Classes | |
class | ArgMgr |
class designed for command line arguments management (to make programmer's live easier) NOT Dicom dependant (could be used for any kind of 'command line program') More... | |
class | Base |
Base class of all gdcm classes. Contains the Print related methods :
| |
class | CallbackCommand |
CallbackCommand base class to react on a gdcm event. More... | |
class | Command |
Command base class to react on a gdcm event. More... | |
class | CommandManager |
CommandManager base class to react on a gdcm event. More... | |
struct | DicomElement |
structure, for internal use only More... | |
class | DataEntry |
Any Dicom Document (File or DicomDir, or ...) contains a set of DocEntry - Dicom entries - (when successfuly parsed against a given Dicom dictionary) DataEntry is an elementary DocEntry (as opposed to SeqEntry). Depending on the type of its content,. More... | |
class | Debug |
Debug is an object for warning/logging/tracing programs. It has the following modes :
| |
class | DicomDir |
DicomDir defines an object representing a DICOMDIR in memory as a tree-like structure DicomDirPatient -> DicomDirStudy -> DicomDirSerie -> DicomDirImage. More... | |
class | DicomDirElement |
Represents elements contained in a DicomDir class for the chained lists from the file 'Dicts/DicomDir.dic'. More... | |
class | DicomDirImage |
describes an IMAGE within a SERIE (DicomDirSerie) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir) More... | |
class | DicomDirMeta |
Meta Elements (group 0002) of a DicomDir. More... | |
class | DicomDirObject |
Parent object for DicomDirPatient, DicomDirStudy, DicomDirSerie, DicomDirImage, of a DicomDir. More... | |
class | DicomDirPatient |
describes a PATIENT within a DICOMDIR (DicomDir) More... | |
class | DicomDirSerie |
describes a SERIE within a within a STUDY (DicomDirStudy) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir) More... | |
class | DicomDirStudy |
describes a STUDY within a within a PATIENT (DicomDirPatient) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir) More... | |
class | DicomDirVisit |
describes a VISIT within a within a STUDY (DicomDirStudy) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir) More... | |
class | DicomEntry |
a DicomEntry is an element contained by the Dict. It contains :
| |
class | Dict |
Dict acts a memory representation of a dicom dictionary i.e. it is a container for a collection of dictionary entries. The dictionary is loaded from in an ascii file. There should be a single public dictionary (THE dictionary of the actual DICOM v3) but as many shadow dictionaries as imagers combined with all software versions... More... | |
class | DictEntry |
the DictEntry in an element contained by the Dict. It contains :
| |
class | DictGroupName |
Container for dicom 'Group Name' Hash Table. (formerly NIH defined ACR-NEMA group name). More... | |
class | DictSet |
Container for managing a set of loaded dictionaries (Dict). More... | |
class | DirList |
List containing the file headers of all the 'gdcm readable' files found by exploring (possibely recursively) a root directory. More... | |
class | DocEntry |
The dicom header of a Dicom file contains a set of such entries (when successfuly parsed against a given Dicom dictionary). More... | |
class | DocEntryArchive |
Container It's goal is to change the File header correctly. At this time, the change is only made for the first level of the Document. In the future, it might consider Dicom Sequences (SeqEntry, within any SQItem). The change is made by replacing a DocEntry by an other that is created outside the class. The old value is kept. When we restore the File status, the added DocEntry is deleted and replaced by the old value. More... | |
class | DocEntrySet |
DocEntrySet is an abstract base class for ElementSet and SQItem which are both containers for DocEntries.
| |
class | Document |
Derived by both gdcm::File and gdcm::DicomDir. More... | |
class | ElementSet |
ElementSet is based on the STL map<> container (see ElementSet::TagHT), as opposed to SQItem which is based on an STL list container (see ListDocEntry). It contains the 'zero-level- DocEntry (out of any Dicom Sequence) More... | |
class | Exception |
Any exception thrown in the gdcm library. More... | |
class | FileError |
File error exception thrown in the gdcm library. More... | |
class | FormatUnexpected |
Unexpected file format exception. More... | |
class | FormatError |
Invalid file format exception. More... | |
class | File |
DICOM elements and their corresponding values (and additionaly the corresponding DICOM dictionary entry) of the header of a DICOM file. More... | |
class | FileHelper |
In addition to Dicom header exploration, this class is designed for accessing the image/volume content. One can also use it to write Dicom/ACR-NEMA/RAW files. More... | |
class | Global |
class | JPEGFragment |
*very* internal class . Shouldn't appear here ! Utility class for summerizing the informations of a JPEG fragment of an "Encapsulated JPEG Compressed Image". This information is a mix of:
| |
class | JPEGFragmentsInfo |
Utility class for gathering the informations of the collection of JPEG fragment[s] (see JPEGFragment) when handling "Encapsulated JPEG Compressed Images". The informations on each frame are obtained during the pixel parsing of a gdcm::File (refer to File::ComputeJPEGFragmentInfo() ). They shall be used when (if necessary) decoding the fragments. More... | |
struct | vector3D |
class | Orientation |
Orientation class for dealing with DICOM image orientation. More... | |
class | PixelReadConvert |
Utility container for gathering the various forms the pixel data migth take during the user demanded processes. WARNING : *none* of these functions may be invoked by gdm user (internal use only). More... | |
class | PixelWriteConvert |
Utility container for gathering the various forms the pixel data migth take during the user requiered processes. More... | |
class | RefCounter |
Integration of reference counting with a destruction of the object only when the reference is to zero. More... | |
class | RLEFrame |
Utility class for summerizing the informations of a SINGLE RLE frame of an "Encapsulated RLE Compressed Image" (refer to PS 3.5-2003 annex G). This information is a mix of:
| |
class | RLEFramesInfo |
Utility class for gathering the informations of the collection of RLE frame[s] (see RLEFrame) when handling "Encapsulated RLE Compressed Images" (see PS 3.5-2003 annex G). Note: a classical image can be considered as the degenerated case of a multiframe image. In this case the collection is limited to a single individual frame. The informations on each frame are obtained during the pixel parsing of a gdcm::File (refer to File::ComputeRLEInfo() ). They shall be used when (if necessary) decoding the frames. More... | |
class | SeqEntry |
a SeqEntry (as opposed to a DataEntry) is a non elementary DocEntry. It is composed by a set of SQItems. Each SQItem is composed by a set of DocEntry A DocEntry may be a SeqEntry ... and so forth More... | |
class | SerieHelper |
This class should be used for a stack of 2D dicom images. More... | |
class | SQItem |
a SeqEntry is composed by a set of SQItems. Each SQItem is composed by a set of DocEntry A DocEntry may be a SeqEntry ... and so forth More... | |
class | TagKey |
class | Util |
Here are some utility functions, belonging to the gdcm::Util class, dealing with strings, file names... that can be called from anywhere by whomsoever they can help. More... | |
class | Validator |
class | VR |
Container for dicom Value Representation Hash Table. More... | |
class | VRKey |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::pair< const Base *, unsigned int > | CommandKey |
typedef std::map< CommandKey, Command * > | CommandHT |
typedef std::string | TagName |
TagKey is made to hold the standard Dicom Tag (Group number, Element number) Instead of using the two '16 bits integers' as the Hask Table key, we converted into a string (e.g. 0x0018,0x0050 converted into "0018|0050") It appears to be a huge waste of time. We'll fix the mess up -without any change in the API- as soon as the bench marks are fully performed. TagName is made to hold the 'non hexa" fields (VR, VM, Name) of Dicom Entries. | |
typedef std::list< DicomDirPatient * > | ListDicomDirPatient |
typedef std::vector< Document * > | VectDocument |
typedef std::list< DicomElement > | ListDicomDirElem |
typedef std::list< DicomElement > | ListDicomDirMetaElem |
typedef std::list< DicomElement > | ListDicomDirPatientElem |
typedef std::list< DicomElement > | ListDicomDirStudyElem |
typedef std::list< DicomElement > | ListDicomDirVisitElem |
typedef std::list< DicomElement > | ListDicomDirSerieElem |
typedef std::list< DicomElement > | ListDicomDirImageElem |
typedef std::list< DicomDirObject * > | ListContent |
typedef std::list< DicomDirStudy * > | ListDicomDirStudy |
typedef std::list< DicomDirImage * > | ListDicomDirImage |
typedef std::list< DicomDirSerie * > | ListDicomDirSerie |
typedef std::list< DicomDirVisit * > | ListDicomDirVisit |
typedef std::string | DictKey |
typedef std::map< TagKey, DictEntry * > | TagKeyHT |
typedef std::map< uint16_t, TagName > | DictGroupNameHT |
Group Name Hash Table. | |
typedef std::map< DictKey, Dict * > | DictSetHT |
typedef std::vector< std::string > | DirListType |
typedef std::map< TagKey, DocEntry * > | TagDocEntryHT |
typedef std::map< uint16_t, int > | GroupHT |
typedef void(* | VOID_FUNCTION_PUINT8_PFILE_POINTER )(uint8_t *, File *) |
typedef std::pair< double, double > | Res |
typedef std::list< SQItem * > | ListSQItem |
typedef std::vector< File * > | FileList |
typedef std::map< std::string, FileList * > | XCoherentFileSetmap |
XCoherent stands for 'Extra Coherent', (The name 'Coherent' would be enough but it was used before; I don't want to put a bomb in the code) Any 'better name' is welcome ! | |
typedef bool(* | BOOL_FUNCTION_PFILE_PFILE_POINTER )(File *, File *) |
typedef std::list< DocEntry * > | ListDocEntry |
typedef std::string | VRAtr |
typedef std::map< VRKey, VRAtr > | VRHT |
Value Representation Hash Table. | |
Enumerations | |
Command list. More... | |
enum | FileType { Unknown = 0, ExplicitVR, ImplicitVR, ACR, ACR_LIBIDO, JPEG } |
various types of a DICOM file (for internal use only) More... | |
type of the elements composing a DICOMDIR (for internal use only) More... | |
comparison operators (as used in SerieHelper::AddRestriction() ) More... | |
enum | LodModeType { LD_ALL = 0x00000000, LD_NOSEQ = 0x00000001, LD_NOSHADOW = 0x00000002, LD_NOSHADOWSEQ = 0x00000004 } |
Loading mode. More... | |
enum | ModalityType { Unknow, AU, AS, BI, CF, CP, CR, CS, CT, DD, DF, DG, DM, DS, DX, ECG, EPS, ES, FA, FS, HC, HD, LP, LS, MA, MR, NM, OT, PT, RF, RG, RTDOSE, RTIMAGE, RTPLAN, RTSTRUCT, SM, ST, TG, US, VF, XA, XC } |
enum | OrientationType { NotApplicable = 0, Axial = 1, AxialInvert = -1, Coronal = 2, CoronalInvert = -2, Sagital = 3, SagitalInvert = -3, HeartAxial = 4, HeartAxialInvert = -4, HeartCoronal = 5, HeartCoronalInvert = -5, HeartSagital = 6, HeartSagitalInvert = -6 } |
Functions | |
void | FillDefaultDIRDict (DicomDirElement *dde) |
auto generate function, to fill up the default elements for a DICOMDIR, if relevant file is not found on user's disk | |
void | FillDefaultDataDict (Dict *d) |
auto generated function, to fill up the Dicom Dictionnary, if relevant file is not found on user's disk | |
void | FillDefaultDictGroupName (DictGroupNameHT &groupName) |
auto generated function, to fill up the 'Group Name' Dictionnary, if relevant file is not found on user's disk | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Exception &e) |
Exception::operator <<. | |
bool | gdcm_read_JPEG2000_file (void *raw, char *inputdata, size_t inputlength) |
routine for JPEG decompression | |
bool | gdcm_read_JPEG2000_file (std::ifstream *fp, void *image_buffer) |
bool | gdcm_read_JPEGLS_file (std::ifstream *fp, void *image_buffer) |
routine for JPEG decompression. WARNING LPEG-LS is NOT the 'classical' jpeg lossless. See : gdcm DOES deal with 'classical' jpeg lossless | |
static int | Headers () |
routine for MPEG decompression | |
static void | DeInitialize_Decoder () |
static void | Deinitialize_Sequence () |
static void | Initialize_Sequence () |
static int | video_sequence (int *Bitstream_Framenumber) |
static int | Decode_Bitstream () |
static void | Initialize_Decoder () |
bool | ReadMPEGFile (std::ifstream *fp, char *image_buffer, size_t length) |
double | square_dist (vector3D const &v1, vector3D const &v2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &_os, const TagKey &_val) |
int | GetMacAddrSys (unsigned char *addr) |
gets current M.A.C adress (for internal use only) | |
int | getlastdigit (unsigned char *data) |
Mini function to return the last digit from a number express in base 256 pre condition data contain an array of 6 unsigned char post condition carry contain the last digit. | |
std::ostream & | binary_write (std::ostream &os, const uint16_t &val) |
binary_write binary_write | |
std::ostream & | binary_write (std::ostream &os, const uint32_t &val) |
binary_write binary_write | |
std::ostream & | binary_write (std::ostream &os, const double &val) |
binary_write binary_write | |
std::ostream & | binary_write (std::ostream &os, const char *val) |
binary_write binary_write | |
std::ostream & | binary_write (std::ostream &os, std::string const &val) |
binary_write binary_write | |
std::ostream & | binary_write (std::ostream &os, const uint8_t *val, size_t len) |
binary_write binary_write | |
std::ostream & | binary_write (std::ostream &os, const uint16_t *val, size_t len) |
binary_write binary_write | |
bool | CheckVM (DataEntry *entry) |
void | FillDefaultVRDict (VRHT &vr) |
auto generated function, to fill up the 'Value Representation' Dictionnary, if relevant file is not found on user's disk | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &_os, const VRKey &_val) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &_is, VRKey &_val) |
Variables | |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_UNKNOWN = "gdcm::Unknown" |
Those global string that are returned by reference everywhere in gdcm code used to be in gdcmCommon.h but due to a 'bug' in gcc/MacOSX you cannot have static initialization in a multithreaded environment since there is a lazy construction everything got skrew up somehow Therefore the actual initialization is done in a cxx file (avoid duplicated symbol), and an extern is used in gdcmCommon.h. | |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_UNFOUND = "gdcm::Unfound" |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_BINLOADED = "gdcm::Binary data loaded" |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_NOTLOADED = "gdcm::NotLoaded" |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_UNREAD = "gdcm::UnRead" |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_NOTASCII = "gdcm::NotAscii" |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_PIXELDATA = "gdcm::Pixel Data to be loaded" |
GDCM_EXPORT const std::string | GDCM_VRUNKNOWN = " " |
Global | Glob |
Global container. | |
static const char * | OrientationTypeStrings [] |
THERALYS' Algorithm to determine the most similar basic orientation (Axial, Coronal, Sagital) of the image. |
Definition at line 42 of file gdcmSerieHelper.h. |
Definition at line 32 of file gdcmCommandManager.h. |
Definition at line 30 of file gdcmCommandManager.h. |
Group Name Hash Table.
Definition at line 33 of file gdcmDictGroupName.h. |
Definition at line 34 of file gdcmDict.h. |
Definition at line 31 of file gdcmDictSet.h. |
Definition at line 31 of file gdcmDirList.h. |
Definition at line 32 of file gdcmSerieHelper.h. |
Definition at line 117 of file gdcmFileHelper.cxx. |
Definition at line 31 of file gdcmDicomDirObject.h. |
Definition at line 31 of file gdcmDicomDirElement.h. |
Definition at line 26 of file gdcmDicomDirSerie.h. |
Definition at line 37 of file gdcmDicomDirElement.h. |
Definition at line 32 of file gdcmDicomDirElement.h. |
Definition at line 38 of file gdcmDicomDir.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file gdcmDicomDirElement.h. |
Definition at line 27 of file gdcmDicomDirStudy.h. |
Definition at line 36 of file gdcmDicomDirElement.h. |
Definition at line 26 of file gdcmDicomDirPatient.h. |
Definition at line 34 of file gdcmDicomDirElement.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file gdcmDicomDirStudy.h. |
Definition at line 35 of file gdcmDicomDirElement.h. |
Definition at line 29 of file gdcmSQItem.h. |
Definition at line 28 of file gdcmSeqEntry.h. |
Definition at line 35 of file gdcmOrientation.h. |
Definition at line 30 of file gdcmElementSet.h. |
Definition at line 35 of file gdcmDict.h. |
TagKey is made to hold the standard Dicom Tag (Group number, Element number) Instead of using the two '16 bits integers' as the Hask Table key, we converted into a string (e.g. 0x0018,0x0050 converted into "0018|0050") It appears to be a huge waste of time. We'll fix the mess up -without any change in the API- as soon as the bench marks are fully performed. TagName is made to hold the 'non hexa" fields (VR, VM, Name) of Dicom Entries.
Definition at line 85 of file gdcmCommon.h. |
Definition at line 41 of file gdcmDicomDir.h. |
Definition at line 35 of file gdcmFileHelper.h. |
Value Representation Hash Table.
XCoherent stands for 'Extra Coherent', (The name 'Coherent' would be enough but it was used before; I don't want to put a bomb in the code) Any 'better name' is welcome !
Definition at line 40 of file gdcmSerieHelper.h. |
Command list.
Definition at line 31 of file gdcmCommand.h. 00031 { 00032 CMD_UNKNOWN =0, 00033 CMD_DEBUG, 00034 CMD_WARNING, 00035 CMD_ERROR, 00036 CMD_ASSERT, 00037 CMD_STARTPROGRESS, 00038 CMD_ENDPROGRESS, 00039 CMD_PROGRESS 00040 };
comparison operators (as used in SerieHelper::AddRestriction() )
Definition at line 109 of file gdcmCommon.h. 00109 { 00110 GDCM_EQUAL = 0, 00111 GDCM_DIFFERENT, 00112 GDCM_GREATER, 00113 GDCM_GREATEROREQUAL, 00114 GDCM_LESS, 00115 GDCM_LESSOREQUAL 00116 };
type of the elements composing a DICOMDIR (for internal use only)
Definition at line 98 of file gdcmCommon.h. 00098 { 00099 DD_UNKNOWN = 0, 00100 DD_META, 00101 DD_PATIENT, 00102 DD_STUDY, 00103 DD_SERIE, 00104 DD_IMAGE, 00105 DD_VISIT 00106 };
various types of a DICOM file (for internal use only)
Definition at line 88 of file gdcmCommon.h. 00088 { 00089 Unknown = 0, 00090 ExplicitVR, // DicomDir is in this case. Except when it's ImplicitVR !... 00091 ImplicitVR, 00092 ACR, 00093 ACR_LIBIDO, 00094 JPEG 00095 };
Loading mode.
Definition at line 119 of file gdcmCommon.h. 00120 { 00121 LD_ALL = 0x00000000, // Load all 00122 LD_NOSEQ = 0x00000001, // Don't load Sequences 00123 LD_NOSHADOW = 0x00000002, // Don't load odd groups 00124 LD_NOSHADOWSEQ = 0x00000004 // Don't load Sequences if they belong 00125 // to an odd group 00126 // (*exclusive* from LD_NOSEQ and LD_NOSHADOW) 00127 };
Definition at line 35 of file gdcmFile.h. 00035 { 00036 Unknow, 00037 AU, // Voice Audio 00038 AS, // Angioscopy 00039 BI, // Biomagnetic Imaging 00040 CF, // Cinefluorography 00041 CP, // Culposcopy 00042 CR, // Computed Radiography 00043 CS, // Cystoscopy 00044 CT, // Computed Tomography 00045 DD, // Duplex Dopler 00046 DF, // Digital Fluoroscopy 00047 DG, // Diaphanography 00048 DM, // Digital Microscopy 00049 DS, // Digital Substraction Angiography 00050 DX, // Digital Radiography 00051 ECG, // Echocardiography 00052 EPS, // Basic Cardiac EP 00053 ES, // Endoscopy 00054 FA, // Fluorescein Angiography 00055 FS, // Fundoscopy 00056 HC, // Hard Copy 00057 HD, // Hemodynamic 00058 LP, // Laparoscopy 00059 LS, // Laser Surface Scan 00060 MA, // Magnetic Resonance Angiography 00061 MR, // Magnetic Resonance 00062 NM, // Nuclear Medicine 00063 OT, // Other 00064 PT, // Positron Emission Tomography 00065 RF, // Radio Fluoroscopy 00066 RG, // Radiographic Imaging 00067 RTDOSE, // Radiotherapy Dose 00068 RTIMAGE, // Radiotherapy Image 00069 RTPLAN, // Radiotherapy Plan 00070 RTSTRUCT, // Radiotherapy Structure Set 00071 SM, // Microscopic Imaging 00072 ST, // Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography 00073 TG, // Thermography 00074 US, // Ultrasound 00075 VF, // Videofluorography 00076 XA, // X-Ray Angiography 00077 XC // Photographic Imaging 00078 };
Definition at line 38 of file gdcmOrientation.h. 00038 { 00039 NotApplicable = 0, 00040 Axial = 1, 00041 AxialInvert = -1, 00042 Coronal = 2, 00043 CoronalInvert = -2, 00044 Sagital = 3, 00045 SagitalInvert = -3, 00046 HeartAxial = 4, 00047 HeartAxialInvert = -4, 00048 HeartCoronal = 5, 00049 HeartCoronalInvert = -5, 00050 HeartSagital = 6, 00051 HeartSagitalInvert = -6 00052 } OrientationType;
binary_write binary_write
Definition at line 1055 of file gdcmUtil.cxx. 01056 { 01057 // This is tricky since we are writting two bytes buffer. 01058 // Be carefull with little endian vs big endian. 01059 // Also this other trick is to allocate a small (efficient) buffer that store 01060 // intermediate result before writting it. 01061 #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(GDCM_FORCE_BIGENDIAN_EMULATION) 01062 const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; 01063 static char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; 01064 uint16_t *binArea16 = (uint16_t*)val; //for the const 01065 01066 // how many BUFFER_SIZE long pieces in binArea ? 01067 int nbPieces = len/BUFFER_SIZE; //(16 bits = 2 Bytes) 01068 int remainingSize = len%BUFFER_SIZE; 01069 01070 for (int j=0;j<nbPieces;j++) 01071 { 01072 uint16_t *pbuffer = (uint16_t*)buffer; //reinitialize pbuffer 01073 for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE/2; i++) 01074 { 01075 *pbuffer = *binArea16 >> 8 | *binArea16 << 8; 01076 pbuffer++; 01077 binArea16++; 01078 } 01079 os.write ( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE ); 01080 } 01081 if ( remainingSize > 0) 01082 { 01083 uint16_t *pbuffer = (uint16_t*)buffer; //reinitialize pbuffer 01084 for (int i = 0; i < remainingSize/2; i++) 01085 { 01086 *pbuffer = *binArea16 >> 8 | *binArea16 << 8; 01087 pbuffer++; 01088 binArea16++; 01089 } 01090 os.write ( buffer, remainingSize ); 01091 } 01092 return os; 01093 #else 01094 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val), len); 01095 #endif 01096 }
binary_write binary_write
Definition at line 1043 of file gdcmUtil.cxx. 01044 { 01045 // We are writting sizeof(char) thus no need to swap bytes 01046 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val), len); 01047 }
binary_write binary_write
Definition at line 1032 of file gdcmUtil.cxx.
binary_write binary_write
Definition at line 1022 of file gdcmUtil.cxx.
binary_write binary_write
Definition at line 994 of file gdcmUtil.cxx. 00995 { 00996 #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(GDCM_FORCE_BIGENDIAN_EMULATION) 00997 double swap = val; 00998 00999 char *beg = (char *)&swap; 01000 char *end = beg + 7; 01001 char t; 01002 for (unsigned int i = 0; i<7; i++) 01003 { 01004 t = *beg; 01005 *beg = *end; 01006 *end = t; 01007 beg++, 01008 end--; 01009 } 01010 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&swap), 8); 01011 #else 01012 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&val), 8); 01013 #endif //GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN 01014 }
binary_write binary_write
Definition at line 976 of file gdcmUtil.cxx. 00977 { 00978 #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(GDCM_FORCE_BIGENDIAN_EMULATION) 00979 uint32_t swap; 00980 swap = ( (val<<24) | ((val<<8) & 0x00ff0000) | 00981 ((val>>8) & 0x0000ff00) | (val>>24) ); 00982 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&swap), 4); 00983 #else 00984 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&val), 4); 00985 #endif //GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN 00986 }
binary_write binary_write
Definition at line 959 of file gdcmUtil.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::DicomDir::Write(), gdcm::SQItem::WriteContent(), gdcm::SeqEntry::WriteContent(), gdcm::DocEntry::WriteContent(), and gdcm::DataEntry::WriteContent(). 00960 { 00961 #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(GDCM_FORCE_BIGENDIAN_EMULATION) 00962 uint16_t swap; 00963 swap = ( val << 8 | val >> 8 ); 00964 00965 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&swap), 2); 00966 #else 00967 return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&val), 2); 00968 #endif //GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN 00969 }
Definition at line 43 of file gdcmValidator.cxx. References gdcm::Util::CountSubstring(), gdcm::DataEntry::GetString(), gdcm::DocEntry::GetVM(), and gdcm::DocEntry::GetVR(). Referenced by gdcm::Validator::SetInput(). 00044 { 00045 // Don't waste time checking tags where VM is OB and OW, since we know 00046 // it's allways 1, whatever the actual length (found on disc) 00047 00048 if ( entry->GetVR() == "OB" || entry->GetVR() == "OW" ) 00049 return true; 00050 00051 const std::string &s = entry->GetString(); 00052 00053 unsigned int n = Util::CountSubstring( s , "\\"); 00054 00055 n++; // number of '\' + 1 == Value Multiplicity 00056 00057 std::string vmFromDict = entry->GetVM(); 00058 if ( vmFromDict == "1-n" || vmFromDict == "2-n" || vmFromDict == "3-n" ) 00059 return true; 00060 00061 unsigned int m; 00062 std::istringstream is; 00063 is.str( vmFromDict ); 00064 is >> m; 00065 00066 return n == m; 00067 }
Definition at line 275 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. References Headers(), and video_sequence(). Referenced by ReadMPEGFile(). 00276 { 00277 int ret; 00278 int Bitstream_Framenum; 00279 00280 Bitstream_Framenum = 0; 00281 00282 for(;;) 00283 { 00284 00285 #ifdef VERIFY 00286 Clear_Verify_Headers(); 00287 #endif /* VERIFY */ 00288 00289 ret = Headers(); 00290 00291 if(ret==1) 00292 { 00293 ret = video_sequence(&Bitstream_Framenum); 00294 } 00295 else 00296 return(ret); 00297 } 00298 00299 }
Definition at line 76 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. Referenced by ReadMPEGFile().
Definition at line 80 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. Referenced by video_sequence(). 00081 { 00082 int i; 00083 00084 /* First cleanup the static buffer in store.c */ 00085 FreeStaticBuffer(); 00086 00087 /* clear flags */ 00088 base.MPEG2_Flag=0; 00089 00090 for(i=0;i<3;i++) 00091 { 00092 free(backward_reference_frame[i]); 00093 free(forward_reference_frame[i]); 00094 free(auxframe[i]); 00095 00096 if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT) 00097 { 00098 free(llframe0[i]); 00099 free(llframe1[i]); 00100 } 00101 } 00102 00103 if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT) 00104 free(lltmp); 00105 00106 #ifdef DISPLAY 00107 if (Output_Type==T_X11) 00108 Terminate_Display_Process(); 00109 #endif 00110 }
auto generated function, to fill up the Dicom Dictionnary, if relevant file is not found on user's disk
Referenced by gdcm::Dict::Dict(). |
auto generated function, to fill up the 'Group Name' Dictionnary, if relevant file is not found on user's disk
Referenced by gdcm::DictGroupName::DictGroupName(). |
auto generate function, to fill up the default elements for a DICOMDIR, if relevant file is not found on user's disk
Referenced by gdcm::DicomDirElement::DicomDirElement(). |
auto generated function, to fill up the 'Value Representation' Dictionnary, if relevant file is not found on user's disk
Referenced by gdcm::VR::VR(). |
routine for JPEG decompression
Definition at line 39 of file gdcmJpeg2000.cxx. References gdcmStaticErrorMacro. Referenced by gdcm::PixelReadConvert::ReadAndDecompressJPEGFile(). 00040 { 00041 j2k_image_t img; 00042 j2k_cp_t cp; 00043 00044 // default blindly copied 00045 cp.layer=0; 00046 cp.reduce=0; 00047 cp.decod_format=-1; 00048 cp.cod_format=-1; 00049 00050 cp.cod_format=J2K_CFMT; 00051 cp.decod_format = PGX_DFMT; 00052 int len = inputlength; 00053 unsigned char *src = (unsigned char*)inputdata; 00054 00055 // Decompression 00056 if (!j2k_decode(src, len, &img, &cp)) 00057 { 00058 gdcmStaticErrorMacro( "ERROR -> j2k_to_image: failed to decode image!" ); 00059 return false; 00060 } 00061 00062 // Copy buffer 00063 for (int compno = 0; compno < img.numcomps; compno++) 00064 { 00065 j2k_comp_t *comp = &img.comps[compno]; 00066 00067 int w = img.comps[compno].w; 00068 int wr = int_ceildivpow2(img.comps[compno].w, img.comps[compno].factor); 00069 00070 //int h = img.comps[compno].h; 00071 int hr = int_ceildivpow2(img.comps[compno].h, img.comps[compno].factor); 00072 00073 if (comp->prec <= 8) 00074 { 00075 uint8_t *data8 = (uint8_t*)raw; 00076 for (int i = 0; i < wr * hr; i++) 00077 { 00078 int v = img.comps[compno].data[i / wr * w + i % wr]; 00079 *data8++ = (uint8_t)v; 00080 } 00081 } 00082 else if (comp->prec <= 16) 00083 { 00084 uint16_t *data16 = (uint16_t*)raw; 00085 for (int i = 0; i < wr * hr; i++) 00086 { 00087 int v = img.comps[compno].data[i / wr * w + i % wr]; 00088 *data16++ = (uint16_t)v; 00089 } 00090 } 00091 else 00092 { 00093 uint32_t *data32 = (uint32_t*)raw; 00094 for (int i = 0; i < wr * hr; i++) 00095 { 00096 int v = img.comps[compno].data[i / wr * w + i % wr]; 00097 *data32++ = (uint32_t)v; 00098 } 00099 } 00100 free(img.comps[compno].data); 00101 } 00102 00103 // Free remaining structures 00104 j2k_dec_release(); 00105 // FIXME 00106 delete[] inputdata; 00107 00108 return true; 00109 }
routine for JPEG decompression. WARNING LPEG-LS is NOT the 'classical' jpeg lossless. See : gdcm DOES deal with 'classical' jpeg lossless
Definition at line 41 of file gdcmJpegLS.cxx. References gdcmWarningMacro. 00042 { 00043 (void)fp; 00044 (void)image_buffer; 00045 gdcmWarningMacro( "Sorry JPEG-LS File not yet taken into account" ); 00046 return false; 00047 }
Mini function to return the last digit from a number express in base 256 pre condition data contain an array of 6 unsigned char post condition carry contain the last digit.
Definition at line 843 of file gdcmUtil.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::Util::GetMACAddress(). 00844 { 00845 int extended, carry = 0; 00846 for(int i=0;i<6;i++) 00847 { 00848 extended = (carry << 8) + data[i]; 00849 data[i] = extended / 10; 00850 carry = extended % 10; 00851 } 00852 return carry; 00853 }
gets current M.A.C adress (for internal use only)
Definition at line 575 of file gdcmUtil.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::Util::GetMACAddress(). 00576 { 00577 #ifdef _WIN32 00578 WSADATA WinsockData; 00579 if ( (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WinsockData)) != 0 ) 00580 { 00581 std::cerr << "in Get MAC Adress (internal) : This program requires Winsock 2.x!" 00582 << std::endl; 00583 return -1; 00584 } 00585 00586 HANDLE PollForTrapEvent; 00587 AsnObjectIdentifier SupportedView; 00588 UINT OID_ifEntryType[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 }; 00589 UINT OID_ifEntryNum[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 }; 00590 UINT OID_ipMACEntAddr[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6 }; 00591 AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_ifMACEntAddr = { 00592 sizeof(OID_ipMACEntAddr) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ipMACEntAddr }; 00593 AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_ifEntryType = { 00594 sizeof(OID_ifEntryType) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ifEntryType }; 00595 AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_ifEntryNum = { 00596 sizeof(OID_ifEntryNum) / sizeof(UINT), OID_ifEntryNum }; 00597 RFC1157VarBindList varBindList; 00598 RFC1157VarBind varBind[2]; 00599 AsnInteger errorStatus; 00600 AsnInteger errorIndex; 00601 AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_NULL = { 0, 0 }; 00602 int ret; 00603 int dtmp; 00604 int j = 0; 00605 00606 // Load the SNMP dll and get the addresses of the functions necessary 00607 HINSTANCE m_hInst = LoadLibrary("inetmib1.dll"); 00608 if (m_hInst < (HINSTANCE) HINSTANCE_ERROR) 00609 { 00610 return -1; 00611 } 00612 pSnmpExtensionInit m_Init = 00613 (pSnmpExtensionInit) GetProcAddress(m_hInst, "SnmpExtensionInit"); 00614 pSnmpExtensionQuery m_Query = 00615 (pSnmpExtensionQuery) GetProcAddress(m_hInst, "SnmpExtensionQuery"); 00616 m_Init(GetTickCount(), &PollForTrapEvent, &SupportedView); 00617 00618 /* Initialize the variable list to be retrieved by m_Query */ 00619 varBindList.list = varBind; 00620 varBind[0].name = MIB_NULL; 00621 varBind[1].name = MIB_NULL; 00622 00623 // Copy in the OID to find the number of entries in the 00624 // Inteface table 00625 varBindList.len = 1; // Only retrieving one item 00626 SNMP_oidcpy(&varBind[0].name, &MIB_ifEntryNum); 00627 m_Query(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, &varBindList, &errorStatus, 00628 &errorIndex); 00629 // printf("# of adapters in this system : %i\n", 00630 // varBind[0].value.asnValue.number); 00631 varBindList.len = 2; 00632 00633 // Copy in the OID of ifType, the type of interface 00634 SNMP_oidcpy(&varBind[0].name, &MIB_ifEntryType); 00635 00636 // Copy in the OID of ifPhysAddress, the address 00637 SNMP_oidcpy(&varBind[1].name, &MIB_ifMACEntAddr); 00638 00639 do 00640 { 00641 // Submit the query. Responses will be loaded into varBindList. 00642 // We can expect this call to succeed a # of times corresponding 00643 // to the # of adapters reported to be in the system 00644 ret = m_Query(ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST, &varBindList, &errorStatus, 00645 &errorIndex); 00646 if (!ret) 00647 { 00648 ret = 1; 00649 } 00650 else 00651 { 00652 // Confirm that the proper type has been returned 00653 ret = SNMP_oidncmp(&varBind[0].name, &MIB_ifEntryType, 00654 MIB_ifEntryType.idLength); 00655 } 00656 if (!ret) 00657 { 00658 j++; 00659 dtmp = varBind[0].value.asnValue.number; 00660 00661 // Type 6 describes ethernet interfaces 00662 if (dtmp == 6) 00663 { 00664 // Confirm that we have an address here 00665 ret = SNMP_oidncmp(&varBind[1].name, &MIB_ifMACEntAddr, 00666 MIB_ifMACEntAddr.idLength); 00667 if ( !ret && varBind[1] != NULL ) 00668 { 00669 if ( (varBind[1][0] == 0x44) 00670 && (varBind[1][1] == 0x45) 00671 && (varBind[1][2] == 0x53) 00672 && (varBind[1][3] == 0x54) 00673 && (varBind[1][4] == 0x00) ) 00674 { 00675 // Ignore all dial-up networking adapters 00676 std::cerr << "in Get MAC Adress (internal) : Interface #" 00677 << j << " is a DUN adapter\n"; 00678 continue; 00679 } 00680 if ( (varBind[1][0] == 0x00) 00681 && (varBind[1][1] == 0x00) 00682 && (varBind[1][2] == 0x00) 00683 && (varBind[1][3] == 0x00) 00684 && (varBind[1][4] == 0x00) 00685 && (varBind[1][5] == 0x00) ) 00686 { 00687 // Ignore NULL addresses returned by other network 00688 // interfaces 00689 std::cerr << "in Get MAC Adress (internal) : Interface #" 00690 << j << " is a NULL address\n"; 00691 continue; 00692 } 00693 memcpy( addr, varBind[1], 6); 00694 } 00695 } 00696 } 00697 } while (!ret); 00698 00699 // Free the bindings 00700 SNMP_FreeVarBind(&varBind[0]); 00701 SNMP_FreeVarBind(&varBind[1]); 00702 return 0; 00703 #endif //Win32 version 00704 00705 00706 // implementation for POSIX system 00707 #if defined(CMAKE_HAVE_NET_IF_ARP_H) && defined(__sun) 00708 //The POSIX version is broken anyway on Solaris, plus would require full 00709 //root power 00710 struct arpreq parpreq; 00711 struct sockaddr_in *psa; 00712 struct hostent *phost; 00713 char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; 00714 char **paddrs; 00715 int sock, status=0; 00716 00717 if (gethostname(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) != 0 ) 00718 { 00719 perror("in Get MAC Adress (internal) : gethostname"); 00720 return -1; 00721 } 00722 phost = gethostbyname(hostname); 00723 paddrs = phost->h_addr_list; 00724 00725 sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); 00726 if (sock == -1 ) 00727 { 00728 perror("in Get MAC Adress (internal) : sock"); 00729 return -1; 00730 } 00731 memset(&parpreq, 0, sizeof(struct arpreq)); 00732 psa = (struct sockaddr_in *) &parpreq.arp_pa; 00733 00734 memset(psa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); 00735 psa->sin_family = AF_INET; 00736 memcpy(&psa->sin_addr, *paddrs, sizeof(struct in_addr)); 00737 00738 status = ioctl(sock, SIOCGARP, &parpreq); 00739 if (status == -1 ) 00740 { 00741 perror("in Get MAC Adress (internal) : SIOCGARP"); 00742 return -1; 00743 } 00744 memcpy(addr, parpreq.arp_ha.sa_data, 6); 00745 00746 return 0; 00747 #else 00748 #ifdef CMAKE_HAVE_NET_IF_H 00749 int sd; 00750 struct ifreq ifr, *ifrp; 00751 struct ifconf ifc; 00752 char buf[1024]; 00753 int n, i; 00754 unsigned char *a; 00755 #if defined(AF_LINK) && (!defined(SIOCGIFHWADDR) && !defined(SIOCGENADDR)) 00756 struct sockaddr_dl *sdlp; 00757 #endif 00758 00759 // 00760 // BSD 4.4 defines the size of an ifreq to be 00761 // max(sizeof(ifreq), sizeof(ifreq.ifr_name)+ifreq.ifr_addr.sa_len 00762 // However, under earlier systems, sa_len isn't present, so the size is 00763 // just sizeof(struct ifreq) 00764 // We should investigate the use of SIZEOF_ADDR_IFREQ 00765 // 00766 #ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN 00767 #ifndef max 00768 #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) 00769 #endif 00770 #define ifreq_size(i) max(sizeof(struct ifreq),\ 00771 sizeof((i).ifr_name)+(i).ifr_addr.sa_len) 00772 #else 00773 #define ifreq_size(i) sizeof(struct ifreq) 00774 #endif // HAVE_SA_LEN 00775 00776 if ( (sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP)) < 0 ) 00777 { 00778 return -1; 00779 } 00780 memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); 00781 ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf); 00782 ifc.ifc_buf = buf; 00783 if (ioctl (sd, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc) < 0) 00784 { 00785 close(sd); 00786 return -1; 00787 } 00788 n = ifc.ifc_len; 00789 for (i = 0; i < n; i+= ifreq_size(*ifrp) ) 00790 { 00791 ifrp = (struct ifreq *)((char *) ifc.ifc_buf+i); 00792 strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifrp->ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ); 00793 #ifdef SIOCGIFHWADDR 00794 if (ioctl(sd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) 00795 continue; 00796 a = (unsigned char *) &ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data; 00797 #else 00798 #ifdef SIOCGENADDR 00799 // In theory this call should also work on Sun Solaris, but apparently 00800 // SIOCGENADDR is not implemented properly thus the call 00801 // ioctl(sd, SIOCGENADDR, &ifr) always returns errno=2 00802 // (No such file or directory) 00803 // Furthermore the DLAPI seems to require full root access 00804 if (ioctl(sd, SIOCGENADDR, &ifr) < 0) 00805 continue; 00806 a = (unsigned char *) ifr.ifr_enaddr; 00807 #else 00808 #ifdef AF_LINK 00809 sdlp = (struct sockaddr_dl *) &ifrp->ifr_addr; 00810 if ((sdlp->sdl_family != AF_LINK) || (sdlp->sdl_alen != 6)) 00811 continue; 00812 a = (unsigned char *) &sdlp->sdl_data[sdlp->sdl_nlen]; 00813 #else 00814 perror("in Get MAC Adress (internal) : No way to access hardware"); 00815 close(sd); 00816 return -1; 00817 #endif // AF_LINK 00818 #endif // SIOCGENADDR 00819 #endif // SIOCGIFHWADDR 00820 if (!a[0] && !a[1] && !a[2] && !a[3] && !a[4] && !a[5]) continue; 00821 00822 if (addr) 00823 { 00824 memcpy(addr, a, 6); 00825 close(sd); 00826 return 0; 00827 } 00828 } 00829 close(sd); 00830 #endif 00831 // Not implemented platforms (or no cable !) 00832 perror("in Get MAC Adress (internal) : There was a configuration problem (or no cable !) on your plateform"); 00833 memset(addr,0,6); 00834 return -1; 00835 #endif //__sun 00836 }
routine for MPEG decompression
Definition at line 252 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. Referenced by Decode_Bitstream(), and video_sequence(). 00253 { 00254 int ret; 00255 00256 ld = &base; 00257 00258 00259 /* return when end of sequence (0) or picture 00260 header has been parsed (1) */ 00261 00262 ret = Get_Hdr(); 00263 00264 00265 if (Two_Streams) 00266 { 00267 ld = &enhan; 00268 if (Get_Hdr()!=ret && !Quiet_Flag) 00269 fprintf(stderr,"streams out of sync\n"); 00270 ld = &base; 00271 } 00272 00273 return ret; 00274 }
Definition at line 303 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. Referenced by ReadMPEGFile(). 00304 { 00305 int i; 00306 00307 /* Clip table */ 00308 if (!(Clip=(unsigned char *)malloc(1024))) 00309 Error("Clip[] malloc failed\n"); 00310 00311 Clip += 384; 00312 00313 for (i=-384; i<640; i++) 00314 Clip[i] = (i<0) ? 0 : ((i>255) ? 255 : i); 00315 00316 /* IDCT */ 00317 if (Reference_IDCT_Flag) 00318 Initialize_Reference_IDCT(); 00319 else 00320 Initialize_Fast_IDCT(); 00321 00322 }
Definition at line 113 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. Referenced by video_sequence(). 00114 { 00115 int cc, size; 00116 static int Table_6_20[3] = {6,8,12}; 00117 00118 /* check scalability mode of enhancement layer */ 00119 if (Two_Streams && (enhan.scalable_mode!=SC_SNR) && (base.scalable_mode!=SC_DP)) 00120 Error("unsupported scalability mode\n"); 00121 00122 /* force MPEG-1 parameters for proper decoder behavior */ 00123 /* see ISO/IEC 13818-2 section D.9.14 */ 00124 if (!base.MPEG2_Flag) 00125 { 00126 progressive_sequence = 1; 00127 progressive_frame = 1; 00128 picture_structure = FRAME_PICTURE; 00129 frame_pred_frame_dct = 1; 00130 chroma_format = CHROMA420; 00131 matrix_coefficients = 5; 00132 } 00133 00134 /* round to nearest multiple of coded macroblocks */ 00135 /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.3 sequence_header() */ 00136 mb_width = (horizontal_size+15)/16; 00137 mb_height = (base.MPEG2_Flag && !progressive_sequence) ? 2*((vertical_size+31)/32) 00138 : (vertical_size+15)/16; 00139 00140 Coded_Picture_Width = 16*mb_width; 00141 Coded_Picture_Height = 16*mb_height; 00142 00143 /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 sections,, and */ 00144 Chroma_Width = (chroma_format==CHROMA444) ? Coded_Picture_Width 00145 : Coded_Picture_Width>>1; 00146 Chroma_Height = (chroma_format!=CHROMA420) ? Coded_Picture_Height 00147 : Coded_Picture_Height>>1; 00148 00149 /* derived based on Table 6-20 in ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.17 */ 00150 block_count = Table_6_20[chroma_format-1]; 00151 00152 for (cc=0; cc<3; cc++) 00153 { 00154 if (cc==0) 00155 size = Coded_Picture_Width*Coded_Picture_Height; 00156 else 00157 size = Chroma_Width*Chroma_Height; 00158 00159 if (!(backward_reference_frame[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size))) 00160 Error("backward_reference_frame[] malloc failed\n"); 00161 00162 if (!(forward_reference_frame[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size))) 00163 Error("forward_reference_frame[] malloc failed\n"); 00164 00165 if (!(auxframe[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size))) 00166 Error("auxframe[] malloc failed\n"); 00167 00168 if(Ersatz_Flag) 00169 if (!(substitute_frame[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size))) 00170 Error("substitute_frame[] malloc failed\n"); 00171 00172 00173 if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT) 00174 { 00175 /* this assumes lower layer is 4:2:0 */ 00176 if (!(llframe0[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc((lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size*lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size)/(cc?4:1)))) 00177 Error("llframe0 malloc failed\n"); 00178 if (!(llframe1[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc((lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size*lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size)/(cc?4:1)))) 00179 Error("llframe1 malloc failed\n"); 00180 } 00181 } 00182 00183 /* SCALABILITY: Spatial */ 00184 if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT) 00185 { 00186 if (!(lltmp = (short *)malloc(lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size*((lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size*vertical_subsampling_factor_n)/vertical_subsampling_factor_m)*sizeof(short)))) 00187 Error("lltmp malloc failed\n"); 00188 } 00189 00190 #ifdef DISPLAY 00191 if (Output_Type==T_X11) 00192 { 00193 Initialize_Display_Process(""); 00194 Initialize_Dither_Matrix(); 00195 } 00196 #endif /* DISPLAY */ 00197 00198 }
Definition at line 114 of file gdcmVRKey.h. References gdcm::VRKey::key.
Definition at line 98 of file gdcmTagKey.h. References gdcm::TagKey::tag. 00099 { 00100 _os.setf( std::ios::right); 00101 _os << std::hex << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) 00102 << _val.tag[0] << '|' << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) 00103 << _val.tag[1] << std::setfill( ' ' ) << std::dec; 00104 return _os; 00105 }
Definition at line 129 of file gdcmException.cxx. References gdcm::Exception::fatal(), gdcm::Exception::getError(), and gdcm::Exception::getName(). 00130 { 00131 try 00132 { 00133 os << "Exception " << e.getName() << " thrown: " << e.getError() << std::endl; 00134 } 00135 catch(...) 00136 { 00137 Exception::fatal("operator<<(std::ostream &, const Exception&)"); 00138 } 00139 return os; 00140 }
Definition at line 120 of file gdcmVRKey.h. References gdcm::VRKey::key.
Definition at line 324 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. References Decode_Bitstream(), DeInitialize_Decoder(), istream::InFd, Initialize_Decoder(), my_close(), my_read(), and my_seek(). 00325 { 00326 std::streampos mpeg_start = fp->tellg(); // the MPEG stream in our case does not start at 0 00327 #if 0 00328 fp->read((char*)image_buffer, length); 00329 std::ofstream out("/tmp/etiam.mpeg"); 00330 out.write((char*)image_buffer, length); 00331 out.close(); 00332 #else 00333 (void)length; 00334 #endif 00335 00336 int ret, code; 00337 istream bos,eos; 00338 /*base.open_stream = my_open;*/ 00339 base.seek_stream = my_seek; 00340 base.read_stream = my_read; 00341 base.close_stream = my_close; 00342 00343 Verbose_Flag = 0; 00344 Output_Type = T_MEM; //store in mem 00345 Output_Picture_Filename = "/tmp/rec%d"; 00346 hiQdither = 0; 00347 Frame_Store_Flag = 1; 00348 Spatial_Flag = 0; 00349 Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename = ""; 00350 Reference_IDCT_Flag = 1; 00351 Trace_Flag = 0; 00352 Quiet_Flag = 0; 00353 Ersatz_Flag = 0; 00354 Substitute_Picture_Filename = ""; 00355 Two_Streams = 0; 00356 Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename = ""; 00357 Big_Picture_Flag = 0; 00358 Main_Bitstream_Flag = 1; 00359 Main_Bitstream_Filename = "/tmp/etiam.mpeg"; 00360 Main_Bitstream_Filename = "/tmp/ts.mpg"; 00361 Verify_Flag = 0; 00362 Stats_Flag = 0; 00363 User_Data_Flag = 0; 00364 OUTMEM = (char*)image_buffer; 00365 00366 00367 ld = &base; /* select base layer context */ 00368 00369 /* open MPEG base layer bitstream file(s) */ 00370 /* NOTE: this is either a base layer stream or a spatial enhancement stream */ 00371 /* if ((base.Infile=open(Main_Bitstream_Filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY))<0) */ 00372 /*base.Infile = ld->open_stream(Main_Bitstream_Filename);*/ 00373 base.Infile = &bos; 00374 #ifdef FILESTAR 00375 //base.Infile->InFd = fopen(Main_Bitstream_Filename, "rb"); 00376 //base.Infile->, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in); 00377 base.Infile->InFd = fp; 00378 #else 00379 base.Infile->InFd = open(Main_Bitstream_Filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY ); 00380 #endif 00381 if( !base.Infile->InFd) 00382 { 00383 fprintf(stderr,"Base layer input file %s not found\n", Main_Bitstream_Filename); 00384 exit(1); 00385 } 00386 00387 00388 if(base.Infile != 0) 00389 { 00390 Initialize_Buffer(); 00391 00392 if(Show_Bits(8)==0x47) 00393 { 00394 sprintf(Error_Text,"Decoder currently does not parse transport streams\n"); 00395 Error(Error_Text); 00396 } 00397 00398 next_start_code(); 00399 code = Show_Bits(32); 00400 00401 switch(code) 00402 { 00403 case SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE: 00404 break; 00405 case PACK_START_CODE: 00406 System_Stream_Flag = 1; 00407 case VIDEO_ELEMENTARY_STREAM: 00408 System_Stream_Flag = 1; 00409 break; 00410 default: 00411 sprintf(Error_Text,"Unable to recognize stream type\n"); 00412 Error(Error_Text); 00413 break; 00414 } 00415 00416 /*lseek(base.Infile, 0l, SEEK_SET);*/ 00417 ld->seek_stream(base.Infile,mpeg_start,SEEK_SET); 00418 Initialize_Buffer(); 00419 } 00420 00421 if(base.Infile!=0) 00422 { 00423 /*lseek(base.Infile, 0l, SEEK_SET);*/ 00424 ld->seek_stream(base.Infile,mpeg_start,SEEK_SET); 00425 } 00426 00427 Initialize_Buffer(); 00428 00429 if(Two_Streams) 00430 { 00431 ld = &enhan; /* select enhancement layer context */ 00432 00433 /*if ((enhan.Infile = open(Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY))<0)*/ 00434 /*enhan.Infile = ld->open_stream(Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename);*/ 00435 enhan.Infile = &eos; 00436 #ifdef FILESTAR 00437 //enhan.Infile->InFd = fopen(Main_Bitstream_Filename, "rb"); 00438 enhan.Infile->InFd->open(Main_Bitstream_Filename, std::ios::binary|std::ios::in); 00439 abort(); 00440 #else 00441 enhan.Infile->InFd = open(Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); 00442 #endif 00443 if (enhan.Infile->InFd) 00444 { 00445 sprintf(Error_Text,"enhancment layer bitstream file %s not found\n", 00446 Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename); 00447 00448 Error(Error_Text); 00449 } 00450 00451 Initialize_Buffer(); 00452 ld = &base; 00453 } 00454 00455 Initialize_Decoder(); 00456 00457 ret = Decode_Bitstream(); 00458 00459 /*close(base.Infile);*/ 00460 ld->close_stream(base.Infile); 00461 00462 if (Two_Streams) 00463 /*close(enhan.Infile);*/ 00464 ld->close_stream(enhan.Infile); 00465 00466 DeInitialize_Decoder(); 00467 00468 #if 0 00469 std::ofstream out2("/tmp/etiam.raw"); 00470 out2.write((char*)image_buffer, 352*240*3*10); 00471 out2.close(); 00472 #endif 00473 00474 return ret; 00475 }
Definition at line 154 of file gdcmOrientation.cxx. References gdcm::vector3D::x, gdcm::vector3D::y, and gdcm::vector3D::z. Referenced by gdcm::Orientation::CalculLikelyhood2Vec(). 00155 { 00156 double res; 00157 res = (v1.x - v2.x)*(v1.x - v2.x) + 00158 (v1.y - v2.y)*(v1.y - v2.y) + 00159 (v1.z - v2.z)*(v1.z - v2.z); 00160 return res; 00161 }
Definition at line 199 of file gdcmMpeg.cxx. References Deinitialize_Sequence(), Headers(), and Initialize_Sequence(). Referenced by Decode_Bitstream(). 00201 { 00202 int Bitstream_Framenum; 00203 int Sequence_Framenum; 00204 int Return_Value; 00205 00206 Bitstream_Framenum = *Bitstream_Framenumber; 00207 Sequence_Framenum=0; 00208 00209 Initialize_Sequence(); 00210 00211 /* decode picture whose header has already been parsed in 00212 Decode_Bitstream() */ 00213 00214 00215 Decode_Picture(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum); 00216 00217 /* update picture numbers */ 00218 if (!Second_Field) 00219 { 00220 Bitstream_Framenum++; 00221 Sequence_Framenum++; 00222 } 00223 00224 /* loop through the rest of the pictures in the sequence */ 00225 while ((Return_Value=Headers())) 00226 { 00227 Decode_Picture(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum); 00228 00229 if (!Second_Field) 00230 { 00231 Bitstream_Framenum++; 00232 Sequence_Framenum++; 00233 } 00234 } 00235 00236 /* put last frame */ 00237 if (Sequence_Framenum!=0) 00238 { 00239 Output_Last_Frame_of_Sequence(Bitstream_Framenum); 00240 } 00241 00242 Deinitialize_Sequence(); 00243 00244 #ifdef VERIFY 00245 Clear_Verify_Headers(); 00246 #endif /* VERIFY */ 00247 00248 *Bitstream_Framenumber = Bitstream_Framenum; 00249 return(Return_Value); 00250 }
Definition at line 40 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::DataEntry::Print(). |
Definition at line 51 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::Util::GetName(), gdcm::Util::GetPath(), gdcm::Util::NormalizePath(), and gdcm::DicomDir::SetElement(). |
Definition at line 43 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. |
Definition at line 41 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::DocEntrySet::GetEntryString(), gdcm::Document::GetTransferSyntaxName(), and gdcm::DataEntry::Print(). |
Definition at line 44 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::DataEntry::Print(). |
Those global string that are returned by reference everywhere in gdcm code used to be in gdcmCommon.h but due to a 'bug' in gcc/MacOSX you cannot have static initialization in a multithreaded environment since there is a lazy construction everything got skrew up somehow Therefore the actual initialization is done in a cxx file (avoid duplicated symbol), and an extern is used in gdcmCommon.h.
Definition at line 38 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::Document::GetTransferSyntax(), gdcm::Document::HandleOutOfGroup0002(), gdcm::DictEntry::IsVMUnknown(), and gdcm::Validator::SetInput(). |
Definition at line 42 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::DocEntrySet::GetEntryString(), and gdcm::DataEntry::Print(). |
Definition at line 46 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::FileHelper::CopyDataEntry(), gdcm::Document::FindDocEntryVR(), gdcm::DocEntrySet::GetDictEntry(), gdcm::DictEntry::IsVRUnknown(), gdcm::DicomEntry::IsVRUnknown(), gdcm::DocEntry::Print(), and gdcm::Document::ReadNextDocEntry(). |
Global container.
Definition at line 65 of file gdcmGlobal.cxx. |
Initial value: { "Not Applicable", "Axial", "Coronal", "Sagital", "Heart Axial", "Heart Coronal", "Heart Sagital", "Axial invert", "Coronal invert", "Sagital invert", "Heart Axial invert", "Heart Coronal invert", "Heart Sagital invert", NULL }
Definition at line 55 of file gdcmOrientation.cxx. Referenced by gdcm::Orientation::GetOrientationTypeString(). |