Biomedical Engineering Project

Graduate course, Msc Biomedical Eng., Polytech Lyon - 2021-2023

The engineering project is an end-of-studies project, carried out individually or in a team, with a strong scientific and technical dimension (development/design of software, electronic cards or systems, embedded systems, etc., with application(s) related to health).


In addition to the technical dimension, this project allows the student-engineers to concentrate and implement more transversal skills acquired during the training: project management, identification and analysis of a need, interaction and proposal of solutions taking into account the project context, innovation, oral and written communication. The project is carried out during the first semester of M2 (5th year) by a project team composed of 2 to 4 student-engineers in partial autonomy. A “referent” teacher is assigned to each project.
My role as “referent” teacher is to assist the team, to guide it if necessary, to follow its progress, and to evaluate the involvement and the work done by each member of the team.

The work is therefore done as a team, and the evaluation is individualized: each member of the project is therefore responsible for at least one specific mission with a technical dimension.

Past Projects: