[Vv] Deformation field error

Vivien Delmon vivien.delmon at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Fri Feb 3 14:03:59 CET 2012

On 02/01/2012 09:39 AM, Ryosuke Matsuo wrote:
> Vivien and Rômulo,
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> As I tried it in vv (open the fixed3.png and overlay --> add deformation
> field to current image), I got the following error at vtkOutputWindow:
> "ERROR: in c:\work\vtk\common\vtkDataArrayTemplate.txx line 317 ...
> vtkFloatArray (05D7D320): Unable to allocate 100664289 elements of ..."
> and then the application stopped working (not responding).
> Did I miss something here?
> Best,
> Ryo

Hi Ryo,

I tried on my windows version of VV I didn't get any trouble opening 
vector fields.

Did you compiled vv yourself ? or did you take the binary version ?

Vivien Delmon
PhD student at CREATIS, Lyon
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