[Dcmlib] pixel data OpenGL compatiable

Jean-Pierre ROUX jean-pierre.roux at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Jul 21 17:06:26 CEST 2005

At 10:57 -0400 21/07/05, Aris Basic wrote:
>what i woudl like to see in gdcm is the way to get pixeldata from dicmo
>iamge in such fashion that is 100%
>compatible with opengl (for loading a 2D texture or just as pixels).
>That would have to enforce some conversions (12bit packed into 16bit
>would have to be ajusted)
>signed images (pixeld ata needs to be ajusted [using openGL signed types
>doesnt work ] ).
>Also a method of getting Patient/Image orientations as A,P,R,L,...
>values instead of dicom cosines would be nice too :)

I just added

File::TypeOrientation( ) method
* \brief  THERALYS' Algorithm to determine the most similar basic orientation
(Axial, Coronal, Sagital) of the image
* \note Should be run on the first gdcm::File of a 'coherent' Serie
* @return orientation code
*   #   0 :   Not Applicable (neither 0020,0037 Image Orientation Patient
*   #                         nor     0020,0032Image Position     found )
*   #   1 :   Axial
*   #  -1 :   Axial invert
*   #   2 :   Coronal
*   #  -2 :   Coronal invert
*   #   3 :   Sagital
*   #  -3 :   Sagital invert
*   #   4 :   Heart Axial
*   #  -4 :   Heart Axial invert
*   #   5 :   Heart Coronal
*   #  -5 :   Heart Coronal invert
*   #   6 :   Heart Sagital
*   #  -6 :   Heart Sagital invert

Maybe it can gives you the information you want.
Jean-Pierre Roux

>Dcmlib mailing list
>Dcmlib at creatis.insa-lyon.fr

   Jean-Pierre ROUX
   Laboratoire de Radiologie Experimentale
   Hopital Cardiologique
   28 Avenue du Doyen LEPINE
   B.P. Lyon-Montchat
   69394 Lyon Cedex 03
   Tel      : (+33) 04 72 35 74 12
   Fax      : (+33) 04 72 68 49 16
   URL      : http://www.creatis.univ-lyon1.fr
   e-mail   : jpr at creatis.univ-lyon1.fr

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