[GRAV-09] D. Graveron-Demilly,
E Popa,
E Capobianco,
D. van Ormondt,
and R. de Beer.
In Vivo Quantitation of Metabolites with an incomplete Model Function.
Meas Sci Technol,
[STEF-09] D. Stefan,
A. Andrasecu,
E. Popa,
A. Lazariev,
O. Strbak,
Z. Starcuk,
M. Cabanas,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
Quantitation of Magnetic Resonance Signals: The jMRUI Software Package.
Meas Sci Technol,
pp (in-press),
Communications Proceedings
[POPA-09] E. Popa,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
Improved semi-parametric lineshape estimation using locally weighted regression and smoothing scatterplots.
In ESMRMB 2009,
Antalya, Turkey,
pages (in-press),
October 2009.
[STEF-09b] D. Stefan,
A. Andrasecu,
E. Popa,
A. Lazariev,
O. Strbak,
M. Cabañas Z. Starcuk,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
jMRUI Version 4 : A Plug-in Platform.
In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM, 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition,
Honolulu, USA,
pages 4340,
18-24 April 2009.
[POPA-08c] D. Graveron-Demilly,
E. Popa,
E. Capobianco,
D. van Ormondt,
and R. de Beer.
Lineshape Estimation in In Vivo MR Spectroscopy without using a Reference Signal.
In 19th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2008),
Veldhoven, the Netherlands,
pages 342-347,
November 2008.
[POPA-08g] D. Graveron-Demilly,
E. Popa,
E. Capobianco,
D. van Ormondt,
and R. de Beer.
Lineshape Estimation in In Vivo MR Spectroscopy without using a Reference Signal,.
In IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques,
volume 12,
Chania, Greece,
pages 315-320,
September 2008.
[POPA-08] E. Popa,
E. Capobianco,
R. de Beer,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
Improved lineshape estimation in absence of a reference peak.
In 1St Benelux ISMRM Meeting, Antwerp,
pages 75,
December 2008.
[POPA-08e] E. Popa,
E. Capobianco,
R. de Beer,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
Lineshape Estimation in In Vivo MR Spectroscopy without using a Reference Signal.
In ESMRMB 2008,
Valencia, Spain,
pages 304,
October 2008.
[POPA-08a] E. Popa,
H. Rabeson,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
Lineshape Accommodation in Quantitation of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Signals.
In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
Toronto, Canada,
pages 1626,
May 2008.
[POPA-08h] E. Popa,
H. Rabeson,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
Prise en Compte de la Forme de Raie lors de la Quantification de Signaux de Spectroscopie de Résonance Magnetique.
In 12Ème Congrès du GRAMM,
Lyon, France,
pages 148,
26-28 mars 2008.
[STEF-08] D. Stefan,
A. Andrasecu,
E. Popa,
H. Rabeson,
O. Strbak,
Z. Starcuk,
M. Cabañas,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
JMRUI Version 4 : A Plug-in Platform.
In ESMRMB 2008,
Valencia, Spain,
pages 976,
October 2-4 2008.
[STEF-08a] D. Stefan,
A. Andrasecu,
E. Popa,
H. Rabeson,
O. Strbak,
Z. Starcuk,
M. Cabañas,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
jMRUI Version 4 : A plug-in platform.
In Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques IST 2008,
pages 346-348,
[POPA-07] E. Popa,
H. Rabeson,
D. van Ormondt,
and D. Graveron-Demilly.
Lineshape Accommodation in Quantitation of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Signals.
In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2007), Veldhoven, the Netherlands,
pages 250 - 253,
November 2007.
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