrunt was saved with the rotated Dicom.
In vv, we consider the opposite.

I'm sorry, this is choices we've done on the software. I'll talk with 
David and Simon to improve it.
But I have a solution the clitk tools.
  - The fist step is to transform your dicom into mhd: clitkDicom2Image 
Body-Low-Dose_CT/*.dcm -o Body-Low-Dose_CT/CT.mhd
  - You have to transform the CT to have an identity transformed matrix: 
clitkAffineTransform -i Body-Low-Dose_CT/CT.mhd -o 
Body-Low-Dose_CT/CT.mhd --transform_grid
  - Finally, convert your RTStruct into mhd ROI: clitkDicomRTStruct2Image 
-i ROIs/IM-0001-10000-0001.dcm -j Body-Low-Dose_CT/CT.mhd -o ROIs/ROI

Now you can open the ROIs with the PET ant CT images into vv.

Don't hesitate if you have others questions

On 2017-08-08 18:40, Neree PAYAN wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have DICOM PET images with the associated ROIs (= RT-Struct DICOM
> format). When I try to visualize them on the PET image, I obtain
> incorrect ROIs in vv while using 3D Slicer everything seems good.
> Moreover, for all my data, ROIs were drawn by merging the PET and CT
> scan images, so I’m expecting to be able to visualize them in both
> CT or PET images (as is the case with Slicer). But I never succeeded
> to visualize the ROIs on the CT with vv.
> Have you got any idea why I have these problems ?
> You can find the CT, PET and RTStruct DICOM on this download link:
> https://cloud.u-bourgogne.fr/index.php/s/EoJ73gwyHmdoEJo [1]
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> Best Regards,
> Nérée
> Links:
> ------
> [1] https://cloud.u-bourgogne.fr/index.php/s/EoJ73gwyHmdoEJo
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