[Vv] Subtracting a preset value from the image & thresholding query

Rômulo Pinho romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr
Wed Feb 13 13:40:31 CET 2013

Hello, Bilal,

It seems you've found a (rare! :-p) bug in VV! Sorry for that... Please 
find an update at


As for the thresholding, maybe you've seen the Binarize option under the 
Tools menu item. It does nearly what you want, except that you can't 
really control the standard deviation... You basically set up the range 
of values that you wish to threshold, click OK, and a new image with the 
result is generated, which you can save afterwards.

If you want to know the SD of the image (and other stats), I suggest you 
try the clitkImageStatistics tool, which is also part of the VV suite. 
Than you can do your own calculations and find the range for the 
thresholnding. As a side note, you can also use the clitkBinarizeImage 
tool for the thresolding.

Let us know if you any issues.


Rômulo PINHO
Post-doc Assistant Researcher
Centre Léon Bérard
28, rue Laennec 69373
Lyon, France
+33 (0)4 78 78 51 50
romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr

On 02/13/2013 02:17 AM, Bilal Tahir wrote:
> Dear All,
> In tools > Image arithm there are a number of operations that can be 
> performed on a single image. However, there doesn't seem to be an 
> option to subtract a value from the image data - only addition is present.
> I want to subtract 1 from each pixel in my image.
> In the Sum A(x) + v option I try to set the value as -1 but it doesn't 
> allow me to set a negative value? Is there an option to do it in vv?
> Furthermore, I would like to know if vv allows for thresholding of 
> image data. E.g. I would like to set all values above a certain value 
> to zero e.g. Say I want to set all values of pixels above 1 standard 
> deviation to zero but at the same keep the pixel values for those 
> below this threshold, is there a way this can be done within vv?
> If not, is there any software that can do this easily for .mhd 
> metaimage/DICOM files without needing to convert them into MATLAB and 
> convert them back?
> Best wishes,
> Bilal Tahir,
> James Morrison Researcher in Radiotherapy Imaging

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