load wx load std load vtk load maracasvisu load AxisExtraction load Utilities new MetaImageReader mir set mir.In "C:\CAT08\TestData\testing\dataset14\vessel0\image14_AND_1205.mhd" new ViewerNV mpr set mpr.nTypeView "2 5" connect mir.Out mpr.In #for extract the axis new AutomaticExtraction extra new MarInterface mar #Saving the points extracted new SaveAxis save set save.FileNameAxis "C:\CAT08\Desarrollo\Utilidades\Utilities\data\TD_D13_MAXIS_V0_1205.txt" set save.FileNameManualPoints "C:\CAT08\Desarrollo\Utilidades\Utilities\data\TD_D13_MAXIS_P0_1205.txt" new DrawAxis maracasAxe set maracasAxe.FileNameAxisPoints "C:\CAT08\Desarrollo\Utilidades\Utilities\data\TD_D13_MAXIS_V0_1205.txt" set maracasAxe.FileNamePoints "C:\CAT08\Desarrollo\Utilidades\Utilities\data\TD_D13_P0.txt" set maracasAxe.Color "0.0 1.0 0.0" new CorrectPoints cp new CommandButton commandButton set commandButton.Label "Extract Axis" #When executing the button connect commandButton.BoxChange mpr.BoxExecute connect mpr.BoxChange extra.BoxExecute connect extra.BoxChange cp.BoxExecute connect cp.BoxChange save.BoxExecute connect save.BoxChange maracasAxe.BoxExecute #Connects the image and to the extraction axis box connect mar.OutMarInterface extra.InMarInterface connect mpr.Point extra.PuntoEntrada connect mir.Out extra.Image #connections of the spline connect extra.Puntosx cp.InX connect extra.Puntosy cp.InY connect extra.Puntosz cp.InZ #connections for correct points connect mir.Out cp.InImage #Connections of save connect mir.Out save.Image connect mpr.Point save.ManualPoint connect cp.OutX save.PointsX connect cp.OutY save.PointsY connect cp.OutZ save.PointsZ #CONNECTIONS TEST AXES #MIR WITH AXIS connect mir.Out maracasAxe.Image #RENDER WITH AXIS connect mpr.Renderer2 maracasAxe.InRenderer #Interface #Displaying the point new OutputText ot connect mpr.Point ot.In connect mpr.BoxChange ot.BoxExecute new LayoutSplit mainSplit set mainSplit.Orientation H new LayoutLine layLine connect layLine.Widget mainSplit.Widget1 new LayoutLine layLine1 connect layLine1.Widget mainSplit.Widget2 #Left of the interface where controls are to be placed connect commandButton.Widget layLine.Widget1 connect ot.Widget layLine.Widget2 #Right where the viewers are to be placed connect mpr.Widget layLine1.Widget1 exec mainSplit