[Vv] clitkDicom2Image + clitkWriteDicomSeries to apply a rotation to a dicom series gives zero-valued pixels: perhaps a "missing library" problem?
Giorgio De Nunzio
giorgio.denunzio at unisalento.it
Mon Jun 4 19:32:50 CEST 2018
Dear vv users,
I am trying to apply an arbitrary rotation to a CT dicom series. Following what Thomas Baudier suggested me (thanks!), I am doing something like:
clitkDicom2Image 12031838/* -o image.mhd --verbose
to convert the dicom series contained in 12031838 into a mhd image, followed by
clitkWriteDicomSeries -i image.mhd -d 12031838 -o 12031838out -k '0020|0037' -t '0\1\0\-1\0\0' --verbose
to apply the rotation (by changing the DICOM tags) and to write the new series to disk to the 12031838out directory.
The first command works (I can look at the converted image by vv) but the second doesn't: a series is actually produced,
but when I try and read it back into vv, all the pixels in all the slices have value equal to 0.
The --verbose parameter allows me to see the following output, containing two warnings:
clitkWriteDicomSeries -i image.mhd -d 12031838 -o 12031838out -k '0020|0037' -t '0\1\0\-1\0\0' --verbose
Image was detected to be 3D and short...
Launching filter in 3D and signed short...
279 were read in the directory 12031838...
filename # 0 = 12031838/24085725
filename # 1 = 12031838/24085707
...... <omissis> .......
filename # 277 = 12031838/24088089
filename # 278 = 12031838/24088071
Warning: The image spacing differs between the MHD file and the input
dicom series. Performing resampling with default options using spacing
as reference (for advanced options, use clitkResampleImage).
MHD -> [0.585938, 0.585938, 1]
dicom -> [0.585938, 0.585938, 1]
Output Spacing = [0.585938, 0.585938, 1]
Output Size = [512, 512, 279]
Gaussian = 0
Interpol = NearestNeighbor
Threads = 4
LastDimIsTime = 0
ImageRegion (0x7ffffa883020)
Dimension: 3
Index: [0, 0, 0]
Size: [512, 512, 279]
[512, 512, 279]
numberOfKeysGiven = [ 1 ]
entryId = [ 0020|0037 ]
seriesUID = [ ]
frameOfReferenceUID = [ ]
studyUID = [ ]
ImageSeriesWriter (0x32b9310)
RTTI typeinfo: itk::ImageSeriesWriter<itk::Image<short, 3u>,
itk::Image<short, 2u> >
Reference Count: 2
Modified Time: 9954
Debug: Off
Object Name:
Primary: (0x32bc360)
Indexed Inputs:
0: Primary (0x32bc360)
No Required Input Names
NumberOfRequiredInputs: 0
Primary: (0)
Indexed Outputs:
0: Primary (0)
NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 0
Number Of Threads: 4
line 1212
ImageSeriesWriter (0x32b9310): Output doesn't exist!
ReleaseDataFlag: Off
ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: On
AbortGenerateData: Off
Progress: 0
RTTI typeinfo: itk::MultiThreader
Reference Count: 1
Modified Time: 9949
Debug: Off
Object Name:
Thread Count: 4
Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128
Global Default Number Of Threads: 4
Image IO: GDCMImageIO (0x29a3ed0)
RTTI typeinfo: itk::GDCMImageIO
Reference Count: 4
Modified Time: 9596
Debug: Off
Object Name:
AbortGenerateData: Off
Progress: 0
FileName: 12031838/24088071
FileType: Binary
ByteOrder: LittleEndian
ImageIORegion (0x29a3f38)
Dimension: 3
Index: 0 0 0
Size: 512 512 1
Number of Components/Pixel: 1
Pixel Type: scalar
Component Type: short
Dimensions: ( 512 512 1 )
Origin: ( -139.707 -296.707 -15 )
UseCompression: Off
UseStreamedReading: On
UseStreamedWriting: Off
Internal Component Type: unsigned_short
RescaleSlope: 1
RescaleIntercept: -1024
UIDPrefix: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1
Patient Name:ANONYMOUS
Patient ID:368378
Patient Sex:F
Patient Age:058Y
Study ID:305
Patient DOB:19461003
Study Description:Thorax^LungLowDose
Body Part:CHEST
Number Of Series In Study:
Number Of Study Related Series:
Study Date:20041203
Institution Name:ANONYMOUS
Model:Volume Zoom
Scan Options:
StartIndex: 1
IncrementIndex: 1
SeriesFormat: %d
MetaDataDictionaryArray: 0x2e96b78
Compression: Off
The first warning is
Warning: The image spacing differs between the MHD file and the input
dicom series. Performing resampling with default options using spacing
as reference (for advanced options, use clitkResampleImage).
and the second one is
line 1212
ImageSeriesWriter (0x32b9310): Output doesn't exist!
I am uncertain concerning the first one, but the meaning of the second warning is with no doubt related to writing to disk, and could explain why the produced series is made of 0-valued pixels.
I have tried in Windows 10 ubuntu subsystem, in Windows 10 openSUSE subsystem, and in "real" openSUSE within VirtualBox (all of them, latest releases) with the same outcome.
Any hint?
Thank you very much.
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