Publication list

A list of my recent publications is available here

You can also consult my google scholar profile here

New publications (WIP...)

[2022-04-01] : Our paper on deep supervised attention models for prostate cancer segmentation and grading in mp-MRI was accepted for publication Medical Image Analysis [Duran, MEDIA 2022].

[2022-02-23] : Our paper on weakly supervised learning with scribble annotations for prostate cancer segmentation in mp-MRI was presented at the 2022 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference [Duran, SPIE MI 2022].

[2021-09-30] : Our paper on brain PET synthesis with cycle-GAN to train unsupervised deep anomaly detection model was presented at the 2021 MICCAI workshop [Zotova, MICCAI SASHIMI 2021].

[2021-09-30] : Our paper on unsupervised anomaly detection in MR brain scans of early Parkinsonian patients was presented at the 2021 MICCAI workshop [Munoz, MICCAI MLCN 2021] on brain PET synthesis with cycle-GAN to train unsupervised deep anomaly detection model deep attention models for prostate segmentation in mp-MRI [Munoz, MICCAI MLCN 2021] .

[2020-07-01] : Please have a look at our two accepted papers at the 2020 MIDL conference on deep attention models for prostate cancer segmentation and grading in mp-MRI [Duran, MIDL 2020] and punctuate white matter lesions in 3D cranial ultrasonography of premature neonates [Erbacher, MIDL 2020].

[2020-01-01] : Our paper on unsupervised brain anomaly detection in multiparametric MRI based on siamese networks has been published in Medical Image Analysis. Please have a look here.

[2017-07-01] : Our paper on the generalization of the SVDD algorithm has been published in Neurocomputing. Please have a look here.