[Vv] Building vv on MacOsX

David Coeurjolly david.coeurjolly at liris.cnrs.fr
Sat Feb 18 16:38:02 CET 2012

Hi all,

Couple of comments after our "build on macOs trial" (MacOS X, Lion, built-in gcc compiler):
  - I've sent you a small patch by email to ensure that cmake  links with QVTK.

  - works with ITK 3.20 as expected (but you could return a cmake error if the itk version is greater than 4.*)
 - The current find(vtk) does not test if the QT widget has been compiled with vtk (I would suggest either a COMPONENT option to the find but I don't know if VTK manages it, or a small test program just checking that a QVTKWidget can be created)

David Coeurjolly - Directeur de recherche CNRS
Université de Lyon
Batiment Nautibus
43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France
Tel : (+33) [0]  Fax : (+33) [0]

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