bbwx::ColourSelector Class Reference

#include <bbwxColourSelector.h>

List of all members.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void bbUserConstructor ()

Private Member Functions

 BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE (ColourSelector, bbtk::AtomicBlackBox)
 BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT (Out, std::string)
void Process ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 64 of file bbwxColourSelector.h.

Member Function Documentation

bbwx::ColourSelector::BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE ( ColourSelector  ,
) [private]

bbwx::ColourSelector::BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT ( Out  ,
) [private]

bbwx::ColourSelector::BBTK_PROCESS ( Process   )  [private]

void bbwx::ColourSelector::Process (  )  [private]

Definition at line 57 of file bbwxColourSelector.cxx.

00058    {
00059       bbtkDebugMessageInc("Core",9,"ColourSelector::Process() ["
00060                           <<bbGetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00062       wxColourDialog *colordialog = new wxColourDialog( 0 );
00063       int result_colordialog = colordialog->ShowModal();
00065         // This line is need it by windows // EED
00066         colordialog->SetReturnCode( result_colordialog );
00068       if (colordialog->GetReturnCode()==wxID_OK)
00069       {
00070          char col[100];
00071          wxColour& c = colordialog->GetColourData().GetColour();
00072          sprintf(col,"%f %f %f",c.Red()/255.,c.Green()/255.,c.Blue()/255.);
00073          bbSetOutputOut( col );
00074       } else {
00075          bbSetOutputOut("");
00076       }
00077       bbtkDebugDecTab("Core",9);
00078    }

void bbwx::ColourSelector::bbUserConstructor (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 53 of file bbwxColourSelector.cxx.

00054   {
00055   }

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Generated on Tue Oct 21 16:06:53 2008 for wx by  doxygen 1.5.6