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User Guide

Developer documentation

The developer documentation can be divided as following:

- Functional and non-functional requirements
        - Context Revision
- Analysis description
 - Architecture description
- Detailed Design
- Documentation Doxygen

The following document summarize the principal components and objectives of this project. It was sent to the IF department of INSA as "Rapport de stage".

Download Summary Report [DOC] [PDF] (14-06-2010)

Functional and non-functional requirements

The functional requirements of the BBTK Graphical Editor (BBTK GEditor) were defined keeping in mind the bbs language description and the possible functionalities that are common in this kind of graphical user interfaces (GUI).

Use Cases diagram

The non-functional requirements describe the external constraints of the software to be developed. In this way, it is possible to describe these requirements defining the quality attributes to be managed in the application. In the next table is described the principal attributes of the graphical editor and a simple description of how they are applied to the development.

Quality Attribute



The integration of different graphical interfaces and functionalities has to be easier and low-cost. The application must have low coupling among the classes.


The development of some changes in the application must be easy. It is necessary to be able to realize changes without a lot of effort.


The existing BBTK application can run in different platforms. For that, it is important that BBTK GEditor supports the ability to be installed in different environments.


The application will be used by different user types. For that reason the interaction and usability of the software has to be simple, coherent and intuitive.

Context Revision

Context Revision Table

Analysis Description

Analysis class diagram

Architecture Description

It is important to note that after doing the revision in the analysis phase, it was decided to reuse the functions present in other Creatools projects, such as creaMaracasVisu library. For this reason, the editor has a tight relation with this library, in order to manage the visualization and the interaction.

Components diagram

BBTK GEditor libraries diagram

In the diagram is presented the relation of the new BBTK GEditor with BBTK and creaMaracasVisu library. The most important facts to keep in mind are that creaMaracasVisu provides a viewer that integrates a VTK world into a wxWidgets window, and BBTK has all the information of the black boxes that will be present in the scene. The interaction will be managed as well by the creaMaracasVisu classes and VTK functions.

Detailed Design

KernelBBTKGEditor - Model class diagram

WxBBTKGEditor-GUI Control Class Diagram

VtkBBTKGEditor-View/Controller Objects Class Diagram