[Vv] Landmarks bug in vv

Benoît Presles benoit.presles at u-bourgogne.fr
Wed Jan 25 10:52:51 CET 2017

Hello Thomas,

Thanks for your help. Indeed, I can now add new landmarks with the space 
bar and update their coordinates with the new "UpdateCoords" button.

Unfortunately, I am still experiencing some issues:
1. I add some landmarks with the space bar;
2. I update their coordinates with the new button;
3. I save the landmarks (in mm) with the save button;
4. I clear the landmarks with the "All" button;
5. I load the landmarks I have just saved and I do not see them :-(

Could it be easier to work with landmarks in voxel coordinates?

Thanks for your help,
Best regards,

On 24/01/17 16:38, Thomas BAUDIER wrote:
> Hi Benoit,
> I try to change it today but it's not so easy.
> We talk about that with David and Simon but they are not totally 
> convinced by the utility to have updated landmarks' coordinates.
> For the moment, I added a button "UpdateCoords" inside the LandmarkPanel.
> When there is a new transformation, a click on it update the 
> coordinates (in mm) of the landmarks in the panel according the 
> current transformation matrix.
> You can have it pulling the master branch.
> I'm not totally satisfy because it's not automatically updated. So 
> maybe I will change it when I will have a better idea !
> Best Regards,
> Thomas
> On 2017-01-24 09:36, Benoît Presles wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Did you have a chance to look at the landmark issue ?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Ben
>> On 18/01/17 13:36, Benoît Presles wrote:
>>> Dear Thomas,
>>> I have just performed some tests with the last commit of the master 
>>> branch and unfortunately I am still experiencing some issues.
>>> My tests are performed on the same image as before: when you add a 
>>> landmark with the space bar I can now see the cross representing the 
>>> landmark but its coordinates are wrong in the "landmarks panel".
>>> It seems that it does not take into account the TransformMatrix from 
>>> the image header.
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ben
>>> On 09/01/17 14:56, Thomas BAUDIER wrote:
>>>> Hi Benoit,
>>>> Thanks for your feedback.
>>>> I think it's ok with the new commits on the master branch.
>>>> Thomas
>>>> On 2017-01-07 11:59, Benoit Presles wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I recently wanted to add landmarks to a 3D mhd image with the 
>>>>> following header:
>>>>> ObjectType = Image
>>>>> NDims = 3
>>>>> BinaryData = True
>>>>> BinaryDataByteOrderMSB = False
>>>>> CompressedData = False
>>>>> TransformMatrix = 1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  -1
>>>>> CenterOfRotation = 0  0  0
>>>>> AnatomicalOrientation = RAI
>>>>> Offset = 0  0  0
>>>>> ElementSpacing = 0.625  0.625  2.5
>>>>> DimSize = 512  512  121
>>>>> ElementNumberOfChannels = 1
>>>>> ElementType = MET_SHORT
>>>>> ElementDataFile = copd1_eBHCT.img
>>>>> As you can see, the TransformMatrix flips the z axis. With this
>>>>> transformation matrix, I cannot add landmarks (pressing the space 
>>>>> bar)
>>>>> to the image.
>>>>> In the file vvSlicerManager.cxx, in the function "void
>>>>> vvSlicerManager::AddLandmark(float x,float y,float z,float t)", vv
>>>>> never enters in the if.
>>>>> I tried with some other TransformMatrix like 1  0  0  0 1  0 0  0
>>>>> 0.5 and it works fine.
>>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Ben
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