3D Robust Adaptive Region Growing

3D Robust Adaptive Region Growing for segmenting [18F]fluoride ion PET images

We propose a new Robust Adaptive Region Growing method (RoAd RG) based on two local parameters: the local mean value of the intensity function and the local mean value of the norm of the intensity gradient. This approach enables a better spread of the region growing inside the region of interest while avoiding the merge of outlier pixels. We applied positively our method to 3D [18F]fluoride ion PET images for segmenting bone structures and showed its superiority compared to a non adaptive method. pdf (336kB)

T. Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, N. Costes, M. Janier, G. Gimenez.

Grenier, C. Revol-Muller, N. Costes, M. Janier, G. Gimenez.

T. Grenier1, C. Revol-Muller1, N. Costes2, M. Janier1, 2, G. Gimenez1, 2




