[Vv] Building vv on MacOsX

Vivien Delmon vivien.delmon at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Feb 21 10:36:35 CET 2012

On 02/18/2012 04:38 PM, David Coeurjolly wrote:
> Hi all,


> Couple of comments after our "build on macOs trial" (MacOS X, Lion, built-in gcc compiler):
>    - I've sent you a small patch by email to ensure that cmake  links with QVTK.

I applied it, but this variable is only used with VTK 5.6.* and before.

>    - works with ITK 3.20 as expected (but you could return a cmake error if the itk version is greater than 4.*)

I am using vv build on itk 4.* on linux what's the problem on Mac ?

>   - The current find(vtk) does not test if the QT widget has been compiled with vtk (I would suggest either a COMPONENT option to the find but I don't know if VTK manages it, or a small test program just checking that a QVTKWidget can be created)

It seems possible to test COMPONENTS in cmake for VTK, ITK, Qt. I will 
add these tests thanks to point this out.

> regards

Thank you for this feedback,

Vivien Delmon
PhD student at CREATIS, Lyon
Supported by ANRT and ELEKTA

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De l'anglais regular expression dont l’abrégé est regexp, regex ou
encore expreg. On emploie couramment le terme expression régulière car
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rationnelles.  (Wikipedia)

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