18 #ifndef rtkInterpolatorWithKnownWeightsImageFilter_h 19 #define rtkInterpolatorWithKnownWeightsImageFilter_h 23 #include "rtkConfiguration.h" 63 template <
typename VolumeType,
typename VolumeSeriesType>
83 SetInputVolume(
const VolumeType * Volume);
87 SetInputVolumeSeries(
const VolumeSeriesType * VolumeSeries);
94 itkGetMacro(ProjectionNumber,
96 SetProjectionNumber(
int n);
102 typename VolumeType::ConstPointer
104 typename VolumeSeriesType::Pointer
105 GetInputVolumeSeries();
108 GenerateInputRequestedRegion()
112 DynamicThreadedGenerateData(
const typename VolumeType::RegionType & outputRegionForThread)
120 #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION 121 # include "rtkInterpolatorWithKnownWeightsImageFilter.hxx"
#define itkSetMacro(name, type)
Interpolates (linearly) in a 3D+t sequence of volumes to get a 3D volume.
itk::Array2D< float > m_Weights