[Vv] help about 2D+t deformation field view

zhangzhi at csee.ogi.edu zhangzhi at csee.ogi.edu
Sat May 14 10:24:31 CEST 2011

Dear VV Developer:

     I would like to visualize the 2D+t sequence image registration  
result by overlaying the displacement field together with the image  
sequence, however, there is some problem that the deformation field is  
not visible. What I have done is like this:

1. I have a 2D+t image sequence image saved in a 3D(X*Y*T) mhd data  
set(I combined the image together by simply stacking frame by frame),  
I?load it by using the 'open xD image as (x-1)D+t image' and load the  
image in VV.
2. Then I use the 'add deformation field to current image' to overlay  
a deformation field also in 3D(X*Y*T). but the deformation field is  
not visible.

I have tried to load the example 4D image by
1. file->open images and
2. open xD images as (x-1)D+t images
then in the image info panel, the image size are both 144x108x42x10,  
and the green 'play' button can be used to play the sequences.  
However, with the 2D image sequence, it seems it is different.  I  
combined a 2D image sequence with 21 images and each with size 274x192  
into a 3D image (a single mhd file).
When I open the image file by using
1. file->open images, I got in the info panel a 3D image size with  
274x192x21, and I can not play the sequence ( because the play  
sequence button is inactive). I can load a 274x192x21 vector field to  
overlay with the image, but the displacement field is not correct.

2. if I open it by "open 3D images as 2D+t images", I got in the info panel
as 274x192x1 image and I can play it. But with this when I load a  
displacement field with size of 274x192x21 mha field data, the  
displacement field shows nothing.

I wonder what is the right way to show the deformation of 2D+t sequence?
Thank you very much for your help.


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