[Vv] Fwd: Double-oblique Images in VV

Vivien Delmon vivien.delmon at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Oct 30 16:03:03 CET 2012

On 10/26/12 11:46, Simon Rit wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> I've been trying to open a couple of double-oblique files (File->Open
> Image(s)) in VV and for some reason in crashes. There's a VTK error
> window that pops up for a second, but it disappears too soon to read
> the error message. Does VV write log files somewhere?

This bug have been solved this morning. I will ask to Simon to compile a 
new snapshot of VV for you.

> I've actually tried VV a few month back, but couldn't load my images
> so I gave up. All of my images come from DICOM initially, but I save
> them either in MHD or NRRD.
> If you'd like to try and open one of the images I'm experimenting with
> and the corresponding VDF, the links are below.
> I've verified the CM014_angio opens just fine in Slicer 3D and in
> Seg3D (http://www.sci.utah.edu/download/seg3d/), so I'm wondering what
> that error message that I can't see is.
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/9smifslmgic6qc6/CM014_angio.zip
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/cdd28m0kv3x8h2r/CM014_vdf_perf_STRESS_15_to_4.zip

It should work with the new snapshot.

> I'm able to open CM014_angio if I use File->Open nD image as (n-1)D +
> t image and then I can also open the VDF. So in this case I can
> pretend to examine the 3D image as a set of 2D slices. This seem to
> work for the double-oblique orientation and when I use "Reset
> transformation to identity".
> Now, since you suggested you'd want to hear about my experiences with
> VV, at this stage I'm thinking I'd like to zoom in on a part of an
> image and the corresponding VDF, but I can't see a way of doing that
> apart from loading a ROI from file, which I didn't try. I tried using
> Tools->Crop and as a result I end up with a cropped image with the
> temporal size of 1 slice, which is somewhat unexpected.

If you press F1 in VV it will open a help window with the description of 
all available shortcuts. To zoom in an image you can either use i/o or 
ctrl + mouse wheel. You can although downsample your vector field in the 
overlay tab.

> In my case I want to compare deformation fields obtained with BSpline
> transforms parametrised with different grid sizes to find the optimal
> grid parameters.
> Overall I really appreciate you approach in emphasising the value of
> deformation field visualisation and I'm going to play further with VV
> to see how it can be useful in what I'm doing.

Enjoy it.

> Regards,
> Constantine

Kind Regards,

Vivien Delmon
PhD student at CREATIS, Lyon
Supported by ANRT and ELEKTA

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