load wx load std load vtk load maracasvisu load Utilities new MetaImageReader mir set mir.In "D:\CAT08\testing\dataset09\AND\image09_AND_1100.mhd" new ViewerNV mpr new Slider slivess set slivess.Title "Vessel" set slivess.Max 3 set slivess.Min 0 new CommandButton commandButton1 set commandButton1.Label "MPR Point" new CommandButton commandButton2 set commandButton2.In "exec point; exec sav1" set commandButton2.Label "Save Axis" new Point point new LayoutSplit mainSplit set mainSplit.Orientation H new LayoutLine layLine connect layLine.Widget mainSplit.Widget1 new LayoutLine layLine1 connect layLine1.Widget mainSplit.Widget2 set mpr.nTypeView "2" connect mir.Out mpr.In #This is the directory where the data of the axis will be saved and the point clicked new CatAxis sav1 set sav1.DSDirectory "D:\CAT08\testing\dataset09" set sav1.FileNameAxis "test.txt" set sav1.FileNameManualPoints "testPoints.txt" #Replace with connect and an appropiate box that has an output of std::vector for each coordinate set sav1.PointsX "3.2 10.6 19.1" set sav1.PointsY "3.2 10.6 19.1" set sav1.PointsZ "3.2 10.6 19.1" #Point clicked for the extraction of the axis Use box Point if viewer fails to update the point correctly #Updates the point in the mpr connect commandButton1.BoxChange mpr.BoxExecute connect mpr.Point point.InPoint #The output of the point to the manual point to be saved connect point.OutPoint sav1.ManualPoint #Original Image to get the spacing connect mir.Out sav1.Image #Slider to set the directory where the axis and point are going to be saved connect slivess.Out sav1.Vessel #INTERFACE #Left of the interface where controls are to be placed connect slivess.Widget layLine.Widget1 connect commandButton1.Widget layLine.Widget2 connect commandButton2.Widget layLine.Widget3 #Right where the viewers are to be placed connect mpr.Widget layLine1.Widget1 exec mainSplit