Our work is carried out in a close collaboration with universities in Bogota, Colombia. Our privileged interlocutor is Marcela Hernández Hoyos (MSc 1998 and PhD 2002 at CREATIS).
Research topics
Segmentation of the intima-media complex of the carotid artery wall in ultrasound images
Tracking the longitudinal and radial motion of the carotid artery wall in ultrasound images
Unsupervised and semi-supervised detection of coronary lesions in 3D CTA images
Segmentation of the intima-media complex of the carotid artery wall in ultrasound images
Combining a bank of shape-adapted filters with a minimal-cost path search. Temporal variations of the intima-media thickness observed in at-risk patients were larger than in healthy controls
Collaboration with team 3.
Carotid artery intima-media thickness assessed across time, based on contour extraction.
Tracking the longitudinal and radial motion of the carotid artery wall in ultrasound images
Pixel-wise Kalman filter with a control signal keeping track of the initial appearence. The estimated longitudinal motion amplitude was significantly reduced in at-risk patients compared with healthy volunteers
Collaboration with team 3.
Tracking method summary.
3D artery centerline extraction, lumen segmentation, stenosis detection and quantification in CTA images
Semi-automatic centerline extraction combining a medialness filter with a minimal-cost path search. Automatic lumen segmentation based on a Right Generalized Cylinder model. Automatic stenosis detection and quantification using diameter regression. Participation in MICCAI international challenges: London 2009 (carotids) and Nice 2012 (coronaries)
Collaboration with Universidad de los Andes and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
Coronary lesions detected by the semi-supervised method (LPU).