Author: Thomas

  • Latex+Asymptote: embed 3D figure in pdf file under windows

    Asymptote is a powerful graphics language that can produce pdf with 3D feature and be easily integrated with Latex. Here are the steps needed to produce this pdf under windows, with TexMaker and MikTeK and of course asymptote. First, installation: Install TexMaker (and MikTex or TexLive depending of your OS). Follow the french instructions here.…

  • Unifying Variational Approach and Region Growing Segmentation

    Region growing is one of the most popular image segmentation methods. The algorithm for region growing is easily understandable but criticized for its lack of theoretical background. In order to overcome this weakness, we propose to describe region growing in a new framework using a variational approach that we called Variational Region Growing (VRG). Variational…

  • USPIOs quantification in brain mice 2D MR images by default field deconvolution

    UltraSmall SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxide (USPIO) particles are used in MRI contrast agents for diagnosing different pathologies such as stroke and cancer. Determining the concentration of USPIO in MRI is of great interest. Here we present a non invasive quantification process of the USPIOs’ concentration from MR images based on the physical effect of these nanoparticles…

  • Digital Image Processing

    Introduction to Digital Image Processing. These lectures are in english. DIP-1Introduction (3MB) DIP-2Fundamentals (2MB) DIP-3DiscretProcessing (6MB) DIP-4ImageImprovement (6MB) DIP-5ImageAnalisys From Olivier Bernard DIP-Exercise (501kB) All (25MB) An example of exam (in french): TdSI 2008 (113kB) Some ideas for correction (142kB)

  • Information Theory

    Basics of information theory : entropy, mutual information, Shannon theorems. All in french… Lectures All (7.5MB) 1-Entropie-Capacite 2- Codage de Source 3- Codage de Canal 3a- Introduction au turbo codage 3b- Problématique de compression d’image 4- Cryptage Some Exercices: Exercices Examples of Exams Exam and correction (1) Exam and correction (2) Exam and correction (3)

  • C/C++

    Langage C/C++ document for students (using QtCreator as IDE/RAD) NoteCpp Introduction to Algorithms and UML/C++ (short) [English] Lecture (3MB) Exercises Algorithms’ week (beginer, not yet finished) (110 kB) Introduction to UML and OOP (C++) [French] IntroductionOO All Parts and Exercices (3045kB) IntroductionOO_Part1 (745kB) IntroductionOO_Part2 (908kB) Video slide 34-56 [FR] IntroductionOO_Part3 (444kB) Video [FR] IntroductionOO_Part4 (503kB)…