[Vv] " Using CLITK to find intensity value based on physical coordinates"

Vivien Delmon vivien.delmon at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Jul 11 12:03:30 CEST 2013

On 07/09/2013 11:35 PM, Bilal Tahir wrote:
> Dear VV/CLITK community,
> Is there a command line function within CLITK which when given specific
> 3D coordinates (or even a text file like the landmarks in the popi
> model) outputs the corresponding intensity value?
> Best wishes,

Hi Bilal,

There is no tool like this in clitk/VV but it should be quite easy to 
implement it, you can have a look at clitkMaskLandmarks which apply a 
mask to a set of Landmarks.

Kind regards,

Vivien Delmon
PhD student at CREATIS, Lyon
Supported by ANRT and ELEKTA

Expression Rationnelle :
De l'anglais regular expression dont l’abrégé est regexp, regex ou
encore expreg. On emploie couramment le terme expression régulière car
le terme anglais est regular expression qui s'abrège en regexp. Mais ne
nous y trompons pas, en français, ce sont bien des expressions
rationnelles.  (Wikipedia)

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