/home/guigues/build/bbtk-build-tmp/bbtk/packages/itk/src/bbitkImageRegion.h File Reference

#include "itkImageRegion.h"
#include "bbtkMessageManager.h"
#include "bbtkAny.h"
#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"

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namespace  bbitk
namespace  bbtk


struct  bbitk::ImageRegion< T >
 Type traits ImageRegion to define bbtk::any<ImageRegion>. More...
struct  bbitk::ImageRegion< ImageRegion_2 >
struct  bbitk::ImageRegion< ImageRegion_3 >
struct  bbitk::ImageRegion< ImageRegion_4 >
class  bbitk::ImageRegionCreator
 Black Box which creates an anyImageRegion. More...


typedef itk::ImageRegion< 2 > bbitk::ImageRegion_2
typedef itk::ImageRegion< 3 > bbitk::ImageRegion_3
typedef itk::ImageRegion< 4 > bbitk::ImageRegion_4
typedef bbtk::any< ImageRegion > bbitk::anyImageRegion
typedef std::vector< long > bbitk::vectoroflong


 bbtk::BBTK_DEFINE_HUMAN_READABLE_TYPE_NAME (bbitk::anyImageRegion,"anyItkImageRegion")
 Human readable name for bbtk::any<bbitk::ImageRegion>.
 bbitk::BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX (ImageRegionCreator, bbtk::AtomicBlackBox)
 bbitk::BBTK_NAME ("ImageRegion")
 bbitk::BBTK_AUTHOR ("laurent.guigues@creatis.insa-lyon.fr")
 bbitk::BBTK_DESCRIPTION ("Creates a generic ImageRegion ("+bbtk::TypeName< anyImageRegion >()+") from two vectors providing the index and size of the region. The dimension D of the actual itk::ImageRegion<D> created is the max of the sizes of Index and Size (the smallest vector is padded by zeros).")
 bbitk::BBTK_CATEGORY ("image")
 bbitk::BBTK_INPUT (ImageRegionCreator, Index,"Vector of region indices", vectoroflong,"image index")
 bbitk::BBTK_INPUT (ImageRegionCreator, Size,"Vector of region sizes", vectoroflong,"image size")
 bbitk::BBTK_OUTPUT (ImageRegionCreator, Out,"Output generic region", anyImageRegion,"")
 bbitk::BBTK_END_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX (ImageRegionCreator)

Generated on Tue Oct 21 16:06:56 2008 for itk by  doxygen 1.5.6