#include testBuildBinaryImage load Utilities load vtk load wxvtk load wx load std #Reading the image new MetaImageReader mir set mir.In "C:\CAT08\TrainingImageData\dataset00\image00.mhd" #building the binary image new BuildBinaryImage binaryImage connect mir.Out binaryImage.ImageIn #Visualizing the binary image new Viewer2D slicer connect binaryImage.ImageOut slicer.In new Slider sSlicer set sSlicer.In 5 set sSlicer.Max 300 set sSlicer.Min 0 set sSlicer.Title "Slice" connect sSlicer.Out slicer.Slice #Interface new LayoutSplit main connect slicer.Widget main.Widget1 connect sSlicer.Widget main.Widget2 #Refreshing connect sSlicer.BoxChange sSlicer.BoxExecute exec main